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Is that at me or Tatsumaki?

None of my teams are RNG abused (well except for my "RNG abuse" team, but I never use that one) I mostly focus on getting characters with balanced growths, and figuring out the best combinations available to use.

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From what I saw your team was pretty damn solid for not being RNG abused. I'm sure reclassing and stat boosters help, but still...

On topic: I'm at work now but I'd be up for some matches later this evening (against anyone).

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From what I saw your team was pretty damn solid for not being RNG abused. I'm sure reclassing and stat boosters help, but still...

On topic: I'm at work now but I'd be up for some matches later this evening (against anyone).


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If you look at the averages for the units I used, you'll find that my team lies exactly on them. I can't remember exactly what my horsemen were trained as, but it was basically knight->horseman. Besides, my Sylvan team is currently my worst team (excluding DivineCrusade which was custom made to have no forged weapons). I have stronger teams that are not RNG abused, although I prefer my Sylvan team because it's the oldest team I have (it predates the American release of the game)

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I didn't mean to imply your stats were too good to be usual, I only meant that your team was well planned and constructed. Looking back at my post I can see how that came across wrong.

Unless Quanchino shows up soon, I have an empty room anyone is welcome to fill.

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I didn't mean to imply your stats were too good to be usual, I only meant that your team was well planned and constructed.

ya me too, I'd like to know what you do because I've played many and beat many but you are just good for a lack of better words

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For characters, it's mostly just looking up averages and trying every combination to see what gives the best results.


For strategy, it's just experience. I've played over 2000 wifi battles, which helps develop a lot of tricks that can win matches XD The two together is how I normally play. My Sylvan team isn't statistically the best team on the block, every unit can be killed 1-1 given the right circumstances. But I know how to avoid the circumstances as best I can, so I can cover a lot of the weaknesses inherit in the team.

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So sylvan, i would like to consider myself as good..not on your level but better than most. What do you think of my new breed team (if you remember) from yesterdays battle. Im just trying to improve and in the process of making another team

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If you want to ask personal opinions, might I suggest the Private Message option? Not a huge deal but it keeps the thread cleaner.

I am done for the night, but I'd love to continue playing against you guys tomorrow. Mizz, it sounds like you've got teams you want to test. I believe I could at least give you a decent challenge if you wish to play against me (later).

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So sylvan, i would like to consider myself as good..not on your level but better than most. What do you think of my new breed team (if you remember) from yesterdays battle. Im just trying to improve and in the process of making another team

lol, I suck at rating people XD

Rather than saying good or bad I'll give you a 7/10. Your better than 99% of people on with anyone, and probably better than 50% of the people on my FC list (which is full... i need to clean it up)


If you want to ask personal opinions, might I suggest the Private Message option? Not a huge deal but it keeps the thread cleaner.

I am done for the night, but I'd love to continue playing against you guys tomorrow. Mizz, it sounds like you've got teams you want to test. I believe I could at least give you a decent challenge if you wish to play against me (later).

woops my bad, didn't see this post

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I'll play someone in about 15 minutes. I'm gonna go finish my driver's ed now!

UPDATE: W00T I FINISHED IT!!!1! but i can't do wifi right now. Sorry all!

Edited by cheezperson
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