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Fire Emblem Awakening


Characters I've met





World Map

First I head o the stores to buy a Harmain Staff (one time only), Dragon Killer (one time only), Angel Robe (One time only), Elthunder (on sale) (One time only), Steel Lance (on sale), and 2 Relive Staves. Need them to be in a hurry to promote both Liz and Mariabel. A Steel Axe (On sale) and a Beast Killer. Anna is in charge of all these stores by the way. Anyway, I next buy a Physic (One time only) and a Steel Lance and Steel Sword (one time only). Next store I buy another Angel Robe (One time only), Rapier (One time only), and a Brave Sword (One time only). And I've sold all of my gold bars which I've got nearly 30000G+8K more that I already have to pay for all this. I give one of these robes to Olivia right away saving the other one. This is to keep her from getting 0KOED. I now initiate some support conversations with Tiara+Soiree (B Support), Soiree+Sumia (C Support), No-No+Saria (C Support). I like Saria+No-No's the most. No-No is happy go lucky and Saria's rather antisocial and shy. But she is pretty. She does wear high heels. She might be in competition to rival with Mariabel's beauty. =o

No-No smiles in the end of the support convo as well as Saria. (C Support developed). Next I initiate a base conversation and Soiree and Viole walk around and nothing happened. Tiamo and Tiara walk around. Nothing happened. Sol walks around and gains some Mag Pwr. Libra walks around and finds some dark tome called Inverse. Tiara walks around and nothing happens. I now initiate another 2 encounters and have obtained Gold Bagx3 and a Steel Sword. Soiree's Spear rank increased during my second encounter. Nothing else to do now but begin the next chapter.

Chapter 12

No scenes happen. It automatically goes to the preparations menu. But before I start the battle, I actually can do another support which is now Krom+Tiara. He's saying something along the lines of Tiara's an angel and she goes Kyaaaaaa (Whaaaaa) Krom and Tiara blush during this convo. Tiara says something about a young girl. Yeah, what a way to do this to a girl, Krom. (B Support developed) I now begin the battle after some item sorting. I start the battle with Doruhi as he is talking to some villager while it makes this sinister music. The villager gets scared. Doruhi kills him and the battle begins. The Dracoknight Saraju appears and joins us. But I won't be using her as I'm planning to class change Freddie later in the game to give him wings. Plus I've got Tiamo and Sumia for my flying needs. She smiles and the battle begins. Viole's bow level increases to A rank during this battle. Freddie's axe level increases to B rank. Soiree's Sword level increases to A rank. I now have Mariabel promoted as she has just reached LV20. I've kept her in this class to get her better trained in staves. When you promote a character, they do not get an instant weapon level up. Keep that in mind. Anyway, you can make her either into a Valkyrie, or Battle Monk. Since she has good Mag Pwr and that she still gets to keep her horse. Valkyrie. This allows you to use tomes in addition to staves. And Battle Monks can use axes in addition to staves. One of the enemies drops a Master Proof. Which I happily pick it off of his corpse. After a brief chat with Basilio and Flavia the chapter ends. Right after I save, it directly goes to another scene with Krom and the gang. Now back to the world map.

Turns 8

MVP Krom&Fredrick

World Map

Finally. They have Master Proofs for sale in one of the shops. Can buy as many as you want. Must have a reason for this, but I won't argue with that. I happily buy another 5 from the shop which I needed. I've sold my gold bags, bars to get the cash for them. 5 of these costs 12.5K G. Also bought a Silver Axe and Silver Lance for Freddie. Then I initiate some supports and base conversations. Base conversation Krom+Olivia. Nothing happened. Now for the supports. Freddie+Krom (B Support) Freddie ^_^ at the end of the convo. (B Support developed). Krom+Soiree (C Support), Viole+Tiamo (C Support), Freddie+Tiamo (C Support), Tiamo+Sumia (A Support). Supports by the way won't develop by just having characters with you on the map. They have to be next to you in this game while you fight. Hearts should show up after a battle finishes to characters that they can support with. This build up points for it! Keep that in mind. In Tiamo's+Sumia's support she greets Sumia with a smile and after they talk the A support develops. Viole+Tiamo one Tiamo actually blushes in this one. I now get into another 2 encounters and during my first encounter Miriel finds Alm's Sword in the sand. Awesome! In my first encounter Liz reaches LV20 and now I promote her. She can either be a Battle Monk, or a Bishop. Bishop allows her to use tomes in addition to staves. Since she has good offensive power physically and mentally. Battle Monk. She should be in this class and nothing else. Anyway, I'm happy to have her promoted at 20. I finish up the encounters as Miriel's tome rank increased in the first encounter. Then Miriel reaches LV20 and promote her as well. She can either be a Sage (Can use staves in addition to tomes), or Dark Knight (Can use Axes in addition to tomes). Not only is she better trained in tomes now, but I choose Sage because of her great Mag Pwr and having another staff user is always epic. Bought Liz a Bronze Axe and Miriel a Live Staff before beginning the next chapter.

Chapter 13

It starts with a different tune. As Krom and the gang meets up with Inverse and Fauda. Krom is upset during this convo. Oh no. =o

Krom now says that there is no way that Fauda could have survived and that he was dead. Could he be a specter? Anyways, some dark robed priest appears. During the brief talk with this priest heard the priest say "Aruna", or something. This dark priest is female by hearing her actual voice. After a brief chat the scene switches over to Tiara as she is sensing bad vibes while holding her head. Fauda appears and after a brief chat, Fauda teleports away right after Krom shows up. After Freddie arrives some desparation tune now plays; and after a brief chat, the next battle now begins. After giving everyone else their Master Proofs, since I am ready to get everyone else promoted. Start the battle and I meet some mysterious kid named Henry while it makes some onminus tune. He mocks and laughs at us, then he joins us and now we have to battle some creatures. I promote Viole now that he is finally at a decent enough level for promotion. He can either be a bowman, or a sniper. Since I don't want him entirely bowlocked throughout the game. Bowman. During the beginning of the battle, Saria reached LV20. I promote her and she can either become a Dark Knight, or Sorcerer. Dark Knight allows you to use swords in addition to tomes, but will lose the ability to use Dark tomes. But as a Sorcerer, she will have great parameters and can still use Dark tomes, but will entirely be locked to tomes throughout the game. For my choice, I pick Sorcerer because I need a Dark Magic user and am not going to train another one. As for Henry, he's a dark mage and won't be using him. Plus he's a creep. During the battle Sumia's tome rank increased as well as Soiree's Lance rank. Saria's tome level also increased! I defeat the boss after having to fight off a few reinforcements and ending the chapter. The chapter ends instantly when the boss is dead.

Turns 8

MVP Krom&Fredrick

Some Scenes

It automatically goes to some cutscenes right after saving the game. It now starts as Krom and the gang talk. After some major cutscenes we then end back on the world map. Okay, since my battery is now low, time to talk about their stats

Krom LV 19 EXP74

Class: Lord


HP 36/36

Power 17

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 17

Speed 20

Luck 18

Def 17

Res 5

Sword A

Skills: Dual Attack, Charisma

Tiara LV 20 EXP-

Class: Strategist

HP 44/44

Power 15

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 16

Speed 17

Luck 15

Def 15

Res 7

Sword C Tome C

Skills: War Knowledge, Magic Square

Liz LV 20/2 EXP99

Class: Battle Monk


HP 37/37

Power 14

Mag Pwr 16

Skill 14

Speed 19

Luck 23

Def 14

Res 9

Axe E Staff B

Skills: Miracle, Healing Heart

Viole LV16/1 EXP49

Class: Bowknight


HP 36/36

Power 17

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 20+2

Speed 17

Luck 12

Def 10

Res 9

Sword E Bow A

Skills: Skill+2, Early Initiative

Miriel LV20/1 EXP60

Class: Sage


HP 37/37

Power 4

Mag Pwr 21+2

Skill 17

Speed 20

Luck 16

Def 14

Res 17

Tome A Staff E

Skills: Magic+2, Concentration

Sumia LV20/4 EXP26

Class: Dark Peg


HP 40/40

Power 11

Mag Pwr 16

Skill 31

Speed 32+2

Luck 19

Def 12

Res 20

Lance A Tome D

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh

Mariabel LV20/2 EXP39

Class: Valkyrie


HP 37/37

Power 1

Mag Pwr 17

Skill 16

Speed 14

Luck 19

Def 9

Res 19+2

Tome E Staff B (Close to A rank)

Skills: Res+2, Seduced Lady

Soiree LV 19 EXP56

Class: Social Knight


HP 32/32

Power 17

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 18

Speed 21

Luck 16

Def 15

Res 8

Sword B Lance A

Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Battle

Tiamo LV20/3 EXP81

Class: Falcoknight


HP 43/43

Power 18

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 24

Speed 26+2

Luck 17

Def 16

Res 19

Lance A Staff E

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh

Fredrick LV7 EXP75

Class: Great Knight


HP 36/36

Power 18

Mag Pwr 2

Skill 13

Speed 12

Luck 8

Def 18

Res 5

Sword C Lance A Axe B

Skills: Luna

No-No LV7 EXP72

Class: Manakete


HP 28/28 (Gave her an Angel robe)

Power 6+8

Mag Pwr 2+5

Skill 4+3

Speed 6+2

Luck 12

Def 4+10

Res 3+7

This is her stats with the Divinestone. Her actual stats are without the pluses.

Saria LV20/2 EXP6

Class: Sorcerer


HP 41/41

Power 7

Mag Pwr 21

Skill 11

Speed 20

Luck 11

Def 21

Res 14

Tome B

Skills: Curse, Crimson Curse

Anna LV2 EXP46

Class: Trickster


HP 36/36

Power 12

Mag Pwr 17

Skill 23

Speed 21

Luck 25

Def 9

Res 10

Sword C Staff D

Skills: None

Olivia LV4 EXP88

Class: Dancer


HP 26/26 (Gave her an Angel Robe)

Power 5

Mag Pwr 1

Skill 11

Speed 12

Luck 6+4

Def 5

Res 2

Sword D

Skills: Luck+4

I've had no improvement with No-No and Anna. Since character select was often limited to 12-13 and that I still needed characters to get prepared for class change.

Edited by アイネ
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No. 12 has one for the gaiden while 14 has a 10 turn limit. Even 20's arena can be used for a long while since you have to kill the boss while you can just leave him there without a weapon.

16A has no turn limit either, but has no shops which can be a bit annoying. Thankfully there's a few forts laying around.

I thought you only need to capture Salem to get into 12x? Or should you done it in less than 20 turns or so? I forgot the requirement for 11x as well, dammit.

IIRC, you have turns limit in chapter 20 though, or is it change in Blume?

Meh, I will stock up Live Staff then.

Time to start on Patty now.

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Physic's animation I've forgot to mention just shows it on a map that has a small bright green flash. And thankfully can stock up on Relives for good Weapon EXP and EXP. When usually these staves are hard to come by and that shops rarely sell them in some games. Like FE5.

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He makes people get old faster than Blume.

Oh yes. Definitely yes. I bet his effect is just as lethal as Super Thracia if not worse. -___-

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Successful Troll is Successful.

No seriously, I have a hard time believing anyone can be that stupid.

But then again, I'm a sheltered Asian.

He is like the second Destiny Hero. If he was actually trolling, then I totally have to give him a job well done. But...

I used to hold some hope that he is not completely hopeless... now I decide to abandon all those useless hope.

/same here

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He is like the second Destiny Hero. If he was actually trolling, then I totally have to give him a job well done. But...

I used to hold some hope that he is not completely hopeless... now I decide to abandon all those useless hope.

/same here


And DH was far better anyway

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But Cam and I aren't old yet.

I dunno about Dio, though

Do you feel old sometimes when playing ST?

Holy crap, I have work to do

Then get working, old man.

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