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Latino Pride

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Latin America

and can you really blame them for being proud of their country?

I know what the definition is, I just don't like it.

Well yes and no. Can one be proud to live in Hitlers Germany I know Hispanic countries aren't evil I'm just using an example. You can't be proud of something that there isn't anything to be proud of. Cubans here think Cuba is the shit and it's the fucking best, but we allll know it's not and they are all proud of their shitty communist government.

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I know what the definition is, I just don't like it.

It's Latin as in Romance Languages. Spanish comes from Latin, and so does Portuguese and French, all of which are spoken in Central and South America. Since you can't call it Spanish America because not everybody speaks Spanish, it's easier to call it Latin America because all of the languages are derived from Latin. Hispanic is also the Latin word for Spain or Spaniard, and considering the large indigenous and african populations in Latin America, to call it "Hispanic America" would ignore all people with non-Spanish ancestry.

Edited by Black Knight
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I also have a Brazilian lover. Sexiest person ever. No contest.


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