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FE4 new pairings

luigi bros

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I want to try some new pairings in FE4 but I have know idea what to do here are the pairings I have done:

Aideen:Dew Azel

Aira:Holyn Dew

Lachesis:Fin Beowulf

Sylvia:Claude Lex

Fury:Levin Claude

Tiltyu:Azel Levin Lex

Brigid:Holyn Jamka

I want to try all new pairings. This is what I'm thinking:



Lachesis/No idea



Tityu/No idea


Other than those I don't know. Advice?

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Aideen/Jamka won't give Lester pursuit, so be sure he gets the pursuit ring or something if you insist on using that pairing.

That's about all the advice I have to offer for now.

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Aideen/Jamka won't give Lester pursuit, so be sure he gets the pursuit ring or something if you insist on using that pairing.

That's about all the advice I have to offer for now.

I knew that likely wouldn't work out. If I give him the Pursuit Ring will he be like a mounted Jamka?

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Adean x Jamka: solid. Lester will probably need the Pursuit Ring, but that's pretty much the only downside.

Ayra x Lex: bread and butter. High all-around stats for the kids, plus Elite. Ambush doesn't matter much.

Sylvia x Levin: worst Holsety user ever.

Fury x Azel: to be honest, comparing Azel and Claude as Fury's husbands is like comparing Arden and Lex in other pairings; Azel is simply outclassed, as Fury already gives her kids Pursuit and Fire sucks (Sety is better off with Elwind or Lightning instead of Bolganon).

Bridget x Dew: bread and butter. Good all-around growths, although HP won't be wtfhigh like with Jamka or Holyn. Bargain helps Faval, Patty gets Sol.

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Alec/Lachesis can work if you want her kids to have Pursuit, but they'll be pretty much inferior to Fin/Beo pairings. The other sort-of-cool ways of pairing her are taken in a way - Delmud needs Pursuit Ring for Levin to be an effective father, and you have Azel with Fury.

I would recommend Sylvia/Ardan (Ambush + Sleep Sword on dancer = free arena wins) if you want to free up Levin.

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Adean x Jamka: solid. Lester will probably need the Pursuit Ring, but that's pretty much the only downside.

Ayra x Lex: bread and butter. High all-around stats for the kids, plus Elite. Ambush doesn't matter much.

Sylvia x Levin: worst Holsety user ever.

Fury x Azel: to be honest, comparing Azel and Claude as Fury's husbands is like comparing Arden and Lex in other pairings; Azel is simply outclassed, as Fury already gives her kids Pursuit and Fire sucks (Sety is better off with Elwind or Lightning instead of Bolganon).

Bridget x Dew: bread and butter. Good all-around growths, although HP won't be wtfhigh like with Jamka or Holyn. Bargain helps Faval, Patty gets Sol.

Aideen/Jamka OK.

Aira/Lex OK

Sylvia/Levin I know it's the worst Holsety user but I've already done the other two so I want something knew and Corple is the only one who can use it.

Fury/Azel I've done Levin and Claude so I thought Azel. Do you have a better suggestion?

Brigid/Dew OK.

What about Lachesis and Sylvia?

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Sylvia/Levin I know it's the worst Holsety user but I've already done the other two so I want something knew and Corple is the only one who can use it.

Your choice.

Fury/Azel I've done Levin and Claude so I thought Azel. Do you have a better suggestion?

It's just that Levin and Claude are the best pairings for Fury, Azel being a somewhat distant 3rd place.

What about Lachesis and Sylvia?

I've been killing off Sylvia in my latest playthroughs.

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Your choice.

It's just that Levin and Claude are the best pairings for Fury, Azel being a somewhat distant 3rd place.

I've been killing off Sylvia in my latest playthroughs.


Azel's third so I'll use him.

I meant Tiltyu and Lachesis. I've already done Sylvia/Nobody

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I was going to try Lachesis x Claude next time... Delmud would be completely useless, but Nanna could be a decent healer perhaps (B staves = Recover). I don't know. I always pair Lache because of Charisma, but I'm never enthusiastic about any particular pairing.

I've never deviated from Azel/Levin/Lex x Tiltyu, so I can't really offer input there. Perhaps kill her? I hear Linda is kinda good.

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I was going to try Lachesis x Claude next time... Delmud would be completely useless, but Nanna could be a decent healer perhaps (B staves = Recover). I don't know. I always pair Lache because of Charisma, but I'm never enthusiastic about any particular pairing.

I've never deviated from Azel/Levin/Lex x Tiltyu, so I can't really offer input there. Perhaps kill her? I hear Linda is kinda good.

Couldn't Delmud be good with Magic Swords? Also they should still have decent strength thanks to the Hezul Blood.

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Decent is the key word. They will always do less damage with magic swords than with a normal sword even when they have Azel/Claude as a father, especially since you can upgrade those (blades, steel, silver, etc). Imagine how much better they're off with a father that actually contributes str growth.

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Decent is the key word. They will always do less damage with magic swords than with a normal sword even when they have Azel/Claude as a father, especially since you can upgrade those (blades, steel, silver, etc). Imagine how much better they're off with a father that actually contributes str growth.

Of course they'll be better with a Strength father. What I mean is with a mage father they'll be somewhat good with Magic Swords.

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Of course they'll be better with a Strength father. What I mean is with a mage father they'll be somewhat good with Magic Swords.

Not really. Look at their bases/caps.

The only one I've ever seen making solid use of magic swords was Fee.

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Not really. Look at their bases/caps.

The only one I've ever seen making solid use of magic swords was Fee.

Well with a mage father they'll have higher Magic bases. The caps may be the issue though. One could get a Fire Sword and be OK since it boosts Magic. Or is that only Thracia 776?

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Well with a mage father they'll have higher Magic bases. The caps may be the issue though.

Caps = class bases +15. >_>

One could get a Fire Sword and be OK since it boosts Magic. Or is that only Thracia 776?

Only in Thracia.

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Caps = class bases +15. >_>

Only in Thracia.

So then who should go with Lachesis? Or Tiltyu? Should I try Claude or Tiltyu? I know Arthur won't get the Valkyrie staff but no one ever dies for me so it's no loss.

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Read my post and you have the answer to your question. They are "somewhat good" with magic swords, but no matter what father, they will always be better with melee swords.

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This last time I played I tried to pick up with my last game's pairings, along with some modified ones.


Not as great as last time, but still good. Arthur will have Holsety and will be pretty much invincible with it; while he may not be killing everything as wonderfully as Sety, he cruises through Arenas and sometimes ensures that an enemy is only struck once, barely leaving an enemy alive, so as to provide experience for another. Tinny has good magic, speed, and all that. Unfortunately I never found much incentive to really make use out of her unless she was healing.


You can't really "break" Ayra unless you go out of your way to do so. Terranigma Freak put it best: Ayra could fuck a generic green NPC and still have awesome kids. Adan's just given them each a boost to defense and strength, and everything else is easily carried by Ayra. Lakche always got the Heroes Sword and Thunder Sword, but this time I gave Skasaher the Defense Sword, Armor Cutter, and Wing Clipper. He always had the Defense Sword on, which really helped him become a tank. I guess I wanted another Armor second-gen ^^


I wanted a Bow Knight, and since this is pretty much a good pairing already, I used it. High skill and speed and luck for the each; Lester kills everything, but I always end up giving him both the Hero and Killer bow, emphasis on attaining 50 kills with the Hero.


I guess I wanted the strength, defense, and Elite, but none of it really showed with the kids. I dunno--I wanted something different. Naturally they leveled rather fast, but it was sort of wasted on Faval considering that he can kill things without trying anyways, is ranged, and really doesn't have to worry about experience. Patty could've been good, but she took too long to get started--usually I loved Thieves and Thief Fighters, but this time I didn't use Deu pretty much at all and Patty just never took off.


Naturally Sety still kills everything, and I kinda like how Volcanon is the only A-rank spell he can use. Now there's an excuse to give someone the spell. He still kills everything, and everything that a Sety can do. Fee got the Fire Sword and has never stopped using it, she has something like 16 magic at the moment.


I've never done this pairing before, mostly 'cause I'm for Beowulf rather than a beo-hater. My last two runs of Thracia I've used Finn, however, and he actually hasn't sucked. Moreso he didn't suck in Seisen, something that has never happened to me before o_o I ended up having to use codes to get him and her in love, due to their short time together and not really getting much time in Chapter 2 (late turn count always for that chapter). 'Sides, Nanna's is Finn's and Delmud's is Beowulf >:o Strong fighters all around.


Mostly 'cause I want Lynn to be able to fight, but I don't think that's ever going to happen without giving her a Heroes Sword or something. She mostly dances and never enters battle. Corple got crazy strength for me, magic was a tad higher. Skill through the roof. Speed. Nothing much else. He was always a dedicated healer for me.

Doesn't Binary have a patch that allows Sunlight, Moonlight, and Shooting Star to activate regardless of class released separately as an addendum :? If so, that's something that needs to be applied to every game--characters are awfully limited when choosing these skills :(

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That's pretty silly, a magic pairing doesn't do Fee a whole lot of good either. In fact, a physical pairing is probably a lot better. Fee is around longer, so you get more use out of making her good and "nerfing" Sety than vice versa. In addition, Sety has his own problem fixes: he hits on res, and he can use staves, so he doesn't care as much about a drop in damage. This is what makes Noish the best husband for Fury (imo): both kids are stellar at fighting thanks to having four damage-boosting skills, and Levin is freed up for Tiltyu.

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That's pretty silly, a magic pairing doesn't do Fee a whole lot of good either. In fact, a physical pairing is probably a lot better. Fee is around longer, so you get more use out of making her good and "nerfing" Sety than vice versa. In addition, Sety has his own problem fixes: he hits on res, and he can use staves, so he doesn't care as much about a drop in damage. This is what makes Noish the best husband for Fury (imo): both kids are stellar at fighting thanks to having four damage-boosting skills, and Levin is freed up for Tiltyu.

Fury/Levin is good. Both Fee and Sety bennifet and Levin's a Mage.

Except I've already done Tiltyu/Levin and I want new pairings.

Now I'm thinking:

Aideen/Jamka Lester will get the Pursuit Ring


Lachesis/Claude I can't think of anyone else

Sylvia/Levin At least I'll be able to use Holsety

Fury/Azel The only Mage avalible

Tiltyu/No idea I still don't know for this one


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I seriously don't know about Claude for Lachesis. You could take any physical unit which you haven't used and the result would probably better then Claude. Why not just use Alex or Noish. At last Alec has Pursuit, and Noish's Critical gives them at last a bit killing potential.

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Claude!Fury is better than Levin!Fury IMO. Sety is still an unstoppable beast, except now he can also use any stave. He doesn't need Holsety, Arthur does.

Due to Blagi blood, Fee will have a ton of magic res...making her an ideal magekiller.

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