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FE5: Which route should I take?


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A or B?

I'm currently leaning towards B because I kinda want to try out Miranda, but I'm not sure if she's worth it.

Route A. You get better items that route, another A rank staff user, don't have to steal the Blaggi Scroll off Amalda, and the badass that is Eryios. A weak mage you get late with wrath is like...a real bad idea.

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I'm yet to do route A.

Miranda isn't really worth it, unless you're feeling like scroll abusing her all the way. Even then, her main weapon would probably be Fire Magic... which is only desirable if you have a lot of unused Meteors in your convoy.

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It's your choice.

Route A (west) is what I call the Solar Route since you get the Solar Manual. Route B (east) is the Lunar Route since you get the Lunar Manual. They each have their own stuff you can get.

Among the characters, you get Sleuf and Misha in the Solar Route while Miranda and Shanam are in the Lunar Route. None of these units are spectacular but Sleuf has an A in staff (letting him use Warp right away) while Shanam has Bargain (identical to Silver Card). If Olwen is dead or unrecruited, then you can recruit Eyrios in the Solar Route but it's not recommended since I think Olwen is much better.

As for items, the Lunar Route has quite a lot of enemies with good weapons including a Pugi Axe. The Solar Route contains a huge amount of stealable Thorons. It also has some good weapons but not as much as Lunar Route. The Solar Route instead has a couple of Holy Waters, two Warp staves (one of them held by enemy), and a Rescue Staff while the Lunar Route has a boss with a Berserk Staff. Also, you'll have to waste a Sleep Staff to recruit Misha in the Solar Route. Both routes have one Knight's Proof.

It might seem like the Solar Route is better but in my opinion, the Lunar Route is easier. For one thing, turns 12-14 of Ch 17A are going to be absolutely agonizing. It's only three turns but it's really painful. And both chapters of the Solar Route have some annoying Ballistae.

Take whichever one you prefer.

Edit: Forgot to mention Sara. She's recruitable in both routes but she comes earlier in the Lunar Route.

Edited by LightBrand99
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I suggest the route with Sleuf, just because I consider it more fun, and you get Sleuf. It's fun to kill Eyrios, it's fun to recruit Sara, and there's some challenge. For the other route, Shanam is crappy and the first map is too slow with it's forest.

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I suggest the route with Sleuf, just because I consider it more fun, and you get Sleuf. It's fun to kill Eyrios, it's fun to recruit Sara, and there's some challenge. For the other route, Shanam is crappy and the first map is too slow with it's forest.

Also warp tiles.

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Sleuf fanboys/fangirls

If you take the time to abuse train Miranda, she is going to be great.

Shanam has a saving grace that is Bargain, letting you have an infinite ammount of Knight's Proof, with a lesser cost.

Though yea, Solar Route has harder Chapters, but better characters.

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Solar Route has a sexy Rescue staff available as well as two Warp staves, but at the cost of Bargain and five turns of UTTER HELL.

16B is too slow, 17A is just hell from 10 - 15...

I like A route more for the chapters, but B route gives you a Puji as well.

I just alternate routes, personally. I took the B route first time, then the A route on the second playthrough.

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Solar Route has a sexy Rescue staff available as well as two Warp staves, but at the cost of Bargain and five turns of UTTER HELL.

16B is too slow, 17A is just hell from 10 - 15...

I like A route more for the chapters, but B route gives you a Puji as well.

I just alternate routes, personally. I took the B route first time, then the A route on the second playthrough.

I never got those five turns of utter hell. I got the warp and rescue staffs from the villages, stole the wind sword, captured the dark bishop and got the goodies, recruited Sara, warped Asvel to the boss and killed the boss, warped Leaf to the gate, and had Leaf seize the gate, all within the first four or five turns. Not in this exact order thought.

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I'm incredibly picky with my Warp staves so I only tend to use them when I reaaally need to :x The second time I tried 17A I did fine anyway since I just got all my units to the forest patch at the top and waited out the five turns. I wasn't even getting attacked for the first three or so. Pity those armour units have a movement star.

I find it funny how when


appears the music changes to the "you're screwed" music the game has so very often.

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I find it funny how when


appears the music changes to the "you're screwed" music the game has so very often.

Because we are indeed screwed. Even the game admits/agrees.

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I'm not too sure with FE5 but do authority stars only affect units that have the same affiliation as the unit with the authority stars?

If that is the case then I don't think the Freeji Mage Knights actually get the auth bonus, but the armours definitely get it.

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Solar Route has a Rescue staff available as well as two Warp staves, but at the cost of Bargain and five turns of UTTER HELL.

16B is too slow, 17A is just hell from 10 - 15...

I like A route more for the chapters, but B route gives you a Puji as well.

I just alternate routes, personally. I took the B route first time, then the A route on the second playthrough.

Technically, it's more like turns 12-14. That's three turns. In 10-11, the armors won't reach you that fast. 12 is when the nightmare truly gets scary while the nightmare ends in the beginning of 15's enemy phase.

I'm not too sure with FE5 but do authority stars only affect units that have the same affiliation as the unit with the authority stars?

If that is the case then I don't think the Freeji Mage Knights actually get the auth bonus, but the armours definitely get it.

Yes, they do. So those Gelpritter Mage Knights don't get the insane bonus. Still, they're level 15 promoted so the shouldn't be underestimated. The good news is that the rewarping dark mages don't get the bonus so their Yotsmung is pretty much always going to miss.

Oh, some advice for dealing with the mage knights: Send a flyer to that area. They're all gonna rush towards it but with only 2 movement on forests, they won't reach the flyer. This way you could keep distracting them from your main force by making them run around through the forests until you have all the armor knights taken care of (like, 1-2 turns after the nightmare ends).

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Yes, they do. So those Gelpritter Mage Knights don't get the insane bonus. Still, they're level 15 promoted so the shouldn't be underestimated. The good news is that the rewarping dark mages don't get the bonus so their Yotsmung is pretty much always going to miss.

Really? Wouldn't this mean that authority stars conferred by any of your ally units don't matter? Because that certainly isn't the case.

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Really? Wouldn't this mean that authority stars conferred by any of your ally units don't matter? Because that certainly isn't the case.

Leadership stars affect all units of that particular army. Look at the second page of the Unit Data. Above the leadership stars, the army that unit belongs to is written (can't read Japanese so I don't know what that part is called). So among the blue units, since they're all from the same army, every unit will get the combined leadership bonuses from every leader of your army (Leaf, Fin, Glade, etc but only if you take them). But enemies come in different armies. The second page of the Unit Data tells you which army a particular unit is from. Then that unit will get bonuses from every leader of that army.

Also, choosing the second option of the Map Menu (shown as "Data" in the translation) shows you objectives, turns, money, etc and it also shows how many armies are currently there at the moment and how many units each of them have.

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and the badass that is Eryios

the main reason.

First- "borrow" olwen's weapons, and either have her "trip" of a peak, or send her accidentaly into a crowd of enemies.


Now that you accidentaly lost her, you might as well go A and get eyrios, who is amazing.

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