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I have decided.....


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I'm here to insult you in various ways and give you someone to hate in Lyle's absense.

You faggot.

Thank you for the compliment. Faggot is like saying "hi" to me given how many times Faiya and I say it to each other.

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I just realized it's summer again. :awesome:

which is why I have decided to save this place from the violent torrent of suck it has been trapped in for the past year.


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Masu-kun! i missed you so!

then again, if i got into the instant messenger thing more often, i wouldn't actually miss you


lol yeah im on that around the clock XD

Good enough.


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What shall we do first?

Assassinate some random ppl I guess. Or aim for the top and kill sum modz :D

But alas.........*goes to bed* I will kill tomorrow.

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If I remember correctly/nothing has changed, this was the chain of command:

SwordsAreShiney > Jyosua > Vincent > NTG > Lord Glenn > global Mods > forum mods > the remaining non-banned members > lurkers > Jarlybanned pplz

I suggest we work our way from the top to the bottom.

Edited by Fireman
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If I remember correctly, this was the chain of command:

SwordsAreShiney > Jyosua > Vincent > Mods > us > lurkers > Jarlybanned pplz

I suggest we work our way from the top to the bottom.

Alright.You take out the scary shiny sword guy. I'll go snap jyo's neck right quick.

The deed is done. Sleep I must. I'll go mod hunting tomorrow good think wist isnt a mod anymore

Edited by White Len
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