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Best Video Game Villain


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Who's the most sinister, evil, unique, or powerful villain from any video game.

For me, it would be Ganondorf. He is the definition of an evil being, and shows his evil power again and again. While he may not have much in the way of personality, he's one guy I just love to hate. Plus his backstory is cool and unique.

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Well I'm not sure if he's the best, But I've always liked Wiseman from BKO. He seemsd differant than other villains, But Ashnard is a pretty awesome villain as well. Ganondorf is cool too, but he was kinda repetitive to me.

Edited by Princess Kilvas
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Rugal Bernstein. He's middle-aged yet still powerful, wealthy, cruel, evil, greedy, selfish, badass and a sore loser...what more could you ask?

Then there's Dracula, who is quite simply, the Incarnation of Darkness. That pretty much says it all.

I dunno which to choose, they're both pretty damn evil.

EDIT: To add to this, they're both unique, very, very sinister and extremely powerful (especially in the case of Dracula).

Edited by Nightmare
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Most Psychotic: Kefka. There is no rhyme or reason for what he does. Trying to think of what his reasons are is madening in and of itself. On top of it, he's just delightfully evil. Quote: "Shut up! You people sound like pages from a self-help book!"

Most Powerful: Ganondorf. He never truly dies. He comes back with the power of the triforce of....power...behind him. Able to become a demon, manipulate dimensions and wielding powerful magics in general, he's also badass on top of it. The bastard can even sword fight! Magic, swordplay and godhood. A triple threat. Quote: "Kid, I don't think you know who you're messing with..."

Most Classic: M. Bison (Vega, if we're gonna get whiny about it). He wants to take over the world, is portrayed as a communist in the original (his general's hat had a cummunist's star on it, wore red...) in the 90's, has what can only be described as demonic power, and is just a badass on top of it...Does more need to be said about such a classic villain? Quote: "Of course!"

Most Chaotic: Giygas. Oh boy...Trouble's brewing in Eagleland. What's the cause of it? How about an entity that doesn't even know it's doing what it's doing? Not only is it a bit mindblowing to find out, but the fight itself is just...creepy...He was so insane, that in the cart of the game was enough to supposedly even burn out your TV along with your SNES! Frightening when you think a video game bossfight busts two real life appliances... Quote: "I...feel...h..a....p...p...y....NessNessNessNessNessNessNessNessNessNessNes


Most Demonic: Julius. Yup, FE4 had a pretty crazy villain. Child hunting, what the results were OF child hunting, human sacrifice, various other things I would mention if they weren't such spoilers...His entire existence is just evil, and he's very creepy on top of it. I always imagine all his speeches lack emotion, like noticeably sociopathic. His reasons are not political, he was just...destined to be evil. Quote: "Come Istar, I wish to see the flowers."

A few chosen favorites.

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Rugal had unleashed only a portion of his power and even that was too much for the hero team to handle. They did defeat him, however, which made him unleash his full power which...killed him. I'm sorry but, I don't think Bison has that kind of power, as much as I like him.

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Rugal had unleashed only a portion of his power and even that was too much for the hero team to handle. They did defeat him, however, which made him unleash his full power which...killed him. I'm sorry but, I don't think Bison has that kind of power, as much as I like him.

Bison is still alive, he lived through hell!

Akuma's special move is he brings you to hell and then judges your soul for a million years which is like 2 secs in the real world. BISON LIVED THAT!

I'm sure Akuma is stronger than Iori or Kyo

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To name a few...

Jaquio from Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 NES: Kidnaps your girlfriend, tricks you several times and has an annoying boss fight. In the 2nd game, comes back to life, kills your girlfriend and has an EVEN MORE ANNOYING BOSS FIGHT THAN IN THE PREVIOUS GAME (LOL 3 bosses in a row and no healing).

Mother brain from Metroid: Commands a freaking dragon called Ridley, some hard to describe gigantic monster called Kraid and several others and just about every freaking thing you fight in the games she's in. Turns into a dinosaur thing that pretty much rapes you and is only beaten because you're lucky enough to end up with its ultimate weapon during the fight.

Dr. Wily and Sigma from the Megaman and Megaman X games: Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, always gonna come back to bother you again >_>.

Dracula: What is man? A miserable little pile of secrets!

CATS: All your base are belong to us.

Psycho Mantis: Is a pretty cool guy, eh... reads your mind, invades your privacy and doesn't afraid of anything except the controller getting plugged in the 2nd controller port.

Manfloy from Fire Emblem 4 and 5: Kidnaps the main character's woman to make her have incestuous sex with another man just to have an evil dragon possess a bratty prince. Also hacks the RNG to kill the best character in the first generation.

Edited by Sirius
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Bison is still alive, he lived through hell!

Akuma's special move is he brings you to hell and then judges your soul for a million years which is like 2 secs in the real world. BISON LIVED THAT!

I'm sure Akuma is stronger than Iori or Kyo

Who says Rugal isn't? It's very much implied that Rugal is still alive or that he has somehow resurrected himself (again). You should play more KoF. You'll understand once you do.

And no, Akuma isn't stronger than even Ryu, let alone Kyo or Iori (who possess legendary flames that can kill/subdue even Orochi himself, who is quite literally, a god). Haven't you ever seen the "good guy is always stronger than the bad guy no matter how strong said bad guy is" stereotype?

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Who says Rugal isn't? It's very much implied that Rugal is still alive or that he has somehow resurrected himself (again). You should play more KoF. You'll understand once you do.

And no, Akuma isn't stronger than even Ryu, let alone Kyo or Iori (who possess legendary flames that can kill/subdue even Orochi himself, who is quite literally, a god). Haven't you ever seen the "good guy is always stronger than the bad guy no matter how strong said bad guy is" stereotype?

Akuma is stronger than Ryu.

He sends you to hell! How can you fight that!

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Eliwood from Fire Emblem 7 is, in my opinion, the "best" video game villain.

First and foremost, Eliwood has a thoroughly developed back-story. His history is fleshed out in far superior detail than, in my experience, that of most any other video game villain. The player bears firsthand witness to the events which transpire between Eliwood's setting off to find his father and the tragedy which befalls him, his father's death in his arms, on the Dread Isle. Eliwood's motivations to destroy Nergal and prevent the reintroduction of dragons into their homeland stems from this development, and they is presented in such a way as to inspire great sympathy from the player.

After his father's untimely demise, the next critical moment in Eliwood's passage into villainy is the point at which he strikes down his lover in cold blood. Eliwood simultaneously expresses weighty regret for this murder and strengthens his resolve to destroy dragonkind's only passage back into their native realm. All this is done while maintaining the player's sympathy for his ambition, and without evoking so much as a breeze to disturb the thread which holds aloft the story's suspension of disbelief. It is at this pivotal point of the story at which Eliwood's self prescribed destiny is carved into stone.

Despite his self loathing for having murdered his lover, Eliwood's resolve for dooming her species could never have been stronger, and his unhindered fighting prowess enabled him to forge a path straight to Nergal. Upon the game's conclusion, Eliwood succeeds in completing his quest to drive the dragons from their rightful lands forevermore; very few villains manage to carry out their full ambition, but Eliwood manages to do so and return to his nation a hero.

I believe Eliwood is the "best" video game villain because his believable personality enables the player and many of the game's other characters to feel unabated sympathy for his plight despite his primary goal necessitating blood shed to resolve a land dispute at the best, and being akin to genocide at the worst.

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Ridley. He doesn't wanna dominate the world like everyone else. Plus, he hates Samus.... I don't even know why

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