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Don't we all? It's the end of the year, after all. Nothing more than a change of seasons, true, and some spending here and there (at least in this country), but I do believe most people at the very least think stuff like "it went by so quickly" or "it's done already?" or "one more in the books", which would naturally make you wonder about what comes next. I think.

Will know I do have plenty to keep my mind busy for the immediate future.

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I can't say I normally think about what comes next. This is a special occasion because something's been on my mind for a while, so I've been marking the proverbial calendar, otherwise, it's indeed 'another day another year'. But that mind frame is probably bad. Probably.

Knows I'm curious if it's anything a third party could lend an ear too.

Edited by Soledai
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lol, won't you normally have goals to work towards in life? Stuff you wish to accomplish? That's what every one says, anyways.

Will know I'm currently on the process of trying to achieve some of those goals.

Knows I'm curious if it's anything a third party could lend an ear too.

Ah, thanks a lot c:

I mostly keep to myself, though. But I appreciate the thought, thanks.

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Heh, I suppose you have a point. I do indeed, but the end of the year doesn't make me think about it much often... though because of this, I might end up thinking more about it. Or was that your intent, hmmmmmmmm?

Should know I'm getting nosily curious about some of said goals

Ah, thanks a lot c:

I mostly keep to myself, though. But I appreciate the thought, thanks.

Think nothing of it, it's the least I could do.

And even if you don't want to, the option is out there.

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Time is just too short to let a day just idle by. It's the most scarce of resources. At least that's how I generally feel about it.

Will know that I'm wondering how I just spend over an hour around here...

Should know I'm getting nosily curious about some of said goals

Well, if you must know something, here:

> have some financial issues to settle

> some legal issues to settle

> have anime to finish

> have games to finish

> have some lifestyle changes to make

Common stuff, I know. But it's about all I can say.

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Most scarce, but seemingly in abundance, but that's debatable I reckon.

Ah, has my apologies for keeping them here, like so.

Well, if you must know something, here:

> have some financial issues to settle

> some legal issues to settle

> have anime to finish

> have games to finish

> have some lifestyle changes to make

Common stuff, I know. But it's about all I can say.

Ah, well, you didn't actually have to sate my curiosity, but I appreciate it regardless.

I hope these all go well for you in the near future.

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Needs not apologize or feel sorry for anything. I really was just wondering how quickly time does fly by, not just now but generally all of the year has flown by too quickly for me, and I'm still not sure what happened.

And thanks, I'm working on it, ha.

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