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Serenes Forest: The Sitcom!

Metal Rabbit

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The opening for season 4 is a double feature!

First up is the filler so do enjoy!



Brawl: Ready? GO!

Zephrion: I'm not losin' this time!

Raven: The hell ur not!

Zephrion: Hey! I thought we said no items!

Raven: We said no items except the smash ball.

Zephrion: You douchebag!

Metal Rabbit: Did someone call me?

*trips and throws potato into TV screen*

Raven: O_o

Zephrion: o_o

Metal Rabbit: ._.

lol, dammit sakurai!

Raven: Do you know what'll happen when CGV sees the TV like this?

Zephrion: It'll be worse than the time Kiryn broke the blender...


Kiryn: No!!!

*the blender explodes*

Kiryn: Who put rocks in the blender???!

Metal Rabbit: *raises hand*

Kiryn: What is wrong with you?!!

Metal Rabbit: Fireman told me I could make salt from rocks.

Kiryn: But that takes years of enduring weather!!!


Metal Rabbit: I KNOW THAT. That's why I put them in there, to speed it up.

Gawd Kiryn, I'm not an idiot! :D

*CGV comes into the kitchen*

Metal Rabbit: Bye!


CGV: I'm gonna make a smoothie. Where's the blender?

Kiryn: *nervous*


CGV: Kiryn!? Why did you break the blender?!

What in goddess's name is wrong with you?!

Kiryn: It wasn't me! It was MR!

CGV: MR isn't here, so I'm gonna yell at you.

*starts shouting and makes Kiryn cry*


Metal Rabbit: lol

Zephrion: Okay... don't panic...


Zephrion: I said don't panic!!!

Raven: o_o

Zephrion: Think Zeph...


Raven: What is it?

Zephrion: We blame someone else!

Raven: I blame Zeph!

Zephrion: No way! I blame Zeph!

Oh wait...

Metal Rabbit: How about this? Let's put a blanket over the TV so noone will see it.

We'll get a new one!

Raven: Let's do that!

Zephrion: It'll have to do...

But what about a backup plan?

Raven: MR, you run interference so noone will look under it.

We can go out and get a new set.

Zephrion: No you idiot! It has to be the same one or he'll suspect something!

Raven: Whatever...

*they leave*

Metal Rabbit: ...I'm bored.

*goes does something else*



Bianchi: Isn't it a wonderful day to be alive?

Lyle: ...Isn't everyday a wonderful day to be alive?

Fireman: *to himself*

It's a wonderful day to take lives...

Bianchi: Poo. Don't be a downer Fireman!

Fireman: I'm the happiest I've been since the assasins war over two decades ago.

Lyle: What now?

Fireman: I remember it like it was yesterday...

Me and 12 other recruits all aspiring to be the next Fireman. We were locked in a forest near Goldoa with nothing but our weapons.

We all had to live off the land and kill each other. Last one standing won.

Bianchi: So you won?

Fireman: Nope.

I stayed alive for a week eating squirels that came across my path.

Lyle: Ew... :/

Bianchi: Were they good?

Fireman: They were fucking delicious. Then after I ate every squirel there I found another animal to eat. Forgot which one...

I'll think of it later...


Lyle: Okay... you do that.

Bianchi: That's what we should do Lyle!!!

Lyle: You mean vanish like the wind?

Bianchi: No silly! We should survive in a forest on our own for a week! It'll make us appreciate life more!

Lyle: Um... you're gonna make me do this regardless of what I say, aren't you...

Bianchi: Come slave!

Lyle: -_-



CGV: I'm gonna go watch TV...

Fox: Hold it! You said you'd help me look for that book today!

CGV: When did I ever promise that?

Fox: I shoved a playboy in front of you and you said you'd do it.

CGV: Damn, that's my one weakness!

Fox: C'mon. You can watch TV later.

Hika: Can I come? I got a CD I wanted to return...

*shows Micheal Jackson CD*

Fox: What's wrong with it?

Hika: When ever I play a song from it, it keeps repeating:

"I'm gonna watch you when you sleep, gonna get in bed with you and touch your peep"

In a falsetto and yet somehow friendly voice.

CGV: O_o

Fox: C'mon...

*they leave*

Metal Rabbit: *wakes up*

I have to do something... what was it?

Fireman: I ate something... what was it?

Metal Rabbit: Coin for your thoughts?

Fireman: My thoughts are 10000 gold.

Metal Rabbbit: ._.

*Fireman leaves*

Metal Rabbit: I know! I'll go harrass Kiryn. She likes it when I do that.


(Kiryn's room)

Kiryn: GET OUT! You perverted freak!

Metal Rabbit: It's cuz I'm asian?

*she throws him out of the room, and he lands into a wall head first crashing through it*

Metal Rabbit: *muffled*

This is AWESOME! :D


(Yard sale)

Raven: You think we'll find one here?

Zephrion: We better...

Man: Can I help you two?

Zephrion: Yeah, we're looking for a used TV that's this model:

*shows pic of a drunk CGV making love to the TV*

Man: Wow, what a coincidence... someone here just bought that same model like 6 minutes ago.

Raven: What?

Zephrion: Where'd they go?

Man: They went up.

Raven: Lol wut?

Man: They flew. They were hawks.

Zephrion: What the fuck do hawks want with a TV set?!



Hawk leader: And now bretheren, behold the wonder of television!

Hawks: Ohhh... wow... awesome!

Hawk leader: Let us bask in its glory!

*turns it on and watches Jackass*

Hawks: ._.



(Right below them)

Man: Would you care to browse more? We have a lovely selection of knitted gloves.

Raven: Wow, can I see them?

Zephrion: ._.


Raven: I mean... those are for gay people!

Let's leave Zeph!

Zephrion: We'll try that superstore over there.

Raven: Makes you wonder why we didn't just go there in the first place.



Bianchi: Come Lyle!

Lyle: Where are we going to do this little venture?

Bianchi: In the forest of course!

Lyle: How is that a challenge? The base is right over there. See? MR's waving at us.

*waves back*

Bianchi: We're going to eat squirels and survive for a week!

Lyle: :P


(Yard sale)

Fox: Excuse me sir, do you have this book?

*shows pic*

Man: Let me go check...

CGV: *looks through things*

Hika: lol, CGV look!

*he's wearing a bra*

I'm Fox! I wear big brassiers and stuff them with tissues!

CGV: lol, that's so true!

Fox: What are you jackasses doing?

Hika: Nothing.

Man: I'm sorry miss, we just sold that book to a bunch of tigers.

Fox: Where are they?

Man: They've been long gone.

Fox: Well what the hell would tigers want with a book like that?!


Tiger: I gotta take a crap.

Other Tiger: Make sure you wipe yourself...

Tiger: I will...

*grabs book and rips pages out of it*


CGV: Let's go check out that superstore then.

Hika: Makes you wonder why we didn't just go there in the first place...



*MR's eating popcorn*

Kiryn: Hi, whatcha doing?

Metal Rabbit: *mouth full*


Kiryn: You sicken me.

*storms out*

Metal Rabbit: ._.

*reads playboy*



Bianchi: There aren't any squirels!!!

Fireman: *burp*

Of course not.

Lyle: o_o

Bianchi: Where are they?

Fireman: Ate 'em.

*pulls out another one and eats it*

Lyle: *vommits*

Bianchi: How are we supposed to survive without squirels?

Fireman: Well if I remember what else I ate, I'll be sure to tell you.

Lyle: And how much will that cost?

Fireman: 500.

Lyle: *pays*

Alright, answer!

Fireman: I'll tell you for free.

Lyle: What? Then why'd you ask for 500 gold?

Fireman: Because you wanted to know how much it would cost. The info on the info cost 500 gold.


Bianchi: You can be so stupid sometimes Lyle! :P

*looks for more squirels*

Lyle: ._.



Raven: Let's look in the TV section...

Zephrion: No duh dimshit.

*they look around for the model*

Zephrion: I can't find it...

Hey dude...

Clerk: Can I help you?

Zephrion: You have this TV in stock?

Clerk: *looks around*

I'm required to say no, but I can get you that model for cheap. Meet me in the ally later with 3000 gold.

Zephrion: Awesome.

(Other part of store)

CGV: Why do you want this book?

Fox: Cuz I do. Now help me look for it.

CGV: *leaves*

Hika: I'm gonna return this CD.

Yo clerk dude!

Clerk: Yes?

Hika: I wanted to return this MJ CD...

Clerk: Is that the new one?

We're not allowed to take it back.

Hika: Why the fuck not?

Clerk: Read the sticker on the back.

Hika: It says "All profits go to the Michael Jackson's defense fund"


Clerk: Sorry.

Fox: Hey! I found it!

Hika: You found what you were looking for?

Fox: Yep, and its brand new!

Clerk: I'll ring that up for you in a few minutes miss, I gotta be somewhere.




Zephrion: He said he'd be here...

Raven: Just wait.

*clerk comes out wearing a hoodie and nose glasses with the little moustache*

Clerk: Got the cash?

Zephrion: Got the goods?

*clerk pulls out TV set*

Clerk: You gotta do something for me first...

Zephrion: We need this TV, so anything...

Clerk: I want you to

(inside store)

CGV: ...where does this door go to?

*opens it and goes into ally*

CGV: O_o

*Zeph and Raven have their pants pulled down while the Clerk takes pics with a camera phone*

Zephrion: What are you doing here?

CGV: ...that's kinky.


Raven: ...

Zephrion: Here's your gold you pervert.


Clerk: Right. Later.



Fox: Let's go home...

Hika: Whatever...

*throws CD into trash*

CGV: Wait for me...

*they all leave*

Boy: *picks up CD*

Mommy! Can I keep it?

Mom: I told you to stop picking up trash...

Boy: Please?

Mom: ...Micheal Jackson? Well alright.

Zephrion: *pulls up pants*

We gotta rough this thing up, so it'll look like out current one.

Raven: Okay... *he criticals it*

Zephrion: O_O

Raven: Oops... maybe it wasn't the best day to bring my Killingedge...

Zephrion: You think?!

We're fucking dead now!

Raven: Calm down, what's the worse that can happen?

(The worse that can happen)


*draws cleaver-type weapon*


Zephrion: o_o



Bianchi: So... hungry...

Lyle: We've only been here for an hour.

Bianchi: It feels like a week...

Lyle: ...*gets idea*

It.. has been a week.

Bianchi: Really?

Lyle: Um, yeah. We so did it.

Bianchi: Let's celebrate!!!

Fox: Hi guys!

Hika: ...

Bianchi: Hello Fox!

Hika: Aren't you forgetting someone?

Bianchi: Where's nightmare?

Lyle: He said he wanted a vacation. He was tired of your incompetence.

Hika: He has a valid point. That's why I left.

Lyle: I always thought it was cuz she couldn't remember your name.



Metal Rabbit: Hey Fireman!

Fireman: *remembers*

That's it!

Metal Rabbit: What's it?

Fireman: The other thing I ate to survive was rabbits!

Metal Rabbit: ._.


Fireman: *stares intently at MR*

Metal Rabbit: ._.

Yeah, I'm gonna go outside for a bit to clear my head...


*he runs out the door with Fireman chasing him*

Kiryn: I hope he eats him...

*pulls blanket off TV*

Kiryn: Holy crap!

*CGV comes in*

CGV: I'm beat... now to watch TV...

Kiryn: o_o

CGV: ...

Kiryn? Why are you standing in front of the TV?

Kiryn: *she starts to cry a little bit*


(Forest outskirts)

Zephrion: Well we're sunk...

Raven: I just wish the answer would fall out of the sky, ya know?

*the TV falls from the sky*

Zephrion: .-.

Raven: ._.

Zephrion: C'mon! Let's take it before its too late!

*they grab it and run*

Hawk: Take that bitch! *smacks other Hawk with a baseball bat*

Hawk leader: Where's the TV?

*gets hit on head with bat*



Fox: Well I'm gonna go read this book...


*MR and Fireman come running out of the house*

Hika: Nothing weird bout that.

Lyle: So that's it...

Hika: What's it?

Lyle: He ate squirels and... rabbits.

Bianchi: Get him! C'mon you two!

Hika: I don't work for you anymore!

Bianchi: I said c'mon!!! >_<

Hika: ...whatever.

*they leave and Zeph and Raven come scurrying in with a TV set*



CGV: *yells at a sobbing Kiryn*

Fox: ...


Zephrion: We got it...

Raven: Too late...

CGV: Huh?

Zephrion: Yeah, Kiryn didn't break the TV. We were out trying to find a new one all day.

CGV: ...

Raven: It was all MR's fault. No joke.

CGV: I'm sorry Kiryn.


Kiryn: *still sobbing*

Zephrion: There there...




Bianchi: Where is he?

CGV: What are you all doing?

Bianchi: We're going to eat MR.

CGV: Kay, but I wanna be the one who kills him.

Fireman: Whatever...

Metal Rabbit: *hiding in bush*

(It's perfect! They'll never find me...)

*puts on nose glasses with moustache*

Metal Rabbit: Hi people!

CGV: Oh, hey. What's your name?

Metal Rabbit: Not Metal Rabbit.

CGV: Cool.

*MR trips and his awesome disguise comes off*

Metal Rabbit: Dammit Sakurai!

Sakurai: *laughs*


(Later in the base)

*everyone's taking turns turning the MR on a spicket over a fire*

Metal Rabbit: :D

(Fox's room)

Fox: Now let's start reading...

*she starts reading "My Life as a Porn Star"*


The end. Lolz.

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The second part:

This is a special episode that does not focus on funny, but instead on background.

Only the original cast members (barring Hika and Fireman) appear in it. I'm sorry but I couldn't think of a legit way to include you without making it seem forced. I'll make it up to ya another time.



*Kiryn's sleeping all snug in her bed*

Kiryn: -_-




*two people standing on the open plains*

Dude: ...will you marry me?

Girl: Oh yes!!!

*they embrace*

*then everything turns grey and the two people fade*

*darkness, and the sound of wings beating*

Girl: *sobs*

I've... never felt so stupid!

*her sobs are drowned out with the sound of soothing galdrar*



Kiryn: -_-


Metal Rabbit: :D

*rises slowly from under the bed*

*he goes over to her computer, turns the speakers up to MAX volume and highlights a Fall Out Boy song*

Metal Rabbit: :D

*the alarm goes off*

Metal Rabbit: Ack!

*he loses balance and crashed through the monitor, getting stuck*

Kiryn: *yawn*

*puts on snooze*

*she puts on a robe*

Kiryn: Good morning MR...

Metal Rabbit: G'morn!

*she leaves*

Metal Rabbit: Must... break... free!

*he struggles and hits the play button on accident*


*"Sugar We're Going Down" starts playing on full blast*

Metal Rabbit: I hate this song! But I kinda like it too...




*CGV's cooking eggs and spam*

Zephrion: Spam? Are you kidding me?

CGV: Nope. Vincent wanted us to get rid of all the spam inside the forest.

Zephrion: :P

Fox: Good morning sunshine!

Kiryn: Good morning Fox.

Fox: I had a weird dream last night... It involved a clown who kidnapped me and then tried to sell me to the apostle. She bought me and I spent a year learning ettiquete...

Kiryn: ...

Fox: You okay?

Zephrion: It could be that we're eating spam >_>

CGV: Dude, go starve then.

Kiryn: I had a weird dream too. It's one that I've had for a long time. I can't figure out what it means... you know what I'm saying?

Fox: *ignores*

...so then I met this noble from Crimea and then we went back on his wyvern...

CGV: Yeah Fox, noone cares.

Fox: #

*puts her fist in his mouth*

Zephrion: ._.

CGV, I didn't know you were into fisting... or incest.

*Kiryn leaves*



Kiryn: *sigh*

Why can't I figure this stuff out?

???: Perhaps you can't remember it.

Kiryn: !

Oh... it's you MR.

???: Nope. I'm more like an alternate personality. Call me Arc.

Kiryn: Ok, now you're just being weird...er.

Arc: You say you can't make sense of that recurring dream. Probably because the memories surrounding it have disappeared.

Kiryn: How do you know this stuff?

Arc: As a fellow victim of amnesia, I sympathise with you. I can only remember the past 5 or so years.

Everytime I try and remember all I see is darkness.

Kiryn: Say for a moment I buy all this. How do I regain those memories?

Arc: Sometimes all it takes are key words to unlock things in your mind.

Kiryn: Alright, where do I find those?

Arc: You've already got two of them, you just haven't realised if yet.

Think back to what Fox was saying this morning.



Fox: *ignores*

...so then I met this noble from Crimea and then we went back on his wyvern...

Kiryn: Crimea? Wyvern?

Arc: These are the two keywords.

Kiryn: Alright, but now what happens?

Arc: Perhaps you've unlocked new memories? You'd have to fall asleep and dream them.

(Fades back to reality)

Kiryn: I don't feel tired though...

*a crash and a stack of Spam hits her and knocks her unconcious*

Zephrion: That's what I think of your stupid spam!

CGV: Well then YOU explain it to Vincent!

*the yelling is drowned out by labored breathing, and everything gets dark*



Kiryn: I... I can't die here!

*she's running through the forest*

Voice: Where did it run?

Voice: I hear something that way!

*they go in her opposite direction*

Kiryn: Oh thank goddess...

*flapping of wings*

Kiryn: Huh! More of them?

*she tries to hide*

Man: Hey girl! Yes you.

*he gets off of his wyvern*

Man: You're safe now. My peg knights are driving the hunters out of the forest as we speak.

Kiryn: ...

Man: We are the Crimean flying troupe. We were coming back from Begnion from a peace mission and we saw your situation from overhead.

Kiryn: *she's hesitant*

Man: ...My name is Sir Thomas. Would you give me your name?

Kiryn: I'm... Kiryn.

Thomas: What a lovely name...

*the other peg knights come back*

Knight: Sir! The rougues have been excorcized from the forest.

Thomas: Good.

*he hops on his wyvern*

Kiryn: Wait!

Thomas: Yes?

Kiryn: Take me to your... Crimea. Please.

Thomas: Hop on.

*she mounts his Wyvern and the troupe leaves the forest*

Kiryn: This is flying?

Thomas: Do you want me to take it slower?

Kiryn: N-no. This is... incredible...



Kiryn: I remember something...

*she goes inside, ignoring the brick-like stacks of spam that KOed her just moments ago*

CGV: You know, you've never like my cooking!

Zephrion: Nothing's wrong with your cooking! It's the stuff you cook!

*she ignores and goes into her room*

Kiryn: Arc?

*MR is still stuck in her monitor*

Metal Rabbit: What now?

Kiryn: Can I talk to Arc?

Metal Rabbit: There is no Arc, only MR.


Kiryn: Oh...

Metal Rabbit: He told me though that you're having memory problems.

Kiryn: I remembered something new just now. It explained the two key words I got earlier.

Metal Rabbit: Hmm... can you hand me my bow? I got something in my teeth I wanna get out.

Kiryn: It's not here.

Metal Rabbit: Dammit. Well find another girl that can help me, would ya?

Kiryn: (Two more words!)

Metal Rabbit: This is boring! :o

Kiryn: (I just gotta fall asleep...)

*she spies a bottle of sleeping pills*

Kiryn: ...

*she takes one*

Metal Rabbit: Kiryn?

*his voice of strange concern is drowned out by war cries*



Kiryn: ...

Thomas: I have to train the knights today. Care to watch?

Kiryn: Alright I guess...

*he leaves and a girl came in*

Girl: Oh, I didn't think anyone was in here...

Kiryn: Do you need a moment alone?

Girl: No... its...

My name's Roxy.

Kiryn: That's such a cool name... :o

Roxy: It is? ^_^

Well what's your name?

Kiryn: It's Kiryn:

Roxy: It's so pretty!

Kiryn: Thank you!

*notices her locket*

So what's the story with that?

Roxy: It has the pic of someone I love.

Kiryn: Like family?

Roxy: Well... not yet.


But I couldn't fly without it.

*they talk for a little while*

Roxy: Damn, I have to get to training...

*she leaves*

Kiryn: !

*she picks up a locket that Roxy dropped and runs to catch up with her*

Kiryn: Where?

*Roxy's gone already*

Kiryn: I gotta find her...

*sees pegasus*

(In the skies)

*Kiryn's riding a pegasus really fast through the clouds trying to find her friend*

Thomas: We're going to practice dodging ballistae today. If you get hit, you're dead.

...literally. These are real ballistae and they are real bolts fired by real marksman.

Roxy: (Oh no! My locket...)

Thomas: Begin!

*ballistae fire from below, aiming at Kiryn*

*she dodges over a dozen shots without breaking a sweat*

Thomas: No fucking way...

Roxy: Kiryn!

*the other knights sound impressed*

Marksman: Yo! We're out of ammo.

Thomas: Everyone back to base...

Kiryn: Roxy! You forgot this!

Roxy: Thanks.

That was awesome!!! Where'd you learn to fly like that?

Thomas: I'd like to know as well. Were you a former begnion knight?

Other knight: She looks way too young to be an experienced knight...

(on the ground)

Kiryn: Sir Thomas, I'd like to join the flying troupe.

Thomas: ...very well. I'll make the arrangements.


(skips forward to about a month later)

Thomas: Attention all knights! We're going to have a deathmatch.

The winner will accompany me to a dinner with the queen.


*all the girls are chatting*

Kiryn: I wanna go...

Roxy: Good luck with that. All these girls here have the hots for the captain and you know how hard fangirls will fight.

Even if the fight's impossible.

Kiryn: That's true


Roxy: What you need is some sort of an edge...

I mean you're a great fighter for a new recruit but you need something to help you...

Kiryn: I don't really believe in good luck charms.

Roxy: Think! What common trait do all these girls have?

Kiryn: Herpes?

Roxy: Well yes. But I'm talking about bows! They all fly and a bow will take them down like that!

Kiryn: Isn't it kinda weird for a flyer to use a bow?

Roxy: You wanna win, don't ya?

Kiryn: Yeah...

Hey are you entering?

Roxy: No, I already have a boyfriend...


Kiryn: Aww, I didn't know that!

(Next day)

Thomas: The deathmatch begins... now!

*the knights fly up high and start beating the shit out of eachother so they can get a date with the handsome captain*

Kiryn: I probably should have practiced before I started...

*dodges javelin*

Knight: Hey slut!

Kiryn: huh?

Knight: Lol, you looked!

Kiryn: It's now or never!

*she fires a bow and KOes that bitch knight*

Kiryn: I did it!

*she goes around dodging and shooting for a while, and peg knights dropped from the sky like mobile homes after a storm*

Thomas: Impressive! Looks like you've won...

Kiryn: ^_^



Metal Rabbit: Fine! Ignore me!

Kiryn: Ugh...

Metal Rabbit: I'll sue your for neglect! I'll go all Pheonix Wright on your ass!

Kiryn: I remembered... alot more. But it still doesn't explain my dream at all!

Metal Rabbit: Yes, let's ignore my problems for your pasty branded whiny-ness.

Kiryn: ! You know about that?

Metal Rabbit: Duh... all laguz can sense branded.

Fox is one. Bianchi's one. I'm cool with it because you're all hawt.

Kiryn: I still don't know what the first part means... two people confessing their love on the open plains...

I mean if that was me, then why am I not still there?

Metal Rabbit: It could be that you're not the girl getting married.

Kiryn: Well I need to keep going! I have another key word.

*she takes another pill*

Metal Rabbit: Hey! At least get one of the others to pull me outta here! Kiryn?

*voice fades*



Kiryn: Um... Captain Thomas?

Thomas: It's late Kiryn. Go to your barracks.

Kiryn: No sir...

Thomas: Excuse me?

Kiryn: Sir... I love you.

Thomas: *speechless*

Kiryn: I wanted to know how you felt about me.

Thomas: ...Kiryn, this love can't be.

Even if i did feel that way about you, the nobles here wouldn't let us get married... I mean look at you.

You're a branded.

Kiryn: ...

Thomas: Besides, my heart belongs to another.

I'm sorry.


*she runs out in tears*

(Next day)

Roxy: I'm so sorry Kiryn...

Kiryn: *sniff*

Roxy: I hate to leave you right now, but I need to meet my boyfriend.

You stay here and cool down.

*she leaves*

Kiryn: Oh, what the hell?

*she picks up Roxy's Locket and trails after her*


Dude: ...will you marry me?

Girl: Oh yes!!!

*they embrace*

*Kiryn comes in and sees Thomas and Roxy kissing passionately*

Kiryn: :o

*she drops the locket, and it opens to reveal a pic of Thomas*

Kiryn: ...

*she runs away*

Roxy: Wait! Kiryn!

*she jumps on a pegasus and flies away*



Kiryn: *sobs*

I've... never felt so stupid!

(This part gets hazy, and short memory bursts come to light)

-The Serenes Forest at night

-A man shooting another man

-A shining blast of light


-Then a soothing Heron song sweeps her trouble away

Metal Rabbit: Kiryn!!! Wake up!

Kiryn: What are you doing in my dream?

Metal Rabbit: Dammit!!! Fox! CGV! Anyone!

Kiryn: What's going on?!



Metal Rabbit: Wake up!!!

*he's pushing on her chest*

Zephrion: She's losing pulse...

Metal Rabbit: Dont die on us!!!

Kiryn: Uh...

*she starts to come to*

Zephrion: Oh thank goddess...

Kiryn: What's wrong!

Metal Rabbit: DON'T scare us like that!!!


Zephrion: You overdosed on sleeping pills... you almost died...

Kiryn: I'm sorry...

But now I remember everything. It makes sense...

Zephrion: You need rest. Don't pull that crap again.



Kiryn: Hey MR?

Metal Rabbit: I fixed your monitor.

*he taped it up and used staples*

Kiryn: What do you remember about your life before you came to the forest?

Metal Rabbit: ...Don't remember. I figure I'll remember when I'm supposed to.

Kiryn: Where's Arc?

Metal Rabbit: What difference will it make? Arc knows everything I know. He doesn't remember any more than I do.

Kiryn: Thanks for talking to me earlier outside.

Metal Rabbit: Are you high? I've been stuck in the monitor all morning till Zeph pulled me out. I never went out.

It's probably all in your head.

Kiryn: ...

*she takes a nap, and for the first time in a long time, she dreams good dreams*


The end.


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Tiger: I gotta take a crap.

Other Tiger: Make sure you wipe yourself...

Tiger: I will...

*grabs book and rips pages out of it*

I loled so hard. Another great series of episodes Arc. *High fives Arc, Arc slaps Lyle.* Ow. Well you're still cool in my book.

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I lol'd hard, but someone's been haxing with my memories. I haven't finished my history yet.

actually, where this picks up it's been quite a few years since your story began.

it was so you had wiggle room for more of your story.

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But I don't have that many years. My character's still a teenager chronologically. Here...

-posts history moar in a minute-

Don't worry about it, it's a sitcom. We can have people messing with memories. Heck, it could be the next major plotline...

But I'm a canon-loving bitch. And you're still a teen because you're a branded, duh.

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Also Arc, props on making my character like my character. I really don't like incompetence. :\ Also I better be back from vacation in later episodes!

Do you think I should do one of these history thingies so that you sitcom writers can get my character better?

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I think it's time I wrote an episode

This is filler I guess...

At the marketplace in town

Coolguyvaters: Ok everyone, buy what you need and let's go. We've got a mission ahead of us

Zephrion: What mission is that?

Fourth Fox of Fire: What other mission would it be? CGV needs to take over ANOTHER throne, remember? (to CGV) How many thrones do you need to take over anyway?

Coolguyvaters: As many as I can, hahaha

*everyone looks at him very weird-like*

Coolguyvaters: Oh, just buy your shit and meet me back at the base... geez...

Hikarusa: (to himself) Let's see... I need to get a Steel Axe, a Silver axe, some vulnerary and a forged throwing axe. *sees "Axe Shop"* Oh, here we are. *walks in*

Clerk: Hello there, what can I do for you today?

Hikarusa: I need a Steel Axe, a Silver Axe and forged throwing axe that does lots of damage

Clerk: Would you like to raise its accuracy?

Hikarusa: Naw, I don't have that much gold, and besides I'll make sure I strike the enemy

Clerk: Ok, then *gets Silver and Steel Axe and calculates the totals* these two will 1600 gold and let me get you that forged Axe *goes to back of the store*

Hikarusa: hehe, sucker *takes Axes and leaves*


Coolguyvaters:(to himself) I need a Steel Sword, a Killing Edge, a Storm Sword and a Silver Sword

Metal Rabbit: Hey, CGV! I wanna come with you, too! *trips while running* Damn it, Sakurai!

Coolguyvaters: but you don't use swords. Wait... what weapons DO you use besides stupidity?

Metal Rabbit: Any weapon I can get my hands on :D

Coolguyvaters: Riiiight. Wait, do you even have money to buy all those things?

Metal Rabbit: Sure! *shows a shitload of money*

Coolguyvaters: WOAH! how did you get all that money?

Metal Rabbit: well...


Raven: Ok, Metal Rabbit, you know what to do?

Metal Rabbit: Yes, just get a picture of Fourth Fox while she's changing. How hard could it be?

Zephrion: You're the man MR! And it's 50 gold a picture

Coolguyvaters: What are you guys doing?

Metal Rabbit: Oh, I'm just gonna take pictures of Four- *gets cut off by Raven*

Raven: pictures of fourth fox's eggs in a nest. No, wait! I mean, four fox's... lying in nests with eggs...

Coolguyvaters: ......uh huh..... just make sure you don't get too close to those foxes, ok? *leaves*

Zephrion: Whew! Ok, MR, go get those pictures!

Metal Rabbit: Ok! *leaves*

Raven: this is gonna be sweet!

Zephrion: Oh man, I can't wait!

Metal Rabbit: I got 'em, I got 'em! *running... trips* Damn it, Sakurai!

Raven: Lemme see! *looks* woah! geez you got a TON of pictures!

Zephrion: Wow you sure did *looks through them* Very nice ones, too. How'd you do it? *pays*

Raven: yeah how did you do it? *pays*

Metal Rabbit: Easy! At first I just took a few annonymous ones, then I asked her to pose!

Raven and Zephrion: WHAT?! *looks through the end of the pictures and sees she is looking at the camera angrily*

Metal Rabbit: Then she said she'd pay me if I distracted you two, while she knocks you unconscious!

Raven and Zephrion: Huh what the- *WHACK!* *falls to floor unconscious*

Fourth Fox: Wow, that physic staves sure does the trick. Here you go, MR *pays 25,000 gold*

Metal Rabbit: Woohoo! Money!

(End of flashback)

Metal Rabbit: I did a few chores for people! *smiles big*

Coolguyvaters: .....uh huh.... well, you can come along, I guess

Metal Rabbit: Whoopie!

Fourth Fox: Hey, CGV, how goes the shopping?

Coolguyvaters: Pretty good. Hey, why are Zephrion and Raven with you? *to Raven* Don't you need Swords? *to Zephrion* and I thought you were all set?

Zephrion: We're just, uh, hanging with the Queen, you know? In case she needs protection

Coolguyvaters: But were in a marketplace in town, not a battlefield

Raven: Well, uh, you never know...

(Zephrion and Raven's flashback)

*Zephrion and Raven waking up in some strange place with only their underwear on*

Zephrion: ugh... wha? where are we? Raven, wake up!

Raven: *dreaming* Of course I like ponies mommy... *snore...*

Zephrion: Dammit, wake up! *nudges hard*

Raven: *wakes up* wha? what the hell is going on?

Zephrion: I dunno

Fourth Fox: You boys finally woke up

Raven: Fourth Fox? uh, hey, what's uh... what's goin on?

Fourth Fox: so you boys like to see me in my underwear, do you?

Zephrion: Well actually yeah we do, especially- *WHACK* ow! that hurt!

Fourth Fox: it was a rhetorical question! Anyway... since you've seen me in my underwear, everyone will see you in these nice undies I made

*Raven and Zephrion look down and realize they're wearing pink underwear with flowers on it*

Zephrion and Raven: AHHH!!!

Raven: Wait? Did YOU put these on us? ....nice....

Fourth Fox: No, MR did, and it only costed me 100 gold each

Zephrion: Aw, SICK!

Fourth Fox: Don't worry, he was gentle. Anyway, if you two don't want the embarassment of your life you'll do exactly as I say

Raven: What do you want? I mean, you know besides your.... sexual needs... hehehe

Fourth Fox: *WHACK* I need you two to buy me anything and everything I want when we go into town tomorrow. I need a lot of things and I'm all out of money

Zephrion: Yeah because you spent it all on MR!

Fourth Fox: I know, but I get to embarass you guys AND get anythying I want at the store. So? Do we have a deal?

(End of flashback)

Fourth Fox: cmon you two, let's go

Raven: Well we're gonna follow Fourth Fox around. bye! *leaves*

Coolguyvaters: I'll never get those two... anyway, cmon MR, I've got all my things except for the Silver Sword *sees MR playing with a Silver Sword* MR!!!

Metal Rabbit: *swinging it around like... well, like MR would do* WEEEEE! WOOOOOHOOOOO!

Coolguyvaters: Put that back! You'll hurt someone! Most likely yourself! Plus, the Silver Sword weighs a lot and you don't have the strength to even out it's weight!

Metal Rabbit: huh? *accidentally slices off woman's hair behind him*

Woman: *feels hair, then looks at MR with the Sword* Why you little!

Metal Rabbit: Hey, I'm not little!

Coolguyvaters: MR, let's go! *runs*

Hikarusa: *while running* CGV?! What did you do? *looks at MR with a Silver Sword* oh, nevermind

Coolguyvaters: What did you do? *sees Axes* Wait, I didn't think you had any money. *hears clerk screaming behind him*

Clerk: Get back here with my Axes!

Coolguyvaters: You didn't!

Hikarusa: I did... but hey, if you want to go back and talk to him, go right ahead!

Clerk: I'll get you! *throws forged Axe he made for Hikarusa, but it misses by a longshot* damn it!

Coolguyvaters: wow, that didn't even come close

Hikarusa: Well yeah, I didn't raise the accuracy on it so I know it wouldn't hit. And since your here with MR being dragged behind you, it went for him because he's the closest and since MR is holding a Sword, the accuracy went down even more

Coolguyvaters: You planned that all out?

Hikarusa: I knew MR would want to go with you and since you were getting swords I figured something like this would happen

Coolguyvaters: Wow, well, good strategy, I guess

*Fourth Fox, Zephrion, Raven, Kiryn, Lyle and Hikari join them in the running*

Coolguyvaters: What happened with you guys?!

Fourth Fox: uhhh.... let's get back to the base and we'll explain it there


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