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Crackers, most especially. I just love crackers. You just feel very fervent elation when you gorge on crackers.. of course, usually if they're the low-fat kind filled with WHOLE GRAINS! YES, WHOLE GRAINS. I LOVE WHOLE GRAAAINS. Graham crackers win, I REALLY LOVE THE CINNAMON AND HONEY BANANA KINDS. <3

Yes, I gave up soda, fast food, potato chips, and most sweets. I even moderate the amount of bread I eat... and fruit... you have to watch your carbs, after all, so you can't eat too many crackers! The saltines with little nutrition are something I monitor now, too... I barely drink anything else besides water, and I always watch the amount of sugar and honey I add to my tea! EVEN THOUGH I LOVE TEA AS MUCH AS MY HONEY AND CINNAMON AND CRACKERS. <3

What I can't stand, though, are all of these teens that are so subconsious of their weight that they starve themselves! I was very almost driven to that path down to self-destruction... I veered away from that obstacle just in the nick of time, albeit I'm still afraid I'll fall back into that pit. Don't tumble and trip headfirst into that pitfall like an Animal Crossing character! Of coourse, giving up fast food isn't necessarily a bad idea... all it does is shorten your life! Subway does, in fact, help with that sort of problem, though... if you choose the ingredients in your sandwich carefully and cautiously, you could end up like the guy who lost a whole bunch of weight just by eating Subway and going on a regular walking routine! I lost twenty-six pounds just from giving up the horrible junk food that plagues humanity today. I walk, too!

You know what? Prejudice against people's weight is getting as bad as racism and homophobia. I just don't get it... I mean, people are denied of JOBS for looking too OVERWEIGHT. That's just... you know, some people can't help it. Some people who seem to look like they're at an unhealthy weight may have just inherited big bones/muscles/that type of frame from their generation. I'm half-Mexican and inherited the big hips and middle and things... though I'm at a healthy weight. As long as you eat right and exercise for half an hour three times a week, then you should be just right!

THERE WAS A WOMEN WHO WAS BORN WITH A BIGGER FRAME AND WEIGHED OVER TWO-HUNDRED POUNDS. No amount of dieting or exercise could drop that weight, it was juat part of her. Thusly, she improvised by going to the gym eeevery day, eeevery morning... and could lift big, huge weights and exercise for hours on end, despite her appearance. She had said, "It doesn't matter about what your body looks like what it can do, but what it really can do." Know what I'm saying?

What I mean is that it's dangerous to diet at a young age even though all the media does is go "you're fat! Lose weight!" NOT EVERYONE can look like those skinny, anorexic supermodels... though, it still helps to not guzzle horrible, atery-clogging food down your gullet like a maniacal glutton! Just eat right, get regular exercise (walks are so much fun, especially with calming music! I could walk for hours!), and remember that those diet magazines and weight-loss pill advertisers don't know what they're talking about!

So, keep this in mind, citizens of Happy Town, and also remember THIS:


I just LOVE crackers! Don't you? <3

(Stay tuned for the NEXT Ramble of Insanity, which may be coming iinnn... real soon! Woooo!)

Rambles of Insanity are © Bizzling/Levitational Industries, 2009. All Rights Reserved.

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I find it funny you say teens shouldn't be on diets, yet you're on one yourself. People can eat whatever they want as long as it is in moderation. Granted, I've been purposely trying to gain weight over the years, so that is my belief. I don't like McDonald's, but I do occasionally eat fast food. There is no problem with doing such as long as you don't eat it habitually everyday for certain meals. Exercise is the key ingredient in staying healthy.

Also, I don't really like crackers unless I am eatting soup.

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I find it funny you say teens shouldn't be on diets, yet you're on one yourself. People can eat whatever they want as long as it is in moderation. Granted, I've been purposely trying to gain weight over the years, so that is my belief. I don't like McDonald's, but I do occasionally eat fast food. There is no problem with doing such as long as you don't eat it habitually everyday for certain meals. Exercise is the key ingredient in staying healthy.

Also, I don't really like crackers unless I am eatting soup.

Don't pay attention to me, and in reality I don't consider myself dieting anymore as I eat a whole lot; it's just that what I eat isn't whast I used to eat. I used to be terrible.

the thing about me now, though, is that now I'm terrified of fast food so arghblargh, I need to teach myself some of this stuff for once

I think that maybe this was a failed thread, considering how bored I am, I just wanted to talk about crackers because dammit, I spent almost twelve dollars on crackers and wheat pretzels yesterday

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What I mean is that it's dangerous to diet at a young age even though all the media does is go "you're fat! Lose weight!" NOT EVERYONE can look like those skinny, anorexic supermodels... though, it still helps to not guzzle horrible, atery-clogging food down your gullet like a maniacal glutton! Just eat right, get regular exercise (walks are so much fun, especially with calming music! I could walk for hours!), and remember that those diet magazines and weight-loss pill advertisers don't know what they're talking about!

Actually, all the media ever says is "the media always says you need to be super skinny to be sexy, but its okay, people are different." All I hear is "let yourself go". I don't value anorexia or bulemia, but I feel at least there is more respect for the people who try hard to go for whatever their definition of being healthy and attractive is, as erroneous as those definitions may be, than I can ever feel for some who is "being themselves" and sporting a giant gut and riding the handicap cart in the supermarket. People who try to lose weight, I will always respect. People who don't care, no, because they are far removed from the real human experience, by lack of conviction and lack of health - very few people were ever obese before our modern, saturated era.

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Count calories, don't binge, get fiber. If you have a sweet tooth, there are always artificial sweeteners, or diet soda. You can still eat caloric or fatty desserts, so long as you're mindful of what you've eaten that day, and adjust your portions accordingly.

You know what? Prejudice against people's weight is getting as bad as racism and homophobia. I just don't get it... I mean, people are denied of JOBS for looking too OVERWEIGHT.

Wrong. Race and sexuality are inseparable from a person, but someone's weight is totally a lifestyle decision and something that can be controlled. Unhealthy weight is analoguous to an unhealthy lifestyle, and employers aren't interested in that kind of liability.

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Some people can't help being a little overweight. Some people have medical issues that prevent them from dieting, or make it ten times as hard to lose weight.

However, I personally feel that most of the time, massive weight-gain is avoidable. I always look at it this way: it's easy to gain weight for most people, but it's not easy to lose it. I'd much rather eat better now than struggle to lose weight later.

Also, calorie-counting works really well. My sister has been doing it and is nearing her target weight rapidly. She wasn't massively overweight, but she is naturally big-boned and is topheavy, haha. So she wanted to lose about 20-30lbs to be at a healthier weight, and so that she felt better about herself. It's really helped with her self-esteem, too. And her boyfriend is very encouraging.

I eat pretty much what I want and struggle to make it over 100lbs. Actually, I used to weigh 115lbs (at 5'0'') but after getting a job in a factory, it wasn't long before I dropped those 15lbs. At any rate, I have learned to eat 10 times a day (it seems I eat that much) and I eat small meals. My stomach can't hold hardly anything. (Seriously, I can't stomach two Pop Tarts in one sitting.) But it works out great. (And I never eat until I feel full. I eat until I know I've had enough.)

This lets me eat whatever I want. Like soda-pop, for example. I love it, and I can't stand diet. So it's nice to be able to drink lots of it. 8D

Crackers, though. I'm not a huge fan of crackers. My downfall is potatoes. Oh, man, do I love them... =P

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actually this is why i never make these topics

if a mod or something could delete this, that'd be swell

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