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Yikes. War elephants are so fucking annoying to fight against. Being the strongest personal unit sure helps things, even tho it's costly as fuck

Well, I am betting it will be something like two versions of a same story, y'know. The characters will be the same, but the situations and maps are going to be completely different.

I think that people are more upset at FE doing this because Pokemon has always been like this, it was it's main feature and all that. Having this controversial change and not giving another option might hurt someone's feelings etc

Maaaaaan, this guy buys them like they're snickers bars, it's insane.

That would be the ideal case... outside of just not doing this split version thing lol.

Hahah that's great. Pokemon gets a free ticket to doing this shit because it's done it since inception. Hah.

fuck the dogs man

sometimes i even die not from them but because i triggered the animation where you grab them mid run and some mook kills me

i don't know if it's just higher enemie density or the combo window is larger but it seems to be easier to get some large combos than the first game

you mean the one at around 1:10?

if you mean how he did not get hit i think he was still out of his range (you can usually if you keep running sometimes when i get a single shot in but they still see me i need to do that)

if you mean why did he not follow him past those doors i have no fucking idea

speaking of them could you do this of getting one handgun shot and waiting them bleed to death in the first game because if so i just discovered this on this one >_>

i need to actually try to clear a stage with the duck mask but it's kinda weird to play as it

It is easier to get combos in this one but that's to balance it out a bit since there was one mask that was REALLY good for combos in the first game.

Yeah. If I could juke enemies like that, I wouldn't have gotten the 1000 death mark.

You could always just shoot the fat guys once and let them bleed to death but that tactic was never ideal unless he's like the last enemy or nobody's around to follow up your gun shots.

Dude, Alex and Ash are the best since it only matters if Alex is hit so when you try to going up against enemies using guns what you should do is to get their attention and move just enough to have Alex covered but Ash still in position to shoot incoming enemies.

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I guess it's a good thing elephants count as cavalry as far as pikemen go... though it doesn't help that much.

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is it the 13th already

You could always just shoot the fat guys once and let them bleed to death but that tactic was never ideal unless he's like the last enemy or nobody's around to follow up your gun shots.

Dude, Alex and Ash are the best since it only matters if Alex is hit so the try to going up against enemies using guns is to get their attention and move just enough to have Alex covered but Ash still in position to shoot incoming enemies.

well there's always the occasional silencer

hmm that sounds nice

not as fun as tony tho :D

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Also... it would appear I'm the only one who doesn't particularly care for Senri Kita's art. I like the way she designs clothing and armor, but some of the characters' faces (the eyes in particular) are really off-putting. I seriously can't help but feel that Micaiah, Radiant Dawn Mist, and Path of Radiance Jill look like they have down syndrome in their art.

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Got 14k on Mega Blastoise with no items, but now I'm just gonna go back to VLR

I think I'm going down... Alice or Phi's routes? I can't remember ~o3o~

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*Zelda Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons is different! They're two different games with different characters and stories! FE If has the same characters, you just choose which ones you side with."


"Pokemon is okay because it's almost the same exact game, and--"


Edited by Starman
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trade your units with your friends?

what if you don't have friends tho

tonato i'm trading you for additional units mate sorry

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i was never a fire emblem master anyway

oh, we should get me to g2 tomorrow. also tempted to make zamtrios z armour

zamtrios z looks fully sick don't know if it's any good tho

tigerstripe zamtrios is g1 anyway so you could start that now at least (making my seltas x was painful i couldn't solo the queen with my hr armor and being shit at the game)

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