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And so Dio and TE ventured off to Sanctuary once again

Will they find the game to be ass? Badass? Or merely meh? I guess we'll know soon enough.

Buy it and join us.

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On the one hand I could

on the other hand I would

but my last hand reminds me my desktop can't even run it and that's kind of sobering.



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I don't really wanna embarrass myself but[spoiler=pcheeew]

Sempron 140 2.7ghz (single core), 2.5 GB RAM, onboard nvidia 6150se w/ 256 mb of vram

I am fairly confident in my assessment.

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I don't really wanna embarrass myself but[spoiler=pcheeew]

Sempron 140 2.7ghz (single core), 2.5 GB RAM, onboard nvidia 6150se w/ 256 mb of vram

I am fairly confident in my assessment.



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I've been meaning to upgrade lately but man no job makes that harder than it sounds

In unrelated news Happy National Buttermilk Biscuit Day my fellow Americans.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to interview a Hindu priest.

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It's kinda like my old Athlon XP (which I pseudo-upgraded on a whim)

Athlon XP 3000+

2GB RAM (getting that stable on an A7V600-X was a bitch)

Radeon HD 4670 AGP

I've been meaning to upgrade lately but man no job makes that harder than it sounds

I know that feel, man

But once you have the money, don't upgrade - build a new one already

It'll quite probably be better that way

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Battle between Punk Ass Bitch and 3secskid started!

Tier: Standard OU

Mode: Singles

Variation: +31, -59

Rule: Rated

Rule: Sleep Clause

Rule: Species Clause

Rule: Wifi Battle

Your team: Politoed / Starmie / Dugtrio / Jirachi / Cloyster / Magnezone

Opponent's team: Gorebyss / Salamence / Zoroark

Punk Ass Bitch sent out Frogfucius! (Politoed)

3secskid sent out Gorebyss!

Frogfucius's Drizzle made it rain!

Start of turn 1

Frogfucius used Toxic!

3secskid's Gorebyss was badly poisoned!

3secskid's Gorebyss used Substitute!

3secskid's Gorebyss made a substitute!

Rain continues to fall!

3secskid's Gorebyss's Hydration heals its status!

3secskid's Gorebyss restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 2

Punk Ass Bitch called Frogfucius back!

Punk Ass Bitch sent out Fulgore! (Magnezone)

3secskid's Gorebyss used Rest!

3secskid's Gorebyss went to sleep and became healthy!

Rain continues to fall!

3secskid's Gorebyss's Hydration heals its status!

Start of turn 3

Fulgore used Substitute!

Fulgore made a substitute!

3secskid's Gorebyss used Shell Smash!

3secskid's Gorebyss's Defense fell!

3secskid's Gorebyss's Sp. Def. fell!

3secskid's Gorebyss's Attack sharply rose!

3secskid's Gorebyss's Sp. Att. sharply rose!

3secskid's Gorebyss's Speed sharply rose!

Rain continues to fall!

Fulgore restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 4

3secskid's Gorebyss used Baton Pass!

3secskid called Gorebyss back!

3secskid sent out Salamence!

Fulgore's substitute suppressed 3secskid's Salamence's Intimidate!

Fulgore used Thunder!

3secskid's Salamence's substitute faded!

Rain continues to fall!

Fulgore restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 5

3secskid's Salamence used Fire Fang!

It's super effective!

Fulgore's substitute faded!

Fulgore used Hidden Power!

It's super effective!

3secskid's Salamence lost 100% of its health!

3secskid's Salamence fainted!

Rain continues to fall!

Fulgore restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

3secskid sent out Gorebyss!

Start of turn 6

Fulgore used Substitute!

Fulgore made a substitute!

3secskid's Gorebyss used Substitute!

3secskid's Gorebyss made a substitute!

Rain continues to fall!

Fulgore restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

3secskid's Gorebyss restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 7

Fulgore used Thunder!

It's super effective!

3secskid's Gorebyss's substitute faded!

3secskid's Gorebyss used Shell Smash!

3secskid's Gorebyss's Defense fell!

3secskid's Gorebyss's Sp. Def. fell!

3secskid's Gorebyss's Attack sharply rose!

3secskid's Gorebyss's Sp. Att. sharply rose!

3secskid's Gorebyss's Speed sharply rose!

Rain continues to fall!

3secskid's Gorebyss restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Fulgore restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 8

3secskid's Gorebyss used Baton Pass!

3secskid called Gorebyss back!

3secskid sent out Zoroark!

Fulgore used Thunder!

3secskid's Zoroark lost 100% of its health!

3secskid's Zoroark fainted!

Rain continues to fall!

Fulgore restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

3secskid forfeited against Punk Ass Bitch!

The window was disabled due to one of the players closing the battle window.


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I have decided to try a Nuzlocke run in heart gold--following along with the fad. Plus, I have to try this at least once.

Let's see how this goes. Should I post logs? Y/N

The rules I shall follow:

-Standard Nuzlocke rules: catch first pokemon of route; pokemon dies I release; I must nickname the pokemon

-Duplicate clause: If it's a duplicate, I may search for more. If I find three duplicates, I must move on. The limitation is that I /cannot/ catch duplicates.

-I may use my masterball as an exception to the "first pokemon of route" clause--any pokemon I catch with the masterball may be gotten regardless of previous encounters.

-I don't know if this normally applies, but a route won't count as "traveled" until I actually have pokeballs (for the first time).

Edited by Lux Aeterna
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Not much happens, yet, because of all the introductory stuff. But here's what I have so far.

"Hm... Oh, excuse me! Sorry, I was just reading this book here," says an old man. This raises a lot of questions, primarily where exactly this conversation is taking place. Am I dreaming about the man? He then says "Welcome to the world of Pokemon!" as though I was new to the place. I have lived here for ten years, I think... He goes onto a long tirade about how the Pokemon world is full of Pokemon (shocker, I know) and how people use them. This man, "Professor Oak" ("Pokemon Professor" for "short"), then asks me if I am a boy or a girl. Apparently he's having eyesight troubles. He looks a bit sketchy, so I tell him I'm a guy so as to avoid any salacious maneuvers on his point. He parrots back my gender in an almost disappointed tune, then asks me my name. Apparently he has Alzheimer's, too. I sigh and tell him it's Lux. He then tells me to get ready for some fun, and uses a magical shrinking beam to fit me into a little room.

As a classic computer nerd, the first thing I do is check my email and find that a girl named Lyra has sent me an email. "ADVENTURE! EXCITED! I love POKEMON!" Yay! Congratulations! Thanks for sharing! Shaking my head, I close the email and go downstairs. My mother walks up to me and tells me that this less-than-intelligent girl (Lyra) has just stopped by and then left. I silently thank the Almighty for this blessing. My lovely mother then gives me my bag and sends me to Professor Elm's office--he apparently wants a favor. Hopefully he's not like that creepy professor I saw in my dreams...

As I walk out the door, a rotund little Marill bumps into me. It looks around, confused, and then returns to its trainer, Lyra. I press my back to the door and hide from this bimbo and thank God again as she doesn't seem to notice me, and returns to Professor Elm's office. I lament the fact that this my destination, then trudge over to the lab.

I go inside and speak to Professor Elm. I am given another round of painfully obvious information about the history of pokemon. He then begins to petition to take a pokemon from a capsule-like device, and then decides that answering an email is more important than talking to me. He then tells me he has another crazy acquaintance and promptly sends me on an errand to see what's with "Mr. Pokemon" (I briefly wonder what his parents were thinking when naming him). I go to the capsule and, after considering my choices, choose a Quirky Cyndaquil and name it Astra. Astra jumps out of his pokeball and begins tailing behind me. Just as we are about to leave, the assistant frenetically sprints up to me and throws some potions at my face, saying they will heal my pokemon if they're in a pinch. Thanking the frazzled little man, I take my leave.

Unfortunately, Lyra sees me this time and decides to point out the obvious that I picked a Cyndaquil. She tells me to see my mom. Just as her Marill begins to put the moves on Astra, she calls it away and takes her leave. Deciding to follow her random advice, I go to my mother.

As expected, my mother laments my leaving, but being the helpful woman she is, furnishes me some pokegear. She asks if I know how to use the device, and though I say yes, she reminds me anyway, to be sure. Without a goodbye, she gives an inane comment about how easy telephones are to use these days. Feeling a bit awkward, I hurriedly leave my house and head for Route 29--after being stopped by Elm and being given his number.

This Route passes with nothing of note--except for the unusual fact that I somehow passed through the entire route without encountering a single pokemon.

Reaching Cherrygrove City, and old man immediately stops me and offers me advice--well, he says "do you want me to help? OK!" as though I had said "yes" at some point. He gives me the runthrough of the standard facilities of the town. I groan at his pun "this is the sea, as you can see." He shows me his house. I become worried that this was about to take a turn for the rape-y, but instead he brandishes a pair of running shoes that somehow are my size. Thankful, but slightly disturbed, I put them on and he heads into his house. As I reach the outskirts of the town, the old man sprints up to me, wheezing and out of breath, and uploads the map card to my pokegear, then leaves. I continue on my way to route 29.

I pick up a tossed away potion, and then as I begin to head north, an old man begins loudly bragging about his "amazing" one story house, then proceeds to tell me nothing I didn't already know. Then he gives me the apricorn box, and I begin to worry about all of these old men giving me free stuff. After the old man goes back inside, I decide to swipe the "grn" apricorn from the tree next to his house, then continue along. After fighting a spinarak and a hoothoot, Astra leveled up and gained the ability to throw smoke in the faces of its opponents. I swipe a "pnk" apricorn, and I then go inside Mr. Pokemon's house.

I reach his house and my bowels moved as I saw the man I had just seen in my dreams. After Mr. Pokemon gives me a pokemon egg and forces me to lie down on his couch, the man comes over and introduces himself... and then says my name in a way that makes me believe that this man had never truly met me before. I breath a sigh of relief, which he doesn't notice. He then gives me this "electric encyclopedia" called the "pokedex" and suddenly orders me to capture all 493 pokemon that exist in this generation. He then says "this is not the last time we meet" in his classic pedo voice and forces me to give him my phone number and vice versa. He takes his leave and, hoping his premonition is wrong, so do I.

I then receive a call from Elm, telling me nothing useful except that I need to "get back here now!" Deciding to indulge him, I sprint back to Cherrygrove City while Astra bowls through some more night-dwellers.

After a quick stop at the pokemon center, I attempt to leave the city and run into an emo, red-haired kid who goes on a rage-y speech about how only strong pokemon are good. He throws some water crocodile at me and Astra proceeds to beat it into submission after blinding it with a ball of smoke. He goes off hurriedly, irritated, then swipes my trainer card back and realizes that I saw his name. He then goes off in a frazzled huff.

Deciding to call it a night, I save and then curl up with Astra on the outskirts of Cherrygrove City and fall asleep.


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I've just used AR for the Have all items code on FE Shadow Dragon and I've even got the Earthstone, Magestone and Imhullu tome. Yay. I get to see Tiki in action by becoming an Earth Dragon :awesome: and going to test Imhullu. Gotta admit. It's fun to try this every once in awhile. Like I had Tinny use Thorhammer in the binary game. =)

EDIT: Imhullu tested. It works to perfection. Had Lena use it just now and no one can harm her. ^_^ They also have another Imhullu version that the fake Gharnefs use that u can get harmed, but still is a cool spell anyway. Tested Magestone. Tiki can use it. But cannot use the Earthdragon stone. But it does make a great souvenir.

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ello. =)


Personally, Gotoh is also nice to watch using Imhullu. =)

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My friends decided to have a night out in Cardiff as a result of the final exam being over and done with

Now they're all dead in bed and I'm alive and awake

They're not really dead, just... sleeping. Sleeping drunk. Which is pretty useless tbh.

Favourite part: 2:56


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