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Recuiting Percival on Chpt 13

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Has anyone been able to recruit him? I tried when I was doing a speed-run and had like one turn then Percival left...:(

I did. Preferably, have your mounted units rescue your bard/dancer and drop him at the end of their turn if you think they're going to fight.

It's much easier if you have a few promoted mounties.

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Yeah, I have and I remember it was a right pain... I also seem to recall I successfully managed to obtain the Knight's Crest for keeping his troops alive. At least, I think so anyway (or did I just fail?).

However, it's kind of useless since the next chapter is a desert chapter (well, there's 14x as well, but I didn't know that chapter existed at the time). Then again, I think you can get another Knight's Crest for free in Chapter 15 (or is it just my memory playing tricks on me?) for keeping his troops alive (since they don't appear when you've recruited him in 13).

But then, you can just buy unlimited Knight Crests in Chapter 16. Okay, I'll stop...

Edited by VincentASM
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It was sad... on my first try when he dissapeared I thought that you wouldn't get him for good so I restarted. I tried like 3 times then I checked a guide and it said he reappeared. XD

By the way, you DO get a knight crest on chapter 15 if you keep his troops alive.

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I don't think I've ever recruited him in that chapter. I either can't get to him in time or Lalum dies trying -.-"

So, I just wait until he leaves and get him in chapter 15.

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Not that good? What the hell are your standards? He is essentially as good as Alan/Lance minus the massive avoid, maybe more like Miledy, except more weapon flexibility, and he is RNG proof as well as low maintenance.

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Percival is a very good unit. I don't think you could get the Knight Crest in both Ch 13 AND Ch 15. In fact, I doubt he and his squad even show up in Ch 15 if you recruited him earlier. So, there really isn't much advantage in recruiting him early. In Hard Mode, it's actually better to recruit him in Ch 15.

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I only play Hard Mode so I do not even want to recruit him there, but I managed to do it before.

Right. This refers to that Perceival will get better HM bonuses and starting at a better level than at Chapter 13.

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Not that good? What the hell are your standards? He is essentially as good as Alan/Lance minus the massive avoid, maybe more like Miledy, except more weapon flexibility, and he is RNG proof as well as low maintenance.

He has good strength and speed...the man lacks skill.

Igrene is a decent pre-promote.

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He has good strength and speed...the man lacks skill.

He has about as much Skl as Alan at 20/1. Alan just has more hit from supports, but then again like every support Percival has gives him full hit.

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Lacking skill is as lame of an excuse as lacking luck.

Of course, just look at Gonzales 15% of skill growth and 6 of base skill, why would you say that?

You need skill to hit enemies, what's even the point of having too much speed and strength when you can't even it a cavalier?

And for luck, you need luck for avoiding, and a little part goes for accuracy, just look at some characters with bad luck, look at Knoll(FE8) for example he has speed, but 0 of base luck.

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