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Why is Micaiah in the game??

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She becomes a host for the goddess, so using weapons wouldn't make sense for her. The goddess uses light magic, so she should use light magic. And her being the host does give her a reason to exist in the story,

so I bet they planned her, although she should have made an appearance in PoR.

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They probably wanted a change of the usual weapon using lord so they added a magic using lord (though I think there was one earlier...). I'm guessing they didn't think that using a weapon would fit her personality or something.

Celica, from Gaiden. And that wasn't the only thing RD borrowed from Gaiden, either.

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Sanaki seems really sucky so i tried to solo her but she still sucks a little

She seems too weak 2 be the apostle

Is she in the game to make it longer?

Or she was really planned?

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Sanaki seems really sucky so i tried to solo her but she still sucks a little

She seems too weak 2 be the apostle

Is she in the game to make it longer?

Or she was really planned?


What kind of question is that? Why did they write a scenario? To make the game longer? They could have just sent waves after waves of enemies at us... :rolleyes:

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She seems really sucky so i tried to solo her but she still sucks a little :( :( :(

She seems too weak 2 be a lord :(

Is she in the game to make it longer?

Or she was really planned?

Sanaki seems really sucky so i tried to solo her but she still sucks a little

She seems too weak 2 be the apostle

Is she in the game to make it longer?

Or she was really planned?

Well there's the problems... I can't even solo with those two except maybe on easy mode

It makes sense for the story for Micaiah to be weak because Sothe is her protector. If she was strong, there would be no need for protection, amiright? Plus, she's the kind of unit that gets hit hard, but can also hit hard back, giving her the nickname, "glass cannon"

Sanaki on the other hand I guess I can't blame you all that much. I always make use of her, but her strength, speed and defense are pretty laughable

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See, this is all Ike's fault. Everyone expects the main character to be this soloing doom machine thanks to him in PoR.

Micaiah was awesome in my game, by far the best Mage and the only character comparible to Ike in overall ability. And she has Thani, which is just consistently awesome. Oh, and I really liked her as a character. So what if she didn't appear in PoR? I was glad to see a NEW character (even if she was mentioned a lot by Sothe in PoR anyway) rather than the vast cast of characters we already knew.

If only some of the others had as much development as she did, like Vika. Poor forgotten Vika...

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See, this is all Ike's fault. Everyone expects the main character to be this soloing doom machine thanks to him in PoR.

Micaiah was awesome in my game, by far the best Mage and the only character comparible to Ike in overall ability. And she has Thani, which is just consistently awesome. Oh, and I really liked her as a character. So what if she didn't appear in PoR? I was glad to see a NEW character (even if she was mentioned a lot by Sothe in PoR anyway) rather than the vast cast of characters we already knew.

If only some of the others had as much development as she did, like Vika. Poor forgotten Vika...

Vika, Aran, Laura... most of the Dawn Brigade. (All of that stuff about the Dawn Brigade that you can find on this website should have been in the game itself...)

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Sanaki on the other hand I guess I can't blame you all that much. I always make use of her, but her strength, speed and defense are pretty laughable

The Holy Guards protect Sanaki so I can understand why she's so weak (I still think she should've been a little stronger). The question is why is Sigrun so weak? She's supposed to be the commander of the Holy Guards.

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The question is why is Sigrun so weak? She's supposed to be the commander of the Holy Guards.

Lol, I'm wondering the same thing. I like her character but she's given me another reason to dislike Pegasus Knights who aren't named Elincia. <_<

And while I am not a fan of Micaiah by no means, she does serve a (big) point to the story. As a unit, I never had any problems with Micaiah until after her second promotion because I didn't think she needed the BEXP spam, but I was wrong. So. very. wrong. And even though Micaiah is "weak" because she's supposed to be protected by Sothe, HE isn't all that great either come endgame. Well, at least he wasn't for me. I can sorta kinda excuse Sanaki's weakness because of her youth among other reasons

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Lol, I'm wondering the same thing. I like her character but she's given me another reason to dislike Pegasus Knights who aren't named Elincia. <_<

And while I am not a fan of Micaiah by no means, she does serve a (big) point to the story. As a unit, I never had any problems with Micaiah until after her second promotion because I didn't think she needed the BEXP spam, but I was wrong. So. very. wrong. And even though Micaiah is "weak" because she's supposed to be protected by Sothe, HE isn't all that great either come endgame. Well, at least he wasn't for me. I can sorta kinda excuse Sanaki's weakness because of her youth among other reasons

Hence why my first move is to break their support and hop Micaiah over to Volug/Edward. :V Sothe's an overprotective arse when it comes to Micaiah anyway - it's like the only reason he's forced is to guarantee the player can't force themselves into a no-win situation with only Micaiah on the field.

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Micaiah sucks..shes in the game to play an important role...but gawd does she suck..her and Sothe both D:

Sigrun got raped in the strength department and im sad about it but i still use her

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I can sorta kinda excuse Sanaki's weakness because of her youth among other reasons

Though her custom Cymbiline tome doesn't seem to weigh her down like the Rexflame tome would.

Sigrun got raped in the strength department and im sad about it but i still use her

Yeah, and that she only has a 45% chance in growing in it.

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Though her custom Cymbiline tome doesn't seem to weigh her down like the Rexflame tome would.

5 weight versus 13 weight... huh.

Micaiah was awesome in my game

Ah, the paper-like durability and no evade...

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Ah, the paper-like durability and no evade...

Well, not really. She had excellent Def (especially for a Mage) and Res and by the end of the game she could dodge just as much as Ike could. Seriously, I'm not buying this Micaiah being rubbish thing. When a Mage makes Soren look average, you have the best Mage ever.

Besides, even if she does have poor Def (which she doesn't for me, but anyway), what the hell is anyone doing letting a Mage get hit anyway? She may be a main character but she's still a Mage. They have ranged attacks for a reason. Pretending she's Hector and wandering into a swarm of foes isn't a good way of judging her abilities (unless they're using magic, and there's plenty of that in this game).

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Well, not really. She had excellent Def (especially for a Mage) and Res and by the end of the game she could dodge just as much as Ike could. Seriously, I'm not buying this Micaiah being rubbish thing. When a Mage makes Soren look average, you have the best Mage ever.

Besides, even if she does have poor Def (which she doesn't for me, but anyway), what the hell is anyone doing letting a Mage get hit anyway? She may be a main character but she's still a Mage. They have ranged attacks for a reason. Pretending she's Hector and wandering into a swarm of foes isn't a good way of judging her abilities (unless they're using magic, and there's plenty of that in this game).

You're talking about endgame - Part IV, when you have all kinds of God units already. Sadly, the game is bigger than that, and Micaiah is pathetically weak when you'd need her the most - namely, Part I, where she's often surrounded by other fragile units who can't take much of a beating either.

Not being able to solo a swarm of enemies is one thing; dying if you overlook a generic soldier is a different matter entirely.

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You're talking about endgame - Part IV, when you have all kinds of God units already. Sadly, the game is bigger than that, and Micaiah is pathetically weak when you'd need her the most - namely, Part I, where she's often surrounded by other fragile units who can't take much of a beating either.

Not being able to solo a swarm of enemies is one thing; dying if you overlook a generic soldier is a different matter entirely.

You mean the same Part 1 where she has a significantly high damage output and is one-shotting knights and cavalry left, right and centre? :V

Micaiah's not meant to be centre-stage for a dodge-a-thon, she's a support unit. She is, however, one helluva support unit.

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You mean the same Part 1 where she has a significantly high damage output and is one-shotting knights and cavalry left, right and centre? :V

Micaiah's not meant to be centre-stage for a dodge-a-thon, she's a support unit. She is, however, one helluva support unit.

One-shotting in the player phase and getting one-shotted in the enemy phase? :V

She's not such a great support unit if leaving her in the range or a random soldier or archer results in inevitable rape (and a game over).

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One-shotting in the player phase and getting one-shotted in the enemy phase? :V

She's not such a great support unit if leaving her in the range or a random soldier or archer results in inevitable rape (and a game over).

I suppose you got unlucky... Micaiah was the Goddess of arse-kicking in all my playthroughs and in any part. With thani in one pocket and a forged light tome in the other, she could kill loads, and with her A support with Sothe, she can avoid many hits. Even in the fight where

she's alone with the Black Knight

, she didn't have her support bonus and she still hardly gets hit at all (if you train her properly, that is: she was already lv 20 by then in all my playthroughs)

Oh, and I speak about normal and hard mode (I've only gone as far as the second part in easy mode, it's terribly boring... Hard mode rules! :P )

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One-shotting in the player phase and getting one-shotted in the enemy phase? :V

She's not such a great support unit if leaving her in the range or a random soldier or archer results in inevitable rape (and a game over).

I don't know what kind of Part 1 you were playing, but outside of the Endgame, Part 1 is easy stuff. And even Endgame isn't that difficult. So what if the Dawn Brigade is weak if all your enemies are weak too? Part 1 is only difficult when you take into account how easy the Greil Mercenary chapters are.

I find it's Part 3, when we switch back to the Dawn Brigade... that's when they're in geniune trouble.

And I don't think Micaiah was ever in a position to be killed in one hit from most generic enemies, aside from really REALLY early on, possibly.

Taho, thanks for backing me up, I thought I was going insane or something, because I know Micaiah was great for pretty much all of the game, for me.

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