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...Though I *AM* a naive little fool after all though.

Well, the miserable part is up to each person

But I don't expect somebody to be able to deny the opportunity cost

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Probably in this way:

Dundundundundundunnn... *Rey broke.*

Or perhaps just a cosplay and something turning into stone.

Nothing groundbreaking.

Edited by OldMan
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This thread is now a Space Marine chapter.

I guess I'll ask a question(probably stupid but w/e) but what are your opinions on risk taking?

I'm too passive and unwilling to take risks cause I overthink too much.

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Risks are what define me. I am Risk Storage.

It is true
But overcoming such limits is a leap of faith, a journey into the unknown
It can bring countless riches... or a pathetic fall

Do you fear the leap, comrade.

Edited by Nightmare
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I guess I'll ask a question(probably stupid but w/e) but what are your opinions on risk taking?

I'm too passive and unwilling to take risks cause I overthink too much.

I'm definitely not a risk taker.

Do you fear the leap, comrade.

Always, comrade.
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Risks are what define me. I am Risk Storage.

Do you fear the leap, comrade.

An exciting life that must be.

I'm definitely not a risk taker.Always, comrade.

I see thanks for your inputs. Edited by Generic Operator
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Missed saying hi to Fia, again. Oh well, next time.

Now to finish what I started in the DLC script thread.

Hopefully, I can get the pack soon as well.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Risks are fun...

Oh, the excitement of going through some new, dangerous experience, learning new things in life... walking by death's door... and trolling death itself!

EDIT: I like taking risks, but that depends on the possible outcomes. Like, I wouldn't want to risk losing my life. Losing some worldly possession, however, is something I'm much more willing to do.

Edited by FranticforFreeFruityFruit
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Risks are fun...

Oh, the excitement of going through some new, dangerous experience, learning new things in life... walking by death's door... and trolling death itself!

EDIT: I like taking risks, but that depends on the possible outcomes. Like, I wouldn't want to risk losing my life. Losing some worldly possession, however, is something I'm much more willing to do.

Don't be deluded. Death cannot be cheated by mere men. If you haven't died so far, it's because death hasn't taken an interest in you yet.

How manly

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Don't be deluded. Death cannot be cheated by mere men. If you haven't died so far, it's because death hasn't taken an interest in you yet.

I've almost died a few times... do those count...?

Like slipping on a mountain. A very rocky mountain.

Or having bad asthma with no medicine around.

Or almost getting hit by a car.

Or not being able to get Awakening at launch.

But yeah, I have no interest in risking my life. Maybe someone else's, though.

I would never do that. Probably.

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