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I just walked down to the store to get some toothpaste. The way down was rather uneventful like most nights, but on the way back I happened to run into a girl who was clearly intoxicated. She asked me for my name and then introduced herself as Kayla. We talked for about five minutes before someone called her back to the house she was visiting. Turns out she grew up not too far from where I previously lived. She even hugged me before I went on my way... twice, I might add.

Hm, hm... I guess going for mile-long walks at night in subfreezing temperatures can be interesting.

Why the fuck is it so hard to find the Supernatural Anime anywhere online?

JustDubs seems to have it, although I haven't actually looked into it myself. :\ Unless you're looking for a subbed version. Then I can't help you.

Edited by Musashi
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I just walked down to the store to get some toothpaste. The way down was rather uneventful like most nights, but on the way back I happened to run into a girl who was clearly intoxicated. She asked me for my name and then introduced herself as Kayla. We talked for about five minutes before someone called her back to the house she was visiting. Turns out she grew up not too far from where I previously lived. She even hugged me before I went on my way... twice, I might add.

Hm, hm... I guess going for mile-long walks at night in subfreezing temperatures can be interesting.

Aww that's cute.

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Leaving princess Fuuka to herself in a hostile dome, T.E. decided to visit the sewer access he saw before Lab 32.

Soon inside, Pilot learned to use the power of disco laser beams to destroy his enemies with...darkness based damage? What the hell were they thinking? This said, the mermans are horribly weak to the power of disco and are easily dispatched.

Midway through the sewer, they meet a mutated insect who calls itself Sir Krawlie. While fairly strong, it is easily defeated by flaming sword attacks and robot punches. A chest containing a new sword for T.E. is opened soon after. A rage band is also obtained before leaving the sewers, which could be very useful for T.E.

Outside the sewers are the Keeper's Dome and Death Peak. The Keeper's Dome is home to a strange blue creature and an old man. The old man said not to climb Death Peak until the time was right, but also talked about some of his masterpieces, who are unknown to T.E.'s group, like the Ocean Palace and the Blackbird. As for the Death Peak, the winds were so strong that they couldn't stay there for more than five seconds.

The group then decides to go to the factory at last. Robo hits his chest like a monkey to make the barrier go away. Inside, robots are still featured as enemies, but they are joined by acids and alkalines, who like to combine themselves to cause great damage.

The factory is divided into two parts. To the east is a maze of conveyor belts where T.E. must dropp barrels to create paths. Robots roam the area and fight when provoked. A new bolt sword and a robin bow are found, but the first is a duplicate and the second isn't useful for now. They memorize a few cods on how to work the machines and exit the factory for the lab to the west.

The lab is mostly swarmed by chemical creatures. Their insanely high defense is balanced by their hilariously low health, but still take two to three hits to bite the dust. "How are those even alive? I should've stayed awake in my science classes." T.E. thought. A computer is activated to disarm the laser barriers, while also getting a hammer arm for Pilot and a titan vest for T.E.

In the lowest level of the lab, the first find a plasma gun. Inputing a code known earlier opens the last door. Behind it is the machine that needs to be activated to open the door in Proto Dome, but doing so triggers the alarm. Pilot bravely uses his metallic body to hold down the crushing doors while the heroes escape. However, going back to the median floor, they are stopped by six familiar faces.

These faces are actually Pilot's friends, who deem him tainted. They then proceed to thrash him up and store him away, only to turn on T.E. and Masaa for a fight. The robots are quickly put out of commission as they loved to target T.E. equipped with the rage band, who dealt many counter attacks. One of them was a critical to a fully healed robot, hilariously killing him.

After this fight, T.E and Masaa bring the poor Pilot back to Proto Dome to get him fixed. After being repaired, Pilot decides to follow the group for good to repay Masaa's great help. They decide to go together in the gate, but something strange happens.

When they can finally move, they seem to be in a mysterious dimension. An old man tells them that they are at the End of Time because more than three of them travelled through time together. The old man also tells them the pillars of light where they come from can be used to travel from era to era. He also offered them to check the room behind him.

Inside the small square room resided a small monkey creature known as Spekkio, who called himself the Master of War. He talked about the essence of magic and how it is divided into four elements : lightning, water, fire and shadow. After telling them to run laps in his room, he taught them magic, and offered them to show their new skills on him. After barely beating him, he gave them a set of magic items and told them to bring new friends. After Pilot got told his internal disco ball was enough for him, they decide to head to Medina Village.

A crystal pyramid is found north of the village, but alas they can't do anything with it. The village itself is ruled by Ozzie the eighth, descendant of Ozzie the first who served under the great overlord Zetta. However, they lost a war four hundred years ago and therefore hate humans. The shop villify these human customers by attacking them, but then they decide to offer them merchandise at outrageously high prices. In the plaza in the middle of the villages, Mystic circle a statue of the most badass overlord ever and sing omnious chants.

Leaving the billage to the west, they find the hut of Melchior, a swordsmith T.E. met during the fair. T.E. decided to buy himself a new blade of crimson color who seems to increase magic potential. He also buys a pair of titan vests for the girls of the group. As they leave, they hear the swordsmith talking about the cave north of his home. It is a shortcut to their island, but is inhabited by strange creatures. T.E., Pilot and Masaa decide to investigate.

Strange enemies roam inside this oceanic cave, ranging from magic octopi to invisible humanoid bugs. Most of them shrug off physical blows, but magic greatly hurts them. Pilot's disco beams are the way to go here, as they target every enemy and deal enough damage to kill in a single hit.

At the end of the cave is Heckran, a bear crossed with a dinosaur and given added spikes. And it talks. And it has an affinity with water magic too. As a Mystic, he declares death to all of its enemies, namely the humans in front of him. Heckran often employs a water based counter attack should a human attack him at the right time, which is generally the perfect time for Pilot to use his healing beam.

After repeated magic assaults, Heckran says the the great overlord Zetta should've destroyed the humans long ago, Masaa deduces that Zetta is the one who brought Lavos back in the past and that he should be destroyed. She suggests that the group should use the gate at the fair.

Going back to Masaa's home, she gets a vest from her father who makes her slightly faster and protects her from fire. Fritz the shopkeeper also gives him a gift for saving his life. Going home to present his new friends to his mother, she notices that Pilot is very polite, something she thinks her own son should be more. "Be careful if you don't want to be thrown back to your era". T.E. thought.

A visit to the fair meant also a visit to the spooky tent to the east. After a mini game where T.E. had to shove angry monkeys back in their cage while trying to save Pilot from getting his ass burnt, he won a new cat for his home. Further beating on the karoke kitty robot gave me enough points to get a Poyozo doll and a clone of T.E. "At least mom won't be along anymore" T.E. thought, knowing the clone will be just as silent as he is.

Going to 600 A.D., the trio notices the Zenan Bridge is now a battlefield, but the royal troops are out of food. T.E. takes it upon himself to go see the castle chef. In the forest, Pilot learns to tackle enemies at high velocity using his great bulk, dealing enormous damage. Inside the castle, people are telling about a kid finding the medal of the hero and his sword to help defeat the evil Zetta. The chef, who is the knight captain's own brother, is trying to help the recovering king and the army at once. He seems angered when T.E. initially talks to him, but upon leaving the castle, the chef gives him a piece of beef jerky for the troops.

Sprinting back to the battle at the big bridge, T.E. gives the rations to the soldiers and decides to help the troops. The knight captain offers him a golden helm to aid him in battle. The enemy troops, undead spearmen, are led by Ozzie, who seems oddly familiar as we saw one of his descendants not too long ago. Using magic, Ozzie is also able to turn fallen allies into ruthless undead.

At the end of the bridge, Ozzie collects the bones of fallen warriors and merge them into the gargantuan undead beast Zombor. The skeletal goliath is divided into two parts. The offensive upper body is quickly destroyed with weapons, but the body counters with an antimagic spell that drains away the mana of killer. The legs can't do much harm however and they are quickly slain via fire and lightning.

In Porre, T.E. buys a few gilded suits and a pair of berets for the ladies. He also meets NPC soldier 475 who tries to wear armor to heavy for him. "Best of luck beating Zetta by crouching, pal" T.E. thought. They also learn that the hero seems to be a local boy and that Mumu should live nearby.

In a forest inhabited by carnivorous snakes and delicious tadpoles to the northwest is a den. Once inside, Mumu shows up. When he learns the king is injured, he claims he isn't the hero and that he is not worthy of the title. They decide to go get the sword by themselves.

Going north to the Denadoro mountains, they see the so called "hero" get hunted by a goblin, After T.E. and his group kill him and one of his hammer wielding brethen, the kid flees away in fear. "Just because that kid has the hero medal doesn't mean he really is the hero" T.E. thought. He then prepared himself to climb the mountain along with Masaa and Pilot...


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JustDubs seems to have it, although I haven't actually looked into it myself. :\ Unless you're looking for a subbed version. Then I can't help you.

Unfortunately they don't have it yet, since the dub isn't released yet. Hell, we still don't even know if Jensen Ackles will be dubbing Dean's voice for more than two episodes. (Although Jared Padalecki's voicing Sam for every episode, but who gives a rat's ass about the manbitch Sam?)

Edited by The Goddamn Battler
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I wanted to pout but my battery didn't allow me. :<

Also sleepy Marthur is akin to drunk Mumu. I should stop doing this.

hey Pilobot. *fiddles with you :wub:*

Sleepy!Marthur x Drunk!Mumu.

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Oh. I will offer all of your souls as sacrifices for Jyo, then.

Anyone want some of this kool-aid I just made?

You offer me and there will be one less potentially good hack in the works.

Speaking of which, I need to zip out.

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I would never use myself to make juice. If the police saw tangerine flavored juice is what killed you all, who would they suspect?

ME! Duh! I am smarter than that.

So how did you 'make' it since that's what you said? The police won't like it if you stole others fruits' juice, you know?

Edited by Marthur
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