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Serenes Forest: The Sitcom!

Metal Rabbit

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Which one?
Uhhh...the one mentioned in that episode...


nice episode, btw. cant wait for the next part

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Next installment:

*Tanas estate.*

Oliver: Mmmm. You know, many of my patients go for candy when they are ill. I try not to eat too much though, I like to maintain my shapely figure.

Fox: ...........*Looks at Zeph.*

Zephiron: Hey, you’re the one who suggested him.

Oliver: Now Raven......I want to ask you some questions. Is that alright?

Raven: Of course. *He smiles absentmindedly.*

Oliver: Okay. Now, I’d like to ask you.....what did you have for breakfast this morning?

Raven: Breakfast.........AHHH!!!!!! *He starts flailing around the room.* NO!!!! STOP!!!! DON’T DO THAT!!!! AHHHH!!!!!

*Fox and Zephiron barely manage to pin Raven down as he calms down again.*

Oliver: .....I’m sorry Raven could you repeat that?

Raven: Repeat what?

Fox: Don’t......

Oliver: I asked you what you had for breakfast this morning.

Raven: ......Breakfast......AHHH!!!! *He starts flailing again.*

Zephiron: Dammit! Are you stupid?!?!

Oliver: Well I haven’t gotten an answer from him.

Fox: You f***ing idiot!


CGV: .......

Hikarusa: ........So where do you think Metal Rabbit went?

CGV: I dunno.....................

Hikarusa: .......................


Hikarusa: ..................

CGV: ................You know this plot line really does suck.

Hikarusa: Yeah, but the game doesn’t

CGV: True. ..................

Hikarusa: ................

CGV: ....................

*Convenience store*

Clerk: So you want a medicine with about 5 times the power of Prozac?

Fireman: Yes.

Clerk: .......

Fireman: It’s not for me, it’s for a friend of mine.

Clerk: .....If you say so. That’ll be $29. 95

Fireman: Here.

Clerk: .....Thanks.

Fireman: What?

Clerk: Well it’s not often that people pay us here. Usually they ask for something that we have in the back and run off.

Fireman: ....Really?

Clerk: Yeah........Say.....you look like one of them....

Fireman: Uh....I got to go.

Clerk: You are one of them!!! *Takes out shotgun.* Come back here you!!!

*Fireman runs off.*

*With Lyle and Kiryn. Fireman just comes back.*

Fireman: *Heavy breathing.* Here.

Kriyn: Thanks. Why so out of breath?

Fireman: I was almost killed by the sales clerk.

Kiryn: Really? I’m sorry to hear that. Here Lyle. *She tosses the meds to Lyle, Lyle makes no effort to catch them.*

Lyle: ........I’ll pick them up, but I ain’t catching them.

Kiryn: Still, that sucks about nearly being killed Fireman.

Fireman: No worries. It’s been happening a lot lately.

Kiryn: Hm. That’s strange.

*An alarm goes off.*

Fireman: !!!

Kiryn: What’s that?

Lyle: .....It’s here.....it’s finally here.....

Fireman: What?

Lyle: M-my.....m-my.....

Kiryn: You’re what?

Lyle: MY DAY OFF!!!!!! I requested to have a day off from Hikari’s job since I was working triple shifts and today’s it!

Kriyn: Oh. So your shift today for me is over.

Lyle: yes.....yes it is.

Kiryn: Oh well.

Fireman: Well then, if you’ll excuse me.

*The ground breaks apart. A red glow comes from it. As the crevice opens wider, someone comes out of it.*

????: Not so fast Fireman.

Fireman: Damn.

Kiryn: Who-?

Wist: I am Wist. And I have come for you Fireman.

Fireman: Why me? What did I do?

Wist: Please. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed. Things have been happening all around you, each of them trying to kill you. That was my bidding.

Kiryn: What?

Fireman: Why do you want me dead?

Wist: Well, it’s not so much that we want you personally dead, but we Hell is running a bit low on souls and you are number one on our sin list.

Lyle: Sin list?

Wist: Yes. You see, all those jobs Fireman have been taking have been building up over the last few years. Now that we need a new soul in Hell, Fireman is perfect.

Fireman: But I’m not dead yet.

Wist: A minor detail we are willing to turn the other cheek for. We’ve been trying to kill you for a while, but now we’re just so fed up with it that I myself came here to take you to hell.

Fireman: You’ll have to catch me first. *Chains attach themselves to Fireman.* .....Well.....good job.

Wist: Thank you. As for you two, please, don’t try and save him. It’ll only hurt you.

*Wist drags Fireman down to hell. Fireman looks at Kiryn and Lyle, before the crevice closes completley.*

Lyle: Damn.....that’ll ruin your day.....oh well, it’s vacation time for me!

Kiryn: Lyle! We have to go save him!

Lyle: What? Why?

Kiryn: He’s our friend!

Lyle: So? It’s not like you guys would go to hell to save me.

Kiryn: Oh please Lyle, get over it.

Lyle: Okay, listen, even if we were to go save him, how are we going to get to hell?

Kiryn: Well-

Lyle: Besides the obvious method.

Kiryn: ......

Lyle: See? We have no way of getting there.

*Hikari shows up.*

Hikari: Guess what Lyle? I just finished making a portal to hell!

Kiryn: *Looks at Lyle.*

Lyle: Okay fine. But even if there’s a way, that still doesn’t give me incentive to risk my skin to go save him!

Hikari: Save who?

Lyle: Fireman.

Hikari: Oh.

Kiryn: Fine. I’m going by myself then.

Lyle: Guilt trip’s not going to work on me.

Hikari: Lyle........Please go....For me?

Lyle: Why do you want me to go?

Hikari: C’mon Lyle, for me? *Uses puppy eyes.*

Kiryn: Yeah Lyle. *Uses puppy eyes.*

Lyle: .......FINE!!! Maybe I’ll find my self respect there cause I know it’s dead.


Cellmate: *Plays Harmonica.*

Nightmare:.....Where did you even get that?

Cellmate: My boyfriend gave it to me.

Nightmare: ....Ew....

*Metal Rabbit pops out of the ground.*

Metal Rabbit: Hey Nightmare!

Nightmare: MR?!?! What are you doing here?

Metal Rabbit: Well I realized the plot line I was in sucked ass and would probably be thrown away for some other better plot line. So I decided to join this one!

Nightmare: Well, I’ve never been so glad to see you.

Metal Rabbit: Just stand back! I’m gonna blow this place wiiiide open!

Nightmare: With what? Why don’t we just escape? Causing a ruckus would only hurt us.

Metal Rabbit: Awww....But I want to cause a ruckus.......

Nightmare: Fine. Go ahead.....

Metal Rabbit: Hooray! *Takes out missile launcher.* Say hello to my little friend! His name is Jeff! He was helping me cook breakfast this morning.

Nightmare: This can’t end well.....



CGV: .................

Hikarusa: ..................

CGV: ...................

Hikarusa: ...............

*Tanas Mansion.*

Oliver: Now....I’m going to ask you one more time.....

Fox: Zeph, kill him. I have a better idea.

Zephiron: Got it.

Oliver: Raven, what did you have for- *A tornado engulfs Oliver and sends him flying out the building.*

Zephiron: There.

Raven: Goodbye Mr. Man.

Zephiron: Okay, so how do you plan on getting him back to normal.

Fox: Well......you’ll have to leave the room.

Zephiron: Why? I want to watch.

Fox: .....I’d kill you for saying that, but you’re too stupid to know what I’m about to do.

Zephiron: .....OH! Uh...well... good luck.

*Zephiron leaves.*

Fox: Okay.....Raven?

Raven: Yes pretty lady?

Fox: ...You know, I’m considering leaving you like this......but I’d never be able to get away with it so....

*She kisses him deeply.*

Raven: WOW!!!!!!!!

Fox: You can come in now Zeph.

Zephiron: That quick?

Fox: Yeah. He’s pretty easy. I’m glad I didn’t have to go any further.

Raven: Uh...I mean uh....what was that for pretty lady?

Fox: Too late.

Raven: Damn.

*At Hikari’s palace.*

Hikari: This is the portal.

Lyle: What does it run on?

*Hikari points to Masu, who is on an exercise bike riding it as fast as he can.*

Lyle: Ah.

Hikari: You’ll have about two hours before the portal closes, that’s usually how long Masu can last. He’s a wimp compared to you Lyle.

Lyle: .....Thanks. I guess.

Kiryn: Okay! Let’s keep on topic!!!

Hikari: Just walk through when you’re ready.

Lyle: *In his thoughts* (It’s not to late to back out of this Lyle.)

Hikari: Oh, and Lyle, if you try to back out of this, I’ll kill you myself.

Lyle: Damn.

Kiryn: On three!

Hikari: One!

Lyle: Two!

Masu: *Pant* Two and a half! *Pant*

Kiryn: Five!

Lyle: Three milady.

Kiryn: Right! Three!

*They jump through the portal.*

To be continued.

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Final installment!

*Jail. The smoke clears.*

Nightmare: What the hell is wrong with you!?!?!

Metal Rabbit: I wanted to cause a ruckus!!


*A siren goes off.*

Nightmare: Shit! We got to go now!

Metal Rabbit: I know! *He points the rocket launcher at the wall.*

Nightmare: NO!!!!!!



CGV: ........

Hikarusa: ........

CGV: You know, Metal Rabbit was right. We shoulda gone somewhere else. We don’t have any lines.

Hikarusa: True, but we won’t get killed or maimed or something.

CGV: True...................

Hikarusa: ..................

*Outside Tanas Mansion.*

Fox: Alright let’s go home

Raven: Man....I was so close to having sex with Fox.

Zephiron: She’s standing right there stupid.....

Fox: I’ll let that one slide. He did go through a lot with Metal Rabbit.

Raven: *Shudder.* Say....what’s going on over there? *He points to a building where there is a huge explosion.*

Zephiron: Isn’t that the prison?

Fox: There’s a prison?

Zephiron: Well, only for this story so there’s a ‘B’ plot.

Fox: Hm. Well, maybe we should check it out.

*Hell. Fireman wakes up, he finds himself in chains.*

Wist: Ah. You’re awake.

Fireman: ....I don’t suppose you’re gonna let me go?

Wist: [sarcasm] Of course, we’ll let you go right away Fireman. [sarcasm]

Fireman: Asshole.

Wist: Sure, go ahead an insult the man with your fate in his hands.

Fireman: Like you would show mercy anyway.

Wist: True.

*Hell’s entrance.*

Lyle: So, we have to be back here in two hours.

Kiryn: Yup. And with Fireman to.

Lyle: ....I guess.

Kiryn: Lyle, we’re not leaving without Fireman.

Lyle: Maybe YOU aren’t.....

Kiryn: Oh shut-up.

Lyle: By the way....how are we getting down?

Kiryn: Well, simple, we use those.

Lyle: .....Slides?

Kiryn: Yup. *She pushes Lyle down one, and goes down the other.*

*Other area of Hell.*

Wist: Well then, if you’re ready, shall we get started?

Fireman: What do you mean?

( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkhVS0Jke84

Robot Devil: Wist

Bender: Fireman

Leela: Kiryn

Fry: Lyle

Beastie Boys: Themselves


Fireman: What the hell was that?

Wist: Well, the producers wanted a song, and we didn’t have the funds to do it ourselves.

Fireman: Could you have at least changed the names?

Wist: You’re only hurting yourself by arguing.

*Kiryn and Lyle land on the ground.*

Wist: Hm?

Fireman: You two!?

Kiryn: We’re here to save Fireman!

Lyle: Wow, are they the beastie boys? No wonder they did so well in their career.

Wist: How exactly do you plan to save Fireman?

Kiryn: Well........

Wist: I didn’t think you’d have a plan.

Fireman: .....Crap.

Wist: I’ll tell you what though. I’ll make a deal with you.

Kiryn: A deal?

Wist: Yes. You two offer to share in Fireman’s punishment and it will be divided into three parts.

Kiryn: That doesn’t sound too bad.

Lyle: Kiryn......Infinity divided by three is still infinity.

Kiryn: Oh....right.......How about I trade you Lyle for him

Lyle: WHAT?!?!

Wist: Hm. Tempting, but I’d rather have a pure maiden.

Lyle: Then no luck here buddy.

Kiryn: *glares at Lyle.*

Lyle: What? You just tried to sell my soul.

Kiryn: No way Wist. No deal.

Wist: Whatever, I’ll just take you by force!

Lyle: Shit.

*Jail. Fox, Zephiron, and Raven watch as Nightmare MR and another guy come running out*

Fox: WTF?!?! Metal Rabbit? Nightmare?!

Nightmare: RUN!!!! *Behind them is a bunch of guards.* This moron had the bright idea to tell them where we were on the loudspeaker!

Metal Rabbit: Running is fun!

Raven: Uh.....well, it’s not fun, but certainly necessary here.

Knife: By the way, I’m Knife, it’s nice to meet you all.

Metal Rabbit: He followed us out here. Can we keep him?


*They all start running.*

*Hell again.*

Wist: Well now, * A whip materializes in his hand.* Shall we get started?

Lyle: WAIT!

Wist: What?

Kiryn: What?

Lyle: Um, I have a mathematical question for you. It’s sort of a riddle!

Wist: *Raises an eyebrow.*

Lyle: Alright. Let’s say there are two trains heading to Cleveland.

Wist: Okay...

Lyle: Alright, one is leaving from Texas, the other from New York.

Wist: Go on...

Lyle: Supposing both of them keep their stops to a minimum, and both are going 300 miles per hour, how long will it take for Fireman to sneak behind you and leathialitize your ass?

Wist: What?! *He turns around, no one’s there. He turns back and Lyle punches him in the face.*

Lyle: RUN!!!

*Kiryn, Lyle, and Fireman start running.*

Wist: Rrr. GET THEM!!!

Fireman: I don’t think so Wist! *He tosses a knife at him.*

Wist: *Catches it.* Hm? *It explodes.*

*As they’re running.*

Voice in the distance: Quick!!! Do a Barrel Roll!!!!

Kiryn: What was that?

Lyle: Don’t ask.

*Back at the base.*

Kiryn: Well, I’m glad everything worked out.

Fox: Yeah. *Raven, Zeph, Nightmare, and Knife are covered in bandages.* Although Metal Rabbit had the bright idea to shoot those guys.

Metal Rabbit: Well, I had one shot left, I didn’t want to waste it.

Kiryn: Still, it’s good to have good old Fireman back.

Fireman: Thanks. And it’s great to be back too. Plus, I can do my missions now, with no fear of getting sent to hell.

Kiryn: Why is that?

Fireman: Well the rule is, if you escape from hell once, you don’t have to go back ever.

Kiryn: That’s convenient.

Fox: Yeah. By the way, where’s Lyle?

Kiryn: Hikari and I agreed to give him the week off. We’re taking turns with Masu till he gets back. MASU!!! MORE SODA!!!

Masu: Yes mam!

Kiryn: He’s certainly no Lyle though.

Hika: Aren’t you glad we stayed out of all that?

CGV: ......Totally.

*On a tropical island.*

Lyle: Ahhhh......This is the life....

*Hikari pops out of the sand.*

Hikari: Hey Lyle!

Lyle: What are you doing here?!?!

Hikari: I just wanted to ask you for some help with something.

Lyle: But...I’m off....

Hikari: I wanted you to clean my leaf-trap. If you know what I mean...

Lyle: ......I guess I could do one thing......

The End.

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Voice in the distance: Quick!!! Do a Barrel Roll!!!!

haha. I lawled so hard when I read that. Great series of episodes. Quite epic

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I can't write TWEWU now, so it's MR to teh rescue!

*goes and writes quick*

I was thinking someone else would because you're working on TWEWU and I didn't want to overwork you. (Plus I want to see what happens.) But if you're up to it MR then go for it!!

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No, I can't do it because my file's at home and this is not my home. I can't actually remember where I was when writing.

Besides, you shouldn't worry about my sanity.

You should worry about getting laid like all normal teens.

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No, I can't do it because my file's at home and this is not my home. I can't actually remember where I was when writing.

Besides, you shouldn't worry about my sanity.

You should worry about getting laid like all normal teens.

.....Kay. *Goes to find a woman.*

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Haven't written anything for the sitcom in a while. I be busy.

But here's a quickie... that's what she said...



*everyone's gathered around the kitchen to celebrate someone's birthday*

Fox: Happy birthday MR!

MR: ^_^

Zephrion: When's the cake getting here?

CGV: Hika and Fireman were on the way with the cake I think...



Hika: Are we there yet?

FIreman: Shut up already...

Hika: Hey... this isn't the right way!

Fireman: I'm taking another way because we're being followed you moron.

Hika: No way!

Fireman: They've been tailing us since we left the shop.

Now zip it and act nonchalant.

Hika: *puts on a shirt that says "i'm not paying attn to you"*

How's that?

Fireman: Fantastic[/sarcasm]



CGV: So in the mean time he can open his presents.

*MR's jumping up and down like a little kid*

Zephrion: Here!

MR: Awesome!

I always wanted pet gerbils!

*plays with them*

Kiryn: Gerbils? Remember the last time we gave him a pet?



CGV: What the fuck? It's 2 AM!

What do you want?

MR: My fishy's not moving.

CGV: It's dead. Go to sleep...

MR: How can it be dead? I took it out of the bowl to save it from drowning!

CGV: >_<



Kiryn: Besides! Gerbils breed... like Rabbits...

MR: I'm asexual!


Zephrion: Look on the bright side, they're both male gerbils so there's no hanky-panky.

Kiryn: Fine...

CGV: Now we're just waiting on the cake...



Hika: Are they still following us?

Fireman: No duh dimshit.

Hika: I think they're gaining on us...

Fireman: Don't look back at 'em.

They'll know we're on to them being on to us.

Hika: I hear them getting closer...

Fireman: Alright, on the count of three we run.

Hika: Okay.

Fireman: ...three!

*they run away*

Lyle: What's their deal?

Raven: We need to catch up if we're going to find our way back to the forest!

After them!

*they chase*

Hika: They're chasing us!

Fireman: Thank you captain obvious!

*he throws a flash bomb behind him*

Raven: Ah!

Fireman: Got 'em.

Lyle: Wait!

Hika: They're still coming!

Fireman: Not for long...

*kicks over trash can*

*Lyle and Raven jump over it*

Hika: That was effective[/sarcasm]

Fireman: Shutup, I'm out of flash bombs.



Fox: You like you're new toy hammer?

MR: Do I?

*swings it around dangerously*

CGV: Watch it! You almost hit my head!

I watch porn with that...

MR: ._.

Zephrion: I was going through some records...

Fox: We have records?

Zephrion: and anway, it's not actually MR's birthday.

Kiryn: I knew it was suspicious when we did this a week ago...

CGV: Dude, I totally had a brain fart then...

MR: So I'm not a year older?

Zephrion: We don't even know how old you are.

Kiryn: He acts like a toddler, I think that's enough.

MR: So I guess I don't need this stuff anymore...

*throws huge toy hammer away, and accidently hits Zeph in the head*

Zephrion: Ugh...


MR: Oops, did I do that?

Canned Laughter: *laughs*

Nelson: *laughs*

Sakurai: *laughs*

MR: Dammit Sakurai! Get out!

Kiryn: Zeph? You okay?

Zephrion: ...

CGV: Great...

Now what are we going to do?

MR: This is a job for... Doctor Rabbit!

CGV: NO!!! Remember when you "operated on Fox?"

MR: We all had to start somewhere.

Besides, I can beat Trauma Center on hard without hacking now.

Kiryn: Oh...

MR: But I need to be completely drugged up so it enhances mai performance!

*he downs a bottle of unknown pills*

Fox: You're insane!!!

MR: Quiet! You three are my nurses!

CGV: I don't want anything to do with this!

MR: Get the hell out of my OR then!

CGV: Later...

Enjoy your murder...

Fox: Wait! I'm coming too!

*they leave*

MR: That's what she said...

Nurse Kiryn! Prep the OR!

Kiryn: o_o

*she's having one of those cold sweats you get when you know something horrible will happen*



Fireman: Dammit, they're hard to shake...

Hika: There's a large crowd that way!

We can lose them there!

Fireman: That's just what they're expecting!

Let's run up that tall unpopulated mountain! They'll never see it coming!

Hika: O_o

Lyle: They're running up that tall unpopulated mountain!

Raven: I did NOT see that coming...



Zephrion: Good morning everyone!

Hey, did you all move he furniture without telling me again?

*the base is bare*

Zephrion: Maybe they're outside...


Zephrion: What happened to the forest?!

Fox: We traded the trees for cactai.

CGV: The new trees are pokey!

*he's sitting on one*

Zephrion: Wait...

CGV, you're not an idiot!

CGV: I am here.

Zephrion: Oh... well where are the others?

Kiryn: Attn all commoners!

I'm your king!

Lyle: I'm her left handed man!

Fireman: And I'm her right handed man!

Lyle: I'm actually left handed though.

Fireman: I'm a righty. Wanna trade jobs?

Kiryn: NO! No trading!

Zephrion: What the hell's going on?

Fox: It's the goddess of the forest again...

She's such a frogger.

CGV: Lol, that's naughty Fox.

Wanna make love?

Fox: I've told you!

I don't like incest...

Zephrion: ._.

Other Zephrion: Oh, there you are.

Zephrion: You're... me?

Other Zephrion: Yeah, you're like... completely dreaming.

You have a concussion buttmunch.

Zephrion: Oh... well that makes sense.

Are you intoxicated?

Other Zephrion: *barks like a seal*

Zephrion: ._.



MR: Alright! I need a scalpal!

Kiryn: ...We don't have one.

MR: That's okay! We'll use this pizza slicer.

*cuts into Zeph's arm*

Kiryn: But that's his arm!

He has HEAD trauma!

MR: Oh yeah, thnx for reminding me!

Kiryn: ...I shouldn't have said anything...

MR: Stop talking to yourself and get me a fork!

Kiryn: Why?

MR: I'm hungry, that's why!

*he takes out a steak and eats it*

Kiryn: You're getting BBQ sauce in his wound!!!

MR: A little sauce never hurt... jeez.

*throws steak out window*

MR: Now let's cut open his head!

*tries to make incision*

Dammit! Why isn't it working?!

Kiryn: Because you're using a spoon...

MR: Oh... so I am.

*throws it away and takes out pocketknife*

Kiryn: >_<

Why do I keep doing that?



Lyle: I don't think I've been here before... where are we?

Raven: According to the narrator its ???.

Lyle: Oh...

Hika: The cake's gonna melt soon!

Fireman: What kind of cake is it anyway?

Hika: It's a solid chocolate cake.

Fireman: Leave it to MR to make the stupidest decisions...



MR: Pen! Stat!

Kiryn: Why?!

MR: Don't make me say spraypaint! I'll do it!

Kiryn: ...

*gives pen*

MR: Tee hee.

*writes something inside Zeph's head*

It says MR was here...

Kiryn: The blood makes it look like "Mr washme".

MR: Lol, gay joke...

Kiryn: Speaking of that... I found your gerbils...

Having sex...

MR: But they're both male.

Kiryn: ...I know.

MR: ._.



Kiryn: As grand master of anything that isn't corn, I say eggplants do in fact, make sense!

Fox: No! You lie!

Raven: As the master of corn, I say she's correct!

Zephrion: This dream doesn't make sense...

Is it trying to tell me something?

MR: I think it's trying to say that hedgehogs are better pink...

Zephrion: What?

MR: It's simple. Take the triangle and divide it by the grand master's patience for Pie,

And that's the dessert, not the number mind you, and you get that conclusion.

Zephrion: You talk like you know what you're saying...

But it's still gibberish to me.

MR: Well it could be the cultural differences.

Zephrion: Cultural? But this is my dream...

MR: It's a dream to you but it's real to all of us.

Now sit down and have some corn, the master of corn says it's half price.

Zephrion: ._.

I feel weird...

Fox: You mean like fish weird?

Zephrion: I think I'm waking up.

Bye everyone!



MR: Done!

Now close up!


Kiryn: ...If he did anything to you, we'll sue his ass Zeph.

*bandages him up*

Zephrion: Ugh...

I had the stupidest dream...

Kiryn: Trust me, it wasn't any better here...


Fireman: *pant*

We got the cake!

Hika: Lock the door! There're weird people after us!

CGV: What?

Lyle: Wait...

Let... let me catch my breath!

Hika: Take that!

*grabs hammer and knocks Lyle out*

Raven: Dude! We were just following you so we could get back here!

Hika: Oh...

*hits Raven too*

Fireman: Happy B-day MR.

MR: It's not my birthday.

Fireman: ... *eye twitch*

*grabs hammer and hits MR with it*

CGV: Garbage is tommorow...

*he throws MR, Lyle and Raven into the can*




As you can tell, my brain isn't functioning properly so that's why this is weirder than usual.

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