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Intoner Two

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omg...I'm so, just generally pissed right now...

so my grandfather goes grocery shopping and stuff right? well, when he's stopping at the local supercenter (after doing his grocery shopping elsewhere) to make an insurance payment at the bank, so fucking tards go and steal a bag of groceries containing beef jerky, broccolli, beans and some candy out of his truck...so why am I so pissed?! that jerky and broccoli was for me...HOW STUPID ARE THESE FUCKERS NOWADAYS!? WHY DO THEY NEED TO STEAL F-ING GROCERIES?! THEY OBVIOUSLY HAVE MONEY IF THEY CAN GET AWAY IN THEIR ONE DAMN CAR!!!! grrrrrr......that was my food >_<; and I, myself, don't have any damn money to my name since my grandfather decided to dump it on CD stock...I AM SOO MAD....RAEG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



f-ing lazy, stupid, rednecks...


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You should had beat the shit outta the guy. It does happen when people steal other people groceries.

I would have if I were there :(

Stealing groceries from an old man? What kind of wannabe gangsters are these?

quoted for emphasis as to why I'm so disgusted

...Since when are rednecks known for stealing groceries? Incest, yes, but groceries?

apparently now (granted I don't live in the true redneck ghetto nearby but this is really sad)

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Stealing groceries from an old man? What kind of wannabe gangsters are these?

They got big earrings, baggy pants, their hair is shaggy, but they don't care! They're wangsters! They think they are straight up G's! They're wangsters, with cheap jewelry!

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