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Girls-They are confusing


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Actually, both genders are kinda easy to understand. Thing is, we think about it from our gender perspective.

Also, take in mind, there's no one who will teach you accurate data about why one gender or the other behaves in a given way.

Society seems only to mind cognitive intelligence, leaving social intelligence (which minds this kind of things) on the sidelines. It's a big mistake, given the fact that humans are social creatures, but I don't feel like extending myself :/


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Society seems to think that people pick up social intelligence "on the way" (i.e. in schools and whatnot). If you're the kid that's picked on in school, you're SOL.

The most vital point of any relationship is trust. Do you trust your significant other so much that you can speak your mind without having him/her dump you on the spot? Without trust, you're better off NOT in a relationship.

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No... Just no... Then I can say "All guys just think with their dicks."

Maybe no one on this forum is like that, but this is generally the right idea.

A man only wants a woman he is attracted to, and that totally rules out their personality for the time being.

Personality doesn't come into the picture until later. I guess you can say that is shallow, but hey some guys really do only think with their dicks.

Also, what I said earlier obviously doesn't apply to every girl, I don't really pay attention to stereotypes.

Edited by FEFL
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Girls. You can't live with 'em, but you definitely can't live without them. Without women, the world would be pretty gay

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Girls. You can't live with 'em, but you definitely can't live without them. Without women, the world would be pretty gay

Quite gay. Quite gay, indeed. Plus the chance of having children would equal zero... Which would create a paradox, because there would be no women to have the men born in the first place.

Congratulations, you just divided by zero.

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Well... at that point I think we'd evolve to be asexual creatures of some sort. Or we'd evolve genders like some frogs do.

Wait, what?


You can't fucking evolve when you can't reproduce. It. Doesn't. Work.

As for some comments:

I know Rei was making a point, but somebody else was talking about that...

I suppose that means I think with my dick, hey? I mean, I'll up and admit it, I'm not going for a girl who I don't find hot. Its just not happening.

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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For one, that was a joke. But certain frogs really do have the ability to change genders.

I know. I was simply pointing out that humans couldn't get that ability if there where only dudes left, because in order to EVOLVE, you need to reproduce. Although, theoretically, if there was a very slow decline of men, over generations we might adapt...

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