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Who else here has been to GameFAQs?


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It's a handy source of info about all sorts of random games. When I need a FAQ or a code, it's where I go first (unless it's FE).

I never bothered registering in their forums - and if I did, I forgot to use the account altogether. I only browse them when the established faqs fail to answer a question I have; the amount of trolling makes it impractical to use them in any other way.

Edited by Arthur
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I've been there for ages. Not all boards are that bad. I gave up on checking the FE7 and FE8 boards. There are boards. I mainly check games which have just enough users to have good discussions but not popular enough to attract trolls. e.g. Yggdra Union, FE4, etc. I also check the Golden Sun 2 board and for some reason, it's not filled with trolls.

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I think I registered there years ago, but I don't remember what my screen name is/was if I did.

At any rate, I avoid their forums like the plague, maybe more so, and stick to just using it for information. I've found enough Fire Emblem friends through writing fanfiction (ie: through Fanfiction.net) and through Livejournal. And now I have this place if I feel the urge to discuss it. ♥

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Now that I think about it, I did originally go to GameFAQs just for the FAQs. However, if I hadn't gone to the message boards there, I probably wouldn't have discovered this place, or FEPlanet, or FEU (which recently changed its name) and it's likely that I wouldn't have known about any other forums either.

No matter how disastrous things can get there at times, at least some good things came of it.

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I used to post on the Vagrant Story and Majora's Mask boards way back in 2000. They were for the most part quality forums from what I can remember, although that was eight years ago and I was much younger. Now I only visit GFAQs to get information.

Edited by Musashi
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I'm an old hand at the GameFAQs boards, though I don't post on them anymore.

All of my experience points to most of the boards being full of helpful, if slightly high-strung people, able to discuss games without flaming. Generally, the boards with bad environments were the ones where large and popular fan or official forums sucked up most of the more experienced and internet-savvy parts of the game or series' community. This included Fire Emblem, as well as Zelda and Age of Empires.

I know that GameFAQs remains a great place to find information, guides, and cheats, as well as to post nostalgically about older videogames on nearly-deserted boards. ;)

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Oh yeah, you're that guy who managed to get the most intelligent topics and discussions banned. Or in other words, the debate tournaments. Thanks for that.

I'm only active on the FE9 board... Well, I wouldn't call it "active". I post there from time to time >_<

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Oh yeah, you're that guy who managed to get the most intelligent topics and discussions banned. Or in other words, the debate tournaments. Thanks for that.

I'm only active on the FE9 board... Well, I wouldn't call it "active". I post there from time to time >_<

No. I would never have marked a debate topic, and I was pretty annoyed at the moderators myself when I found out that they were being deleted. I still don't understand why they were considered a problem, supposedly they were "excluding" people, but they had that format to limit the already ridiculous amounts of insanity.

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Then I suppose the rumors were wrong. Sorry for inappropriately accusing you of anything.

I really laughed pretty hard at their reason: they're social topics. Guess what the goal of a forum (meeting place) is?

And then when you try to bring up some good points against a moderator's opinion, the topic simply gets locked. You can't discuss something with them. The fuckers are in denial.

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gamefaqs should be used only for faqs and stuff, they should not allow a forum to be there. there is too much chaos that happens there

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Then I suppose the rumors were wrong. Sorry for inappropriately accusing you of anything.

I really laughed pretty hard at their reason: they're social topics. Guess what the goal of a forum (meeting place) is?

And then when you try to bring up some good points against a moderator's opinion, the topic simply gets locked. You can't discuss something with them. The fuckers are in denial.

Yeah. I know of a couple of moderators there that are okay, but really, it seems like the rest are on a power tirp or something. It gets ridiculous at times, especially when you contest an unfair moderation that other moderaotrs agreed was really unfair, and get "I guess I can reconsider this" no apology, no nothin'.

gamefaqs should be used only for faqs and stuff, they should not allow a forum to be there. there is too much chaos that happens there

To be fair, you can get useful information eventually, even on the crazier boards. Although, on those boards, it can be hard to tell the difference between someone who's trying to be helpful, and someone who's being a sarcastic ass and saying to do something that would never work.

I admit that I originally went for the FAQs, though, and they are pretty useful if you're really stuck on a game.

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Joined GFAQs as a member in 05. name: mr_e_s.

Spent most of my time there on the FE9 and 10 boards. Where I posted mainly FE boopers. Still urk there, don't post as much as I used to. Float about on a few social boards there, too.

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Gamefaqs is a website whose only saving grace are its FAQs. The memberbase is a collection of infantile pants-shitting retards, and the moderation staff is a collection of infantile pants-shitting retards with mod permissions.

At least it's not the youtube community.

Edited by Der Kommissar
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See, shit like that just makes you sound self-important. Like you're above all that nonsense. GFAQs contains a lot of good on it's boards, along with a lot of bad. If SF ever managed to get that big (it won't, but just hypotheticly) it would suffer a lot of the same problems that GFAQs does.

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See, shit like that just makes you sound self-important.

So what you're really trying to say is you know I'm right, yes?

GFAQs contains a lot of good on it's boards, along with a lot of bad.

Yeah, I thought so.

If SF ever managed to get that big (it won't, but just hypotheticly) it would suffer a lot of the same problems that GFAQs does.

There are big communities whose memberbases don't even approach the shit level of the gamefaqs community. See SomethingAwful and, hilariously, 4chan. Not exactly bastions of brilliance, but far from the dark realm of the functionally retarded.

Like you're above all that nonsense.

I am.

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There are big communities whose memberbases don't even approach the shit level of the gamefaqs community. See SomethingAwful and, hilariously, 4chan. Not exactly bastions of brilliance, but far from the dark realm of the functionally retarded.

Ha, you're putting 4chan above GFAQs? I've seen topics on 4chan with people asking for incest stories and pics. And others providing. Short of some shit like 12chan, that's about as bad as it gets.

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The thing is, GameFAQs doesn't even handle the nonsense very well. I have actually seen hackers brag that they recently hacked someone, and go away unpunished. I am not kidding at all. Not only that, the moderation of everything else is pretty unpredictable too. So many things that have no excuse being deleted, are, for ridiculously harsh punishments too.

They give the obvious trolls far too much leeway, while giving people that are trying to be helpful none at all. Let's face it, GameFAQs is not insane simply because of the number of people there, it's because of how it is all dealt with. In turn, that attracts the trolls, as they know they will be banned infrequently, but will still be allowed to come back and do the same things over and over again. People get away with stuff that I think they should be perma-banned for, and then others are moderated harshly for ridiculously minor things.

I'm not saying that it doesn't have good points, but it is not run well, as illustrated by the fact that many people absolutely refuse to post there. It is set up in such a way that it attracts trolls, annoys others, and even drives off other people that would be there if it wasn't so insane.

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Ha, you're putting 4chan above GFAQs? I've seen topics on 4chan with people asking for incest stories and pics. And others providing. Short of some shit like 12chan, that's about as bad as it gets.

Your average 4channer can at least construct a coherent sentence, even on /b/. You don't have to be an illiterate moron (like your average gamefaqs mouthbreather) to have weird fucking fetishes.

I don't utilize the shitty, shitty knockoff chans, so I can't speak to the quality of their memberbases.

You can feel free to try again to defend the undefendable. It's endearing, in a retarded sort of way.

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