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Scene 10 (Lex->Sigurd)

Lex talks about his family. He describes how lame the Ultima faction is and why he quitted it IN GLORIOUS ALLCAPS.

I'll let someone else write about the other ones. I don't know how Vincent/NTG or Azel could approach Sigurd...

"..." for both Vincent and NTG.

Scene 9 (Azel->Sigurd)

Azel complains why he doesn't have a horse while a corpse does. Sigurd calls him a girl. Azel is insulted, as he is clearly a boy.

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"..." for both Vincent and NTG.

Scene 9 (Azel->Sigurd)

Azel complains why he doesn't have a horse while a corpse does. Sigurd calls him a girl. Azel is insulted, as he is clearly a boy.


Now I'll go to sleep and hopefully work on chapter 1 tomorrow.

Aww, still no Layton download... :(

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Now I'll go to sleep and hopefully work on chapter 1 tomorrow.

Aww, still no Layton download... :(

I should maybe play Diabolical Box one of these days.

But first I must fix stuff in this PC and reformat another one. Curse this bug in Sora no Kiseki the 3rd. I should look deeper into it, though I don't really have much to do about that.

*forgot Wikipedia page on Diabolical Box open*

*clicks on it, eyes go to the middle of text*

"... Don Paolo, still posing as Flora..."


Edited by TheEnd
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I'm working on the characters.

[spoiler=First gen]


Name : Sigurd

Sprite: Sigurd

Class : Lord Knight

Holy blood : Major Baldo

Skills : Pursuit

Based on : Chalis's Sigurd

Traits : Spineless, masochistic, and fickle.

Backstory :


Name : Etel

Sprite: Noish

Class : Axefighter -> Warrior

Holy blood : Minor Neir

Skills : Pursuit + Berserk

Based on : He was Lex for a while, so why not Lex!Etel

Traits : Somewhat nonsensical, not as much as Kintenbo. His favorite characteristic in a woman is her unibrow. Alas he was pretty unlucky in love.

Backstory : One of Sigurd's Knight.


Name : Chainey

Sprite: Chainey? (Red haired Nanna?)

Class : Prince -> Master Knight

Holy blood : Minor Hezul

Skills : Pursuit, Elite

Based on : FE3Player's Chainey

Traits : Loves to argue/Versatile/Chaste

Backstory : One of Sigurd's Knight.


Name : Kitenbo

Sprite: Adan

Class : Social Knight -> Paladin M

Holy blood : Minor Neir

Skills : Charge + Ambush

Based on : Kintenbo

Traits : Foot Fetish/Nonsensical

Backstory : One of Sigurd's Knight.


Name : Vincent

Sprite: Cuan

Class : Dragon Lord

Holy blood : Major Noba

Skills : Pursuit + Continue + Awareness

Based on :

Traits : Secretive and reclusive I suppose.

Backstory : Secretly God. Decides to help Sigurd.


Name : NTG

Sprite: Ethlin

Class : Troubadour -> Paladin F

Holy blood : Minor Noba (if possible)

Skills : Critical + Charisma

Based on :

Traits : Similar traits to her brother and husband, only not as much as him.

Backstory : Married to Vincent


Name : TheEnd

Sprite: Finn

Class : Lance Knight -> Duke Knight

Holy blood : NonePerhaps Minor Noba for him too.

Skills : Pursuit + Prayer

Based on : TheEnd's Finn

Traits : LOYALTY

Backstory : Vincent's most loyal servant.


Name : Azel

Sprite: Azel

Class : Mage -> Mage Knight

Holy blood : Minor Fala

Skills : Pursuit

Based on : Chalis' Azel

Traits :

Backstory : Fled from Velthomer because of Tiltyu


Name : Lex

Sprite: Lex

Class : Axe Knight -> Great Knight

Holy blood : Minor Neir

Skills : Charge + Berserk

Based on : Rei' Lex

Traits : ALLCAPS but easily whipped

Backstory : Thinks Azel is a girl and secretly in love with him. Fled with him.


Name : Horse

Sprite: Horse

Class : Arch Knight -> Bow Knight

Holy blood : None

Skills : Pursuit + Bargain

Based on : TheEnd's Midayle's horse

Traits : Likes carrots and pats

Backstory : Midayle died after Edin's capture. Horse attached some strings to Midayle and can now manipulate the corpse. Or something like that...


Name : Edin

Sprite: Edin

Class : Priest -> High Priest

Holy blood : Minor Ulir

Skills : Prayer

Based on : Marthur's Edin

Traits : She loves animals

Backstory : Kidnapped.


Name : Ninji

Sprite: Ninji

Class : Thief -> Thief Fighter

Holy blood : NoneMinor or Major Lopt.

Skills : Steal + Pursuit + Sol

Based on : Ninji's Deu

Traits : A perverted little coward. Loves elegant ladies, but fears everyone else.

Backstory : A strange animal that Edin found. Act as her pet.


Name : BL

Sprite: Ayra

Class : Mage F -> Sage F

Holy blood : Minor Odo

Skills : Continue + Critical

Based on :

Traits : A rather sadist mage who likes little boys for her to burn. Actually pretty sweet the rest of the time. Great cook.

Backstory : A young mage from the forest who heard little kids were coming.


Name : Diadora

Sprite: Diadora

Class : Shaman F

Holy blood : Major Narga

Skills : Awareness + Berserk + Ambush

Based on : Fia's Diadora

Traits : Brash, sadistic. Her introduction was nearly murdering the bandit who hit on her and Sigurd stopping her.

Backstory : Kult's Daughter. Hiding in Verdane.


Name : Pride

Sprite: Holin

Class : Swordfighter -> Forrest

Holy blood : Minor Odo

Skills : Pursuit + Astra

Based on :

Traits : Somewhat narcissic. In love with Edin. Such love may or may not be mutual.

Backstory : A beautiful swordsman who fell in love with Edin at first sight. Cannot stand either thieves or naughty little boys, hence he'd rather have Ninji killed rather than just imprisoned.


Name : GO

Sprite: Zain

Class : General -> Baron

Holy blood : Minor Tordo

Skills : Pursuit + Luna + Big Shield

Based on :

Traits : Explosive temper. Always gives his all in everything he does. Brother and rival of Dagron.

Backstory : A gladiator thought as undefeatable thanks to his great armor. Quarrels frequently with Dagron about his mercenary career.


Name : Lachesis

Sprite: Lachesis

Class : Troubadour -> Paladin F

Holy blood : Minor Hezul

Skills : Pursuit + Awareness + Critical

Based on : Marthur's Lachesis

Traits : Lachesis only worse

Backstory : After doing anyone in her home country of Agustria, she wants to see the world of her own eyes and have as sex as often as possible.


Name : Dagron

Sprite : Harold

Class : Free Knight -> Forrest Knight

Holy blood : Minor Holsety

Skills : Pursuit + Charge

Based on :

Traits : Lives only for fighting, but his temper his more mellow than his bitter brother GO.

Backstory : A man who sells his services to the best offer and built himself an impressive mercenary career. Bickers often with his rival and brother GO about his sedentary choice of lifestyle.


Name : Sirius

Sprite : Levin

Class : Bard -> Sage M

Holy blood : Major Holsety

Skills : Pursuit + Critical

Based on : Sirius's Levin

Traits : Serious. Always in denial.

Backstory : After bandits showed up, Sirius decided it was time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, but he was all out of gum. Bianchi met him at the village where he was staying because she thinks he's too cute. When he said no, it turned her on even more...


Name : Bianchi

Sprite : Sylvia

Class : Dancer

Holy blood : Minor Blagi

Skills : Dance + Prayer + Pursuit

Based on : Bianchi's Sylvia

Traits : The opposite of Sirius

Backstory : Hyper energic young girl who has a crush on men who don't like her. She always views it as a challenge to make their heart change.


Name : Fury

Sprite : Fury

Class : Pegasus Knight -> Falco Knight

Holy blood : None Definitely minor Fala or Blagi at least.

Skills : Pursuit + Wrath

Based on : Fia's Fury

Traits : Almost as energic and crazy as Sylvia.

Backstory : Left Silesia to chase after Sirius. Will soon find a great rival in Sylvia.


Name : Tiltyu

Sprite : Tiltyu

Class : Thunder Mage -> Mage Fighter

Holy blood : Minor Tordo

Skills : Wrath + Elite

Based on : Fia's Tiltyu

Traits : Totally crazy. Loves to harass Azel. Followed Zak to the tower for the lulz.

Backstory : A complete lunatic who harasses Azel every minute. She also finds Lex' infatuation for Azel hilarious.


Name : Zak

Sprite :

Class : High Priest

Holy blood : Major Blagi

Skills : Ambush

Based on :

Traits : Brags about how old he is

Backstory : A scholar who wanted to pray to the Wolf Goddess of the Space Desert at the Tower of Blagi. She would tell him the truth about the following events and also how to have the best facial hair ever.


Name : Marthur

Sprite : Briddgit

Class : Sniper

Holy blood : Major Blagi Where's the Ichieval?

Skills : Ambush

Based on :

Traits : Trap.

Backstory : The trap pirate captain of Ograhill. Takes joy in enslaving the gI0s he/she recieved from Manfloy, but the tides will soon turn...

Eltosian = NoNameAtAll

Young Alvis = Seph's Alvis

Young Trabant = Satan

Azmule = Replaced with Dio's old Alvis

Leptor & Langobalt = Death & Revan (aka the Ultima faction)

Manfroy = Secretly Dr. Eggman

Added some more in bold.


Edited by Medeus
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So did you get his outfit thingy?

..Wait. I know what he's talking about! Should I feel bad? ;~;

Along with The Pain's, and The Fury's, along with The End's tranq sniper rifle.

The End was amazingly easy. I actually snuck up on that asshole and popped him with the Mk23 every time I saw him. Granted, it took some time, but...

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I'm sure people laughed when reading this.

I can feel the rage and pleasure of that post.

Edited by Cyber Blue
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Meet Dr. Rockzo, the Rock n' Roll Clown. He just got his permit to rock, and he's ready to roll.

He does COCAINE.






Edit: Shit I just remembered about Jojo earlier today, had to go somewhere so I couldn't play.

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This shit is broken.

Broken modes need broken characters.

... and that's just level 1 promoted. Holy fucking shit.

I know.

I could've reclassed him to Cleric to properly cap his Skill and Speed at least :[

As a level 1 Hero I could've had him with maxed Speed.









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