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I'm leaving for a week for an interview at a school in Texas. If any melodramatic bawwwfests take place, please PM some excerpts my way.

Be seeing you.

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See ya Fox. I pray nothing too bad happens.

I'd also like to take this chance to say "Hey, I'm back from my one week vacation!" 'Course a couple of you probably saw me around yesterday, but I didn't do much.

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Doom didn't finish.

He meant: "Don't come back without bringing back a souveneir!"


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I am guessing U.T.

Although he'll probably respond later, I thought I would just fill in that he is applying to the Gemini School of Visual Arts. It would be a little silly to apply to a state university so far away when there are plenty of excellent ones in New England.

Good luck to ya bro. Although... I'll probably just fucking call you or spam your comments page.

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I am guessing U.T.

Nope! If I were looking to apply to a state college, I think I would have applied to one a little closer to home. (I did, by the way.) I'm applying to a very, very small art school a few miles north of Austin, and a personal interview is part of the application process. My interview is tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes.

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