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Extra-smooth skin, small nose and big lips?

Not telling~

Also my lover said I wasn't very androgynous physically, but that I am personality-wise. Conflicting reports. (I just asked her.)

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Not telling~

Also my lover said I wasn't very androgynous physically, but that I am personality-wise. Conflicting reports. (I just asked her.)

Personality-wise? That's... weird.

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Well it was just either you were being sarcastic (for whatever reason) or you think 94/100 is bad when I think that is a good grade =<

I was just joking around.

Although honestly, I am a bit disappointed with myself because I was confident that I got 100%...

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Yeah. I think she means that I can pass myself off for either based on the way I carry myself.

I wouldn't call that "being androgynous"

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I was just joking around.

Although honestly, I am a bit disappointed with myself because I was confident that I got 100%...

Okay =3

I find it very very dangerous to expect a 100% because I never do

There are always those really small mistakes that I make =<

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What would you call being androgynous?

I've been mistaken for the other gender even more online than in real life.

If you're female, people usually automatically go by male if not neither so it's not exactly your personality that's causing that.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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If you're female, people usually automatically go by male if not neither so it's not exactly your personality that's causing that.

That's true, there are other factors.

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What would you call being androgynous?

Well, I know that I would describe what you just said here as "bisexual tendencies"

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So I got 94/100 on my trig exam.

Hooray for sucking!

Hey. =)

If all else fail, we can lure some of the newcomers that will inevitably arrive once Awakening gets released... but that may end up backfiring for all we know.

Hoping that it doesn't.



Just downloaded two more Keldeo into my game and have got one with a Modest+Michivious nature. This is a wonderful one. It'll ensure to reach that 394 Sp.Cap! >=D

Went with this set....

-Calm Mind

-Secret Sword

-Hydro Pump

-Icy Wind

EV's recommended 252 Sp.Attk 252 Speed 4 Sp.Def

Other good options.....

If you happen to get Physical nature ones then.....

-Aqua Jet

-Secret Sword

-Swords Dance

-Stone Edge

EV's recommeded 252 Attk 252 Speed 4 Sp.Attk


-Hydro Pump

-Secret Sword

-Work Up

-Stone Edge

EV's recommeded 152 Attk 252 Speed 106 Sp.Attk

Stone Edge needed in both sets, so that it doesn't get walled against Pelliper and Swanna. And the other attacks are good for it's Sp based stat.

Edited by Katarina
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Here are some advice tips given to get them prepared for battle at the Battle Frontier/PWT/friends, so that training your Pokemon to LV100 won't take alot of time....

Here's what I do to strengthen my Pokemon.....

Gens 3&4

Gen 3

Getting them prepared for battle at the Battle Frontier/Friends in Hoenn.

-Have the Lucky Egg.

-Have 5 pick upers in FR or LG. You don't need to level your pick upers to find them rare candies.

-Train them in the FR or LG game in Cerulean Cave. If they are from the Hoenn games, link trade them temporarily in your FR/LG game and train them there. Because Cerulean cave' wild Pokemon awards more EXP there (Especially the Dittos after they transform) than anywhere else in the 3rd gen.

-Always train your Pokes in your opposite game as traded Pokes do get increased EXP points in battle.

Gen 4

Getting them prepared for battle at the Battle Frontier in Sinnoh. Pokemon Platinum since it has more games there than anywhere else in the entire generation and for friends.

-Have the Lucky Egg

-Have 5 Pick upers so that you have a good chance in getting rare candies. You can do this by catching them at Mt. Silver in Pokemon HG/SS as the Phanpy/Teddirusa start at LV48 which is more than high enough to get them to find the candies with the highest chance.

-Train at Stark Mountain. Awards more EXP there than anywhere else in the 4th gen.

-Use Action Replay's Super EXP gain code. You can get up to 22k EXP per battle. Has to be traded and having the Lucky Egg to get that much.

-Always train your Pokes in your opposite game as traded Pokes do get increased EXP points in battle.

Gen 5

Getting them prepared for battle at the PWT/Battle Subway/Friends

-Have the Lucky Egg

-Have 5 pick upers. Transfer 5 Phanpy/Teddirusa from HG/SS since they already start at a high enough level to find the candies with the highest chance and not needing to have to train 5 lillipups to LV41 for them.


Method #1 (My Favorite)

Transfer your Pokemon, or have got them from the Black/White 2 version and go to the stadium. Sometimes you will see a breeder trainer in them that have weak pokes, but award okay EXP and that they give you a rare candy after every battle. These battles can be repeated. I've got over 80 Rare Candies in less than 2 hours by doing this. These trainers are the best in the fucking series. They shave craploads of time is why that this method is most recommeded.

However, if this method isn't available here's what else I do.....


(You will need two DS's to do this. You should since you can't use Poketransfer without them.)

Battle at the stadiums in Nimbassa City till there are no more left to battle. Save then switch it into your other DS with a different time period and you can rebattle them again. Do so then....

Transfer it into your other version and repeat twice in that. Then transfer it into your Black/White 1 and repeat in those till there are no more to battle. Plus you get tons of cash as well as items. Sometimes PP ups too. Be sure to have the Lucky Egg when doing this. Once all of that is done hopefully it'll be around LV75/87 in under a few hours. Train it in the wild the rest of the way to up it to 100.

Method #3

After finishing the second method. Or can't do the second one at the moment as sometimes you can't battle the trainers at the stadium till every other day.

-Have the Lucky Egg

-Have 5 Pick upers so that you have a good chance in getting rare candies.

-Battle in Black/White 1 at Giant Chasm in the crater. The Wild Pokemon in the dark grass along with Audinos awards more EXP there than anywhere else in the game.

-In Pokemon Black/White 2, battle at Dreamyard dark grass/Iccarus City on top of the mountain north of the city Dark Grass there. Both places have Pokemon at the highest levels in the game and that you get awarded more EXP in those places than anywhere else in the game.

Do these methods everyday to strengthen your Pokemon.

Edited by Katarina
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