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The World Is gonna End


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Let us assume the end of the world is happening, ((Any end that you people believe in)) What would you do if you saw yourself caught in the middle of all the chaos?

Me? According to what I believe, I'd probably be scared as hell, but also very glad. Satan's demise will only be the beginning for a new world without evil, where people who believed in Jesus and followed his ways and did what he asked us to do will live in peace and forever in this same earth.

But, like I said, I'd be scared for a simple reason, and that is because I know that when the time comes for all this to happen, my faith will be put to the test. This means that I must endure lots of tests, heck, there is a big probability I will have to stare death in the eye during the tests. If I succeed and remain loyal to God til the end, even if I die, I will be granted eternal life. All will be bliss in the end. It's scary for a witness like me, for as I type this here, I imagine myself staring at this scenario in real life and I know it wont be pretty.

So, if you read this and later in this life you see this happening to people like me, remember that I was very scared but also very happy.

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I'd grab my non-existent shotgun and blow the heads off the zombies. Oh, by the way, you're a religious freak. Good day.

world without evil

Evil shall always exist in the hearts of men. You, yourself, know this to be true. So long as one possesses something there is one who wishes to take it away.

Edited by Lachesis
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Being as something being evil is opinion, and not all people will share the same opinion that nothing is bad, I'll have to go with a big lol.

I would go around forcing Christians to sin at gunpoint and then I would execute them.

By the way Loki, I do see what you are doing.

Edited by Death
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Being as something being evil is opinion, and not all people will share the same opinion that nothing is bad, I'll have to go with a big lol.

I would go around forcing Christians to sin at gunpoint and then I would execute them.

By the way Loki, I do see what you are doing.

Great plan bro, I'm totally joining you. We can be the Sodomy duo. If I'm going to hell, I'm taking a lot of people with me.

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I'd grab my non-existent shotgun and blow the heads off the zombies. Oh, by the way, you're a religious freak. Good day.

Evil shall always exist in the hearts of men. You, yourself, know this to be true. So long as one possesses something there is one who wishes to take it away.

Not for long, though.

Being as something being evil is opinion, and not all people will share the same opinion that nothing is bad, I'll have to go with a big lol.

I would go around forcing Christians to sin at gunpoint and then I would execute them.

By the way Loki, I do see what you are doing.

And what would that be?

Wait, sodomy?! I want in!

Even if my faith was put to the test, I'd be glad to face your gun. Because in the end, it was written that all this would come to happen. One thing that would sadden me deeply though would be what you would be getting in the end. As to me, I'd be revived, I'd be given a new name and life and the past would be gone forever, you'd be gone forever too and I would enjoy eternal life.

--Besides--Death is but a second of pain, if you can call it that.

Edited by ((Räd Quetz))
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One thing that would sadden me deeply though would be what you would be getting in the end. As to me, I'd be revived, I'd be given a new name and life and the past would be gone forever, you'd be gone forever too and I would enjoy eternal life.

An eternal life of misery and suffering over the regrets of your life and not being able to save the damned. Me? I'll enjoy oblivion.

Or not.

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1. I wouldn't be in the middle of it. More of off to the right.

2. The world is ending. I would just go about my business as usual or fend off crazy people like Death (or zombies). It's not like it'd be a special day I'd be able to remember and treasure always. Eventually I'll be dead, no matter what I try to accomplish that day.

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