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Why is Micaiah in the game??

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I don't know what kind of Part 1 you were playing, but outside of the Endgame, Part 1 is easy stuff. And even Endgame isn't that difficult. So what if the Dawn Brigade is weak if all your enemies are weak too? Part 1 is only difficult when you take into account how easy the Greil Mercenary chapters are.

I find it's Part 3, when we switch back to the Dawn Brigade... that's when they're in geniune trouble.

And I don't think Micaiah was ever in a position to be killed in one hit from most generic enemies, aside from really REALLY early on, possibly.

Taho, thanks for backing me up, I thought I was going insane or something, because I know Micaiah was great for pretty much all of the game, for me.

You must have decent speed.

Lucky jerk.


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she was just average for the whole time which means in other words she wasn't all that great ever, she also got speed screwed as well.

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Micaiah does get pretty annoying =(

Sadly for me, Edward always ends up dying more cause I know Micaiah needs protection and everyone's so busy protecting her that Edward has no protectors =/

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Micaiah does get pretty annoying =(

Sadly for me, Edward always ends up dying more cause I know Micaiah needs protection and everyone's so busy protecting her that Edward has no protectors =/

That's because Edward sucks :rolleyes: A good myrmidon/swordsmaster doesn't need to be protected, he does the protecting ;)

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I've often heard that Edward is near useless in Hard Mode but he was excellent in easy mode (which was my first playthrough) and probably will be in Normal as well (which will be all my subsequent playthroughs). He was the best member of the Fail Brigade and now one of my favorite characters overall. He didn't need protection because he dodged a lot. Like I said, Micaiah was great for me as a unit(especially after getting Thani) right up until the endgame. She even doubled things ^^ But in my case, Sothe really WAS her shadow. She hardly ever made a move without having his support.

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I've often heard that Edward is near useless in Hard Mode but he was excellent in easy mode (which was my first playthrough) and probably will be in Normal as well (which will be all my subsequent playthroughs). He was the best member of the Fail Brigade and now one of my favorite characters overall. He didn't need protection because he dodged a lot. Like I said, Micaiah was great for me as a unit(especially after getting Thani) right up until the endgame. She even doubled things ^^ But in my case, Sothe really WAS her shadow. She hardly ever made a move without having his support.

Edward sucked monkeys in Normal mode too for me, but maybe you'll get lucky ;)

And I'm not even talking about hard mode, he died very, very quickly <_<

But Micaiah's great, she doubled things too in my game quite often, though not in endgame! :P

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Micaiah doesn't double, but she has enough speed not to be doubled. With Thani Micaiah is able to defeat enemies that gives your team the hardest time in part 1 and in part 3 she is able to heal plus continues to attack. Is she the best unit in the game? No, relatively she's about average. If I wasn't forced to use her would I use her? Yup, all the way until 4-E where her late promotion and strong enemies stops her from being as useful as some other units.

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It's not really that Micaiah sucks, per se, but more that the Dawn Brigade as a whole sucks. In Part 1, the only units who'll be any good at all are Nolan, Zihark, and Jill. I'm not counting Nailah. Micaiah, who is a support unit at best, requires too much shielding in Part 1, when the vast majority of your team is easily killed in a few shots.

She does deal pretty good damage due to high magic stats, and her resistance means that most mages won't be doing much damage. But get her in range of any other foe, and yeah, you're screwed. In addition to that, she gets her final promotion just before the Endgame, meaning that you have Micaiah, a relatively weak, vulnerable Light Mage, in a team of Level 20 powerhouses. Sure you can make her better by pumping BEXP into her. With BEXP, speed will rival Ike's, and she will be able to kill the majority of foes on the Player Phase, and dodge everything in the Enemy Phase.

But really, if a character needs that much help just to catch up to everyone else on your team, is she really worth it? Especially when you have the likes of Ike, Haar, and Nephenee tearing up the battlefield around her.

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Oh man... It really irks me when people say a certain character "sucks" just because they aren't killing everything in one hit... Seriously this is a strategy game. Use it and stop complaining about a characters faults. If a frail unit like Micaiah is getting hit or killed obviously you've done something knowing she must be protected. But then again this game game can be cruel mistress when it comes to getting hit or not...

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Oh man... It really irks me when people say a certain character "sucks" just because they aren't killing everything in one hit... Seriously this is a strategy game. Use it and stop complaining about a characters faults. If a frail unit like Micaiah is getting hit or killed obviously you've done something knowing she must be protected. But then again this game game can be cruel mistress when it comes to getting hit or not...


Seriously, I thought I was alone in the concept of actually growing a set and adapting to conditions instead of just looking for people over the web to cry to.

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She's hot, and the devs didn't want Sothe to die a virgin, since they're obviously Sothe fanboys, considering he landed such a huge role.

If there was something else I was supposed to appreciate about Micaiaheaeheh apart from her looks, I sure missed it. I don't despise her like some do, but I certainly didn't catch anything about her. Blank personality, meh combat.

Edited by Vyland
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She's hot, and the devs didn't want Sothe to die a virgin, since they're obviously Sothe fanboys, considering he landed such a huge role.

If there was something else I was supposed to appreciate about Micaiaheaeheh apart from her looks, I sure missed it. I don't despise her like some do, but I certainly didn't catch anything about her. Blank personality, meh combat.

Nevermind she's a complete sociopath.

Also, Sothe's not a virgin. *points to Ike* There's a reason he's so emotionally attached to that brick of a personality.

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Oh man... It really irks me when people say a certain character "sucks" just because they aren't killing everything in one hit... Seriously this is a strategy game. Use it and stop complaining about a characters faults. If a frail unit like Micaiah is getting hit or killed obviously you've done something knowing she must be protected. But then again this game game can be cruel mistress when it comes to getting hit or not...

A character does suck if it cannot kill everything in one hit, assuming everyone else is killing things. Of course, the bigger issue with Micaiah is her durability (I think everything in HM ORKOs her), which is bad. The more strategy a player has to apply to a unit, the more a unit sucks. This has nothing to do with the competence of the player, but the competence of the unit.

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A character does suck if it cannot kill everything in one hit, assuming everyone else is killing things. Of course, the bigger issue with Micaiah is her durability (I think everything in HM ORKOs her), which is bad. The more strategy a player has to apply to a unit, the more a unit sucks. This has nothing to do with the competence of the player, but the competence of the unit.

what about units like Mist and Elincia who are meant to heal first and kill second. Well, Elincia may be kill first heal second, but Mist is heal first

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Bacause she is awesome, she will have VERY HIGH magic, skill will be good, acceptable speed, suberb luck and VERY, VERY good resistance, she only lacks defense and HP, but she's rally good.

If you think of it, she is not that slow, Hector from FE7 has the same speed growth percentage and most of you like him.

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A character does suck if it cannot kill everything in one hit, assuming everyone else is killing things. Of course, the bigger issue with Micaiah is her durability (I think everything in HM ORKOs her), which is bad. The more strategy a player has to apply to a unit, the more a unit sucks. This has nothing to do with the competence of the player, but the competence of the unit.

By that logic, only units who don't require any semblance of strategy to use whatsoever are worthwhile.

...Thus defeating the purpose of a strategy game...

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Bacause she is awesome, she will have VERY HIGH magic, skill will be good, acceptable speed, suberb luck and VERY, VERY good resistance, she only lacks defense and HP, but she's rally good.

If you think of it, she is not that slow, Hector from FE7 has the same speed growth percentage and most of you like him.

FE7 enemies were also really, really slow, while enemies in this game aren't. She's not doubling anything besides armors, and she's ORKO'd by, like, everyone and their grandmother.

Edited by Julius
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On normal mode Micaiah usually won't get ORKO by anyone unless they double her (swordmasters, cats) as long as she keeps her average stats. Also why are you letting her get attacked? She's a mage.

I was talking about Hard Mode.

Also, it doesn't matter if you, the player, are letting her get attacked, what matters is that, if she was attacked, she would die. That's really, really bad.

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As far as the stats are concerned, the only difference between Micaiah and another mage-type character that loads of people use a lot, like Soren for instance, is this (on T3/lv 20):

1.8 less HP (negligible)

3 less Str (who cares?)

same Magic (except Micaiah caps it on lv 11 and Soren on lv 15)

1.4 less Skill (not that much of a difference)

1.7 less Speed (ok, could count)

17.1 MORE Luck

Same Def

4 more Res

So, between Soren and Micaiah, Soren only has the +1.7 speed that makes a difference, but the enormous Luck difference clearly makes it up. So micaiah's no worse than Soren. And that's numbers talking. Of course, Soren can use Thunder magic which can be useful in the dragons chapter, but hey, Micaiah's got Thani (which kicks butt in the first chapter of the Tower) and Soren can't get the SS Thunder tome blessed, he's got to use rexcalibur (and +3 Luck is not as good as +3 Def)

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