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Now before we start with the yiff in hell business, this isn't about furries and their "lifestyle". Rather this is about the CONCEPT of anthropomorphism. Just the idea of being part some creature. Whether there's any possibility or not, if you give a damn anyways, or how impacting it would be. Ya know, that stuff.

Personally, I'm pretty sure it's not happening, at least not anytime soon.

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Actually, Anthropomorphism is really the other way 'round. They're Anthropomorphic Animals. Anthropomorphism is applying human characteristics to essentially inhuman things.

For example, the idea of the Grim Reaper (Death) is essentially Anthropomorphism of a natural occurrence.

Its just that Anthropomorphic animals are more commonly talked about

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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Why is it I thought you'd be the first person to post here? How weird is it that I was right? o0;;

Actually, Anthropomorphism is really the other way 'round. They're Anthropomorphic Animals. Anthropomorphism is applying human characteristics to essentially inhuman things.

Aren't we all just animals in a way anyways? It's just combining one with anther, but you get the point I'm sure.

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Gee, how sad :(

I have nothing either. I'll just put that so I don't get warned again <3!

Then you had no reason to post.

And although it appears it isn't actually "Anthropomorphism", as for what you described in the first post, does that suggest the possibility that humans are part animal/have animal parts/etc?

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And although it appears it isn't actually "Anthropomorphism", as for what you described in the first post, does that suggest the possibility that humans are part animal/have animal parts/etc?

Well anthropomorph means human morph. Humans are animals, just we don't call ourselves that because of various reasons. It doesn't change anything anyways, so...yeah.

Anthropomorph now that I think about it could mean anything. But considering I brought up furries and being one, I'm sure the people here know what kind of anthropomorphism I mean.

I mean think about it, having claws, the eyes of an animal with better vision than ours, various other things. All can discuss such things here in this topic. Doesn't have to retain to my examples either, as long as it stays in the lines of anthropomorphism.

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Aren't we all just animals in a way anyways? It's just combining one with anther, but you get the point I'm sure.

But what I said was that Anthropomorphism was applying HUMAN characteristics to non human things. I barely mentioned animals at all.

What I'm saying is that you can't have an "anthropomorphic" human, humans are already human. Making them anthropomorphic doesn't suddenly give them animal parts. :P

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Are you asking what I think of anthropomorphism or what I think of furries?

I think anthropomorphic thinking can be interesting (death mythology), benign (assigning human intelligence and motivations to pets), or at times an impediment to understanding (assigning "will" to evolution).

I think furries, on the other hand, are obnoxiously loud fetishists.

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But what I said was that Anthropomorphism was applying HUMAN characteristics to non human things. I barely mentioned animals at all.

What I'm saying is that you can't have an "anthropomorphic" human, humans are already human. Making them anthropomorphic doesn't suddenly give them animal parts. :P

Goddammit, you know what I'm trying to say!

Look....basically...the idea....is a human that is part other animal...lets leave it at that...mkay? We can call it Hybridism or whatever. Just please tell me you get the point I'm trying to make here...

To Der Kommisar: That's why we're discussing the concept of...well I can't seem to find the right word for it, but yeah, the idea for the whatever the right word for it is that furries like. If it were to discuss furries themselves, we'd all agree they're annoyingly obnoxious and the topic would die within the hour and then generally be a waste of time. XD

Edited by Destiny Furry
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Mm, semantics, I love 'em.

The idea of mixing human and animal parts doesn't appeal to me at all; I enjoy my humanity quite so. If you think about it, even if you did contemplate some sort of 'mixing', the benefits would be minimal unless you plan on swapping brains while you are at it. The brain is designed to process information of only a certain type; that's why people need glasses, as their brains can't connect the image made by differently focused corneas (or whatever the problem). There's nothing inherently wrong with the magnifying effect of, say, near-sighted corneas, except our brains aren't wired to process that information as it is given. Transplanting animal parts, then, would never work (and the problem would not just be in the occipital lobe for sight, but throughout the brain because sight is such an integral sense). Same goes for any other sensory replacement. Most other body parts would seem useless and inhibiting, such as having a tail which I'm sure is the wet dream of many a furry; our bodies are precisely fitted to only our body parts. Claws would remove our dexterity, tails would remove our balance, full-fledged wings would be physically impossible to fit on our frame with proper lifting power, etc. etc. etc.

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Mm, semantics, I love 'em.

The idea of mixing human and animal parts doesn't appeal to me at all; I enjoy my humanity quite so. If you think about it, even if you did contemplate some sort of 'mixing', the benefits would be minimal unless you plan on swapping brains while you are at it. The brain is designed to process information of only a certain type; that's why people need glasses, as their brains can't connect the image made by differently focused corneas (or whatever the problem). There's nothing inherently wrong with the magnifying effect of, say, near-sighted corneas, except our brains aren't wired to process that information as it is given. Transplanting animal parts, then, would never work (and the problem would not just be in the occipital lobe for sight, but throughout the brain because sight is such an integral sense). Same goes for any other sensory replacement. Most other body parts would seem useless and inhibiting, such as having a tail which I'm sure is the wet dream of many a furry; our bodies are precisely fitted to only our body parts. Claws would remove our dexterity, tails would remove our balance, full-fledged wings would be physically impossible to fit on our frame with proper lifting power, etc. etc. etc.

Semantics are indeed fun.

Good point about the eyes. Hadn't really given that part thought, but I was just throwing random stuff out there to get the ball rolling. You seem to have done the job of it too.

Wings indeed would be useless, no doubt about it. Our bodies just aren't built for flying, period. Claws and tails though...What if we could make the claws retract? I'm sure one would think of that before doing it, as claws out would mean closing your hand would be hard without cutting your hand. Plenty of animals have retractable claws, if we were gonna do it, I'd hope we'd have thought of that first.

Tails...I'm not sure about this, but I heard it would be better for balance. I'm sure we'd have to get used to it due to not being used to it, but I'm sure it would be the case for any of this stuff.

To Der Kommisar: Ok. Not quite the point of the topic I'm trying to make, but ok. It's not for everyone.

Edited by Destiny Furry
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Wings indeed would be useless, no doubt about it. Our bodies just aren't built for flying, period. Claws and tails though...What if we could make the claws retract? I'm sure one would think of that before doing it, as claws out would mean closing your hand would be hard without cutting your hand. Plenty of animals have retractable claws, if we were gonna do it, I'd hope we'd have thought of that first.

What happens to your fingers' bend-ability when you 'retract' the claw? It's not going to work like Wolverine, either, those would require removing the tendons that extend your fingers on the metacarpals. Animals with retractable claws can't do much else with their digits, as much as they may wish to; my cat gets on my keyboard all the time, and all she types is aoaaaaaaaaaaap[[opj and such. I'm fairly certain that, being our only other highly technical evolutionary trait besides brain power and bipedalism, one would wish to keep finger dexterity.

Tails...I'm not sure about this, but I heard it would be better for balance. I'm sure we'd have to get used to it due to not being used to it, but I'm sure it would be the case for any of this stuff.

The only reason quadruped animals have tails is because they have unequal weight distribution. Noticeably, all animals which tend toward bipedalism have short or non-existent tails, like ourselves and our close relatives gorillas and chimpanzees. They get in the way of walking using two feet, and having already achieved a fine balance on two feet, using less energy than four feet plodding along with a constantly correcting tail whisking about, the tail becomes outdated. Evolution doesn't favor these things randomly.

Our bodies are only going to work well when they are fully human.

Edited by Crepe Knight
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What happens to your fingers' bend-ability when you 'retract' the claw? It's not going to work like Wolverine, either, those would require removing the tendons that extend your fingers on the metacarpals. Animals with retractable claws can't do much else with their digits, as much as they may wish to; my cat gets on my keyboard all the time, and all she types is aoaaaaaaaaaaap[[opj and such. I'm fairly certain that, being our only other highly technical evolutionary trait besides brain power and bipedalism, one would wish to keep finger dexterity.

The only reason quadruped animals have tails is because they have unequal weight distribution. Noticeably, all animals which tend toward bipedalism have short or non-existent tails, like ourselves and our close relatives gorillas and chimpanzees. They get in the way of walking using two feet, and having already achieved a fine balance on two feet using less energy than on four and a constantly moving tail it becomes outdated. Evolution doesn't decide these things randomly.

Our bodies are only going to work well when they are fully human.

I always did suck at biology. Well, now I know, right?

Seems the only reason then would be for purely aesthetic reasons.

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I don't really much get what Anthro whatever means. But from what I've read in the upper posts, it sorta refers to a cross between animals and humans? Correct?

I only see this applying to Satan's army. It is said in the book of revelations, if you've read it, you probably know what I mean.

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I don't really much get what Anthro whatever means. But from what I've read in the upper posts, it sorta refers to a cross between animals and humans? Correct?

I only see this applying to Satan's army. It is said in the book of revelations, if you've read it, you probably know what I mean.

You'd be right...but what does satan's army have to do with this? The whole mark of the beast thing? Ya know, not everything in the bible should be taken literally...

But otherwise, you have no thoughts on it?

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I always did suck at biology. Well, now I know, right?

Seems the only reason then would be for purely aesthetic reasons.

If you like extremely high rates of transplant rejection, scars, weakened immune systems, and dead things hanging off your body (I highly doubt that it would be possible to link the nerves from another genus and our own, as each animal species varies in its peripheral nervous system), then yes. I can't see any aesthetic appeal even in idea, but that's just me.

You're going to have to keep animal adornment a strange fantasy.

Edited by Crepe Knight
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You'd be right...but what does satan's army have to do with this? The whole mark of the beast thing? Ya know, not everything in the bible should be taken literally...

But otherwise, you have no thoughts on it?

The mark of the beast? If you mean the 666 then no, the mark of the beast has always been marked upon evil people. If you've read the book of revelations I am sure you have read where it says about God's loyal servants having a mark on their forehead AKA as their father's name. Well, the 666 is what you'd refer to as Satan's mark upon his servants, the evil people, basically anyone who does not believe in God has this mark.

As to having thoughts on it, no, I don't think it would apply to our world. But I think it is possible for Satan's army to be a cross between animals and humans, monsters, not to mention demons. He, after all, is the ruler of this world. He can do anything.

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If you like extremely high rates of transplant rejection, scars, weakened immune systems, and dead things hanging off your body (I highly doubt that it would be possible to link the nerves from another genus and our own, as each animal species varies in its peripheral nervous system), then yes. I can't see any aesthetic appeal even in idea, but that's just me.

You're going to have to keep animal adornment a strange fantasy.

Never said it would be safe (or reasonable), but people do strange stuff for looks as it is. Like I said, would not be realistic to even think something like this would be happening anytime soon, because...well...what you said,it's very stupid, unrealistic and unsafe anyways.

Yeah, aesthetics seem to be a ways off by a very great amount. But I can dream, can't I? Sometimes I need a dose of realism, I severely lack it.

To uhh...dammit, who was the person who posted before the new page? The bible guy, forgot your screen name. Ok, makes sense then. I get what you mean. Think it would be brought up though if something like this could possibly happen?

Edited by Destiny Furry
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Never said it would be safe (or reasonable), but people do strange stuff for looks as it is. Like I said, would not be realistic to even think something like this would be happening anytime soon, because...well...what you said,it's very stupid, unrealistic and unsafe anyways.

Yeah, aesthetics seem to be a ways off by a very great amount. But I can dream, can't I? Sometimes I need a dose of realism, I severely lack it.

To uhh...dammit, who was the person who posted before the new page? The bible guy, forgot your screen name. Ok, makes sense then. I get what you mean. Think it would be brought up though if something like this could possibly happen?

Yes, I think so.

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Yes, I think so.

I think it'd be hilarious really. In america, right wing bashes it for dumb reasons, left wing defends it for dumb reasons, people will make bills to allow or ban it and when it comes down to vote time every rep is on Twitter. Europe would probably go "oh whatever" and just let it because really who gives a damn and japan will have not only done it, but continue to try and perfect it to the point where bizarreness is made out of it.

Earth is funny at times.

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I think it'd be hilarious really. In america, right wing bashes it for dumb reasons, left wing defends it for dumb reasons, people will make bills to allow or ban it and when it comes down to vote time every rep is on Twitter. Europe would probably go "oh whatever" and just let it because really who gives a damn and japan will have not only done it, but continue to try and perfect it to the point where bizarreness is made out of it.

Earth is funny at times.

I agree with your last comment. Earth is funny at times, or the people living in it.

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What happens to your fingers' bend-ability when you 'retract' the claw? It's not going to work like Wolverine, either, those would require removing the tendons that extend your fingers on the metacarpals. Animals with retractable claws can't do much else with their digits, as much as they may wish to; my cat gets on my keyboard all the time, and all she types is aoaaaaaaaaaaap[[opj and such. I'm fairly certain that, being our only other highly technical evolutionary trait besides brain power and bipedalism, one would wish to keep finger dexterity.

The only reason quadruped animals have tails is because they have unequal weight distribution. Noticeably, all animals which tend toward bipedalism have short or non-existent tails, like ourselves and our close relatives gorillas and chimpanzees. They get in the way of walking using two feet, and having already achieved a fine balance on two feet, using less energy than four feet plodding along with a constantly correcting tail whisking about, the tail becomes outdated. Evolution doesn't favor these things randomly.

Our bodies are only going to work well when they are fully human.

Absolutely correct. People, the human body is built a certain way because that is how it works. You cannot simply slap on limbs like humans are Spore-creatures and expect it to click together like organic Legos.

I only see this applying to Satan's army. It is said in the book of revelations, if you've read it, you probably know what I mean.

You are an absolute riot.

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