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Nah, still not convinced in the slightest. It's just really... not convincing. Plus, on the point of it being dumb that any Zelda game could have a "Hero Dies" scenario; how does that not make sense? There's an endless realm of outcomes for every game in existence, but they only focus on the best in most games.

Anyways, a comment made the best argument against this theory. I'll spoiler it and post it here.

[spoiler=VERY LONG]

1) The Triforce Doesn’t Punish Ganondorf At All
Firstly, the wish made by the Princess from Zelda II to punish Ganondorf did not alter her timeline. Therefore, Ganondorf was never punished.
As we know, there are two types of time travel. There is the “Same Continuity” time travel, which whatever happens in the past would alter the future. This is what happens with the Gate of Time in Skyward Sword, and the Master Sword in Ocarina of Time. There is also the “New Continuity” time travel, which creates a new timeline altogether. This is what happens when Zelda sends Link back to being a child.
During the Golden Era, The Hylian Kings used the Triforce to preserve order in the land. This means that their wishes affected the same continuity. But this video states that Princess from Zelda II’s wish creates a new continuity.
In order to ‘punish’ Ganondorf, the Triforce making a new continuity seems silly. The Triforce wouldn’t warp Princess from Zelda II’s wish and make a change that in no way alters her life.
*And because it didn't alter he life, she would have to assume that nothing happened. As a result, she would most likely make ANOTHER wish, and another one, and another one, until she saw a difference. There could very well be more than three timelines.
Secondly, that same wish led to a new timeline, “the adult timeline”. As stated in the video, that timeline is no better. Instead of Hyrule being reduced to a small kingdom, Hyrule is flooded and doesn’t exist. Once again, the wish does not help Princess from Zelda II. It just makes things worse for Hyruleans in the newly created timeline. Even the Child Timeline has its flaws. I have a hard time believing that the Triforce would JUST create a worse timeline as a result of the Princess’s wish, instead of making a change within the same continuity. The Triforce doesn’t grant her wish. It does the opposite.
Thirdly, just like the Kings before her, Princess Zelda would be smarter to wish for prosperity, not wish to punish Ganondorf. The Kingdom’s decline had nothing to do with Ganon at all. It declined because the complete Triforce was separated by one of the kings, and as a result, Hyrule continued shrink because the Royal Family could no longer make wishes to preserve order. (Hyrule Historia, pg.105) She never even seen Ganon in her life.
Finally, if the Princess of Zelda II indeed made a wish to punish Ganondorf, it would seem much more logical that the Triforce would prevent the most recent resurrection of Ganon before the original Legend of Zelda , OR go very far back and stop the arrival of Demise, Ganondorf's predecessor. It seems weird to cherrypick Ocarina of Time as the time to send back prophetic dreams. Preventing Demise from existing would have stopped Demise from being reincarnated, and would’ve indeed punished Ganondorf.
Overall it takes a few errors and a lot of assumptions to make this theory solid.
2) The Unawakened Sages were, indeed, awakened.
In The Adventure of Link, the towns are named after the sages in Ocarina of Time. If those sages were unawakened, this would make no sense. The towns would’ve been named after the human sages, the maidens, or the sages from A Link Between Worlds.
Page 108 of Hyrule Historia states “Many years after they sealed away the demonic thief Ganondorf, the sages live on in the names of the towns: Rauru, Ruto, Saria, Nabooru, and Darunia.”
This is proof that those sages were indeed awakened.

Not to mention the fact that it's base is still held on like 0 evidence. She just happened to not have prophetic visions in another timeline?
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Likes OOT/MM Link.

There's a couple inconsistencies and such that again, make no sense.

That's what happens when you're making a timeline relating to something that didn't have the bigger picture in mind. When making OOT, they never thought of the Downfall timeline obviously.

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Likes OOT/MM Link.

That's what happens when you're making a timeline relating to something that didn't have the bigger picture in mind. When making OOT, they never thought of the Downfall timeline obviously.

Then they shouldn't have factored things that obviously had nothing to do with anything into a big picture at all.

All things considered, it'd make quite a bit more sense to have the official "timeline" consist of multiple universes, in a slightly different sense. Have one universe be about Ocarina and games related to Ocarina (in other words, SS > OoT split adult games on one branch and child games minus FSA on the other), have a second be ALttP, LA, and ALBW, and another be the Four Swords games, etc.

I'm not going to deny the official line is what it is, and I dislike when people do deny it, but you can't deny that there are quite a bit of inconsistent things in it.

...Now that I think about it, the Oracles would make more sense if they were some large amount of time after TP.

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What if I'm just a figment of your collective imaginations?

Too bad my avi is Youmu atm, and not Sakuya.

Ah, I thought it looked like your old girl. Edited by Rezzy
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