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Sacred Stones manga

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Meh, I don't like Mangas. You miss a few episodes and then yr like WTF.

SS doesn't have much of a story. It's too rushed. At chapter 5 everything

pretty much unfolds.They don't have enough "tales within the story", if

that makes sense.

... just read the whole thing, just like you would play a game from beginning to end. :mellow:

I think she has anime and manga confused. O_o

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Meh, I don't like Mangas. You miss a few episodes and then yr like WTF.

SS doesn't have much of a story. It's too rushed. At chapter 5 everything

pretty much unfolds.They don't have enough "tales within the story", if

that makes sense.

Not enough "tales within the story?" I thought there were plenty. Orson, the deal about Valter which someone else already said, Joshua and Caellach, Gheb, etc.

Hell, I like FE8 just because it has Gheb. Pretty much the best villain outside of maybe FE7's Batta / Glass.

I can agree that this game wasn't particularly notable by comparison to other FEs, but I don't think it deserves the amount of bashing that it gets, at all. I mean, if your complaint is "bad story," then may I direct you to FE11.

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many have too identical bases and growths too.


What? What does that have to do with anything?

Afew users said the game was generic(or a little), I just pointed out the fact that there are many geberic characters, i.e:

Eirika = A less fragile Lyndis.

Gilliam = An Oswin without the win.

Garcia = Same as Dorcas was to Ward.

Colm = A stronger and luckier Matthew, has a fast support with a unit who has Fire as her affinity(Neimi)

Neimi = Same affinity as Rebecca and slightly stronger.

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"fast and lucky but weak and frail female sword user" is hardly something that was only just introduced in FE7, I'd imagine. Same with "slow but tanky knight" or w/e else. Indeed, FE8 actually has a bit of originality compared to FE7, as it introduced a few new classes, as compared to FE7 which just copied FE6's classes and added Assassin. FE8 introduced its own thief promotion along with some other crap like Great Knight, Wyvern Knight and Summoner.

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Afew users said the game was generic(or a little), I just pointed out the fact that there are many geberic characters, i.e:

Eirika = A less fragile Lyndis.

Gilliam = An Oswin without the win.

Garcia = Same as Dorcas was to Ward.

Colm = A stronger and luckier Matthew, has a fast support with a unit who has Fire as her affinity(Neimi)

Neimi = Same affinity as Rebecca and slightly stronger.

And everyone that you mentioned is based upon another character from 1/3/11. They're character archetypes, not "omg fe8 copied from fe7 thus it is generic".

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Meh, I don't like Mangas. You miss a few episodes and then yr like WTF.

SS doesn't have much of a story. It's too rushed. At chapter 5 everything

pretty much unfolds.They don't have enough "tales within the story", if

that makes sense.

... just read the whole thing, just like you would play a game from beginning to end. :mellow:

I think she has anime and manga confused. O_o

And in that case, you just watch from episode 1.

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People bash FE8 because it's the cool thing to do, the game has flaws, it's short and easy, and the story was plain, however I much prefer FE8's story to FE9's, and I love that game, it's my favorite GameCube game, but the storyline felt like it was strung together without much thought (too me), though, I'm probably the only one to feel that way, I've never completed FE10 as I've only played it for a brief amount of time at a friend's house, but aside from some plot elements, I found the story to be above average. (I've read up on it a lot, but I don't have a first hand account of most of it.)

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I'm glad I came back in time for this XD

Lyon's story was pretty tragic, hell, Lyon was one probably the most developed character in the game, and he's not even playable until the very very very end! Orson was also interesting, he should've stayed longer to make his betrayal and strange devotion more shocking.

If they are going to make an FE8 manga, it should be about the villains. Riev (exiled priest bent on revenge), Callaech (an unknown to a general who is bent on destruction), Valter (pure insanity, with potential backstory), Selena (her story with Vigarde was twisted but also tragic)... and last but not least, we can't forget... DUESSEL.

Most developed....that would be the hero Grado. He technically isn't in the game but he's talked about almost every chapter. Someone mentioned only he and Latona are mentioned by name from the original group that sealed the Demon King. That's true though Jehanna, Renais and Frelia's heroes are mentioned as well (though not by name). I have a sneaky suspicion Renais' hero was really named Renais (ditto for Jehanna) but eh, that's just me. I'd think Frelia's hero would either be a Knight Ranger or a class I often dream of--Pegasus Archer (Innes mentions something to the effect Frelia's hero wielded both a bow and a Lance so...yeah).

Now back to the generals: Valter was a general before he touched the cursed lance. Why the hell Dussel has been carrying it around since then only to give it to Cormag is beyond me. Selena didn't believe Vigarde could do wrong and thus she was destined to fail. Her backstory is similar to Glen and Cormag's yet they both turned their back on him. Caellach's history with Joshua is one I would have liked to see more on. They have a nice conversation if you do Eirika's Route when they meet in battle. I mean sure, we only learn of the...connection the chapter before they go to Jehanna but...yeah. Riev's backstory is the most protected until the absolute last second. I admit I made the assumption it was he who was pulling Lyon's strings until I found out the truth. His conversation with L'Arachel both in Rausten Castle and Darkling Woods is in my opinion one of, if not the most epic in the game. In the second conversation, L'Arachel finally sheds her egotistical attitude and basically says "Ok, now I have to kill you".

Going back to Lyon, am I the only one who caught the FMA reference? He tried to bring his father back and paid for it with his soul, almost damning Magvel with him. And then the massive earthquake foreseen happens after his death, which Ephraim has to clean up >.>;

Does this game deserve a Manga? I think so, yes. I myself have been working on a fanfic in a bid to add some backstory to everyone (yes, I said EVERYONE). I have it posted here and at Fanfiction.net.

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When Sacred Stones came out, people were disappointed because they wanted or thought that it would be a continuation or the same world but in different land. It was just too unfamiliar....

Actually Sacred Stones was loved by many when it came out, as it was just the second Fire Emblem to ever come out (to the West).
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When Sacred Stones came out, people were disappointed because they wanted or thought that it would be a continuation or the same world but in different land. It was just too unfamiliar....

Actually Sacred Stones was loved by many when it came out, as it was just the second Fire Emblem to ever come out (to the West).

And because it was easy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now back to the generals: Valter was a general before he touched the cursed lance. Why the hell Dussel has been carrying it around since then only to give it to Cormag is beyond me. Selena didn't believe Vigarde could do wrong and thus she was destined to fail. Her backstory is similar to Glen and Cormag's yet they both turned their back on him. Caellach's history with Joshua is one I would have liked to see more on. They have a nice conversation if you do Eirika's Route when they meet in battle.

If well done, the parts of story which you mentioned will be really interesting. I, also, write a oneshot fanfic about Valter when he was a young soldier.

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