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I always liked the control of the Big Fang better. While it controls like shit, I also like the Sonic Phantom as well and even got some records with it, beating Staff Ghosts for a tournament.

All the offense, speed and mobility in the world.

Thank goodness it has shitty defense.

I don't think I ever beat the Staff Ghost in that one super easy as hell Mute City level.

Petshop is your nightmare.

So do I, but the thought of entering a player lobby where everyone is Petshop is just

intrinsically unappealing

This is very true.

Hell, I would hate to fight Petshop if I'm not playing as Petshop as well since I use low attacks a lot.

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I only have one left to beat, which is the first Fire Field.

I wouldn't quite say that.

Oh man, the frequent speed drops cause of the small jumps there must make it a bitch.

It should be, or you were a glutton for punishment on that day.

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Oh man, the frequent speed drops cause of the small jumps there must make it a bitch.

It should be, or you were a glutton for punishment on that day.

That and somehow the Staff Ghost makes Black Shadow look like Ayrton Senna.

Everyone knows I can be a bit of a maso.

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You should, it is fun and close battles are quite intense since you can't ever kill someone who's guarding IIRC.

Alright, Maybe I can download it on PSN when it's out.

Is your avatar the girl from Omamori Himari?

Yes, she is from Omamori Himari

Oh? What fighters do you play?

Killer Instinct, Fighters Destiny, Dead or Alive, Dark Rift, Tekken, Soulcalibur, Marvel vs Capcom, Street Fighter, Ehrgeiz.

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Alright, Maybe I can download it on PSN when it's out.

Killer Instinct, Fighters Destiny, Dead or Alive, Dark Rift, Tekken, Soulcalibur, Marvel vs Capcom, Street Fighter, Ehrgeiz.

Cool, shame I won't be able to see how good you may be.

@Bold: Win

@Itlaic: Dio has the perfect image response for this.

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Fighters Destiny, Dark Rift, Ehrgeiz.

Never heard of these, brb googling

Killer Instinct, Tekken, Soulcalibur, Street Fighter

I played these at some point but do not actually play them.

Marvel vs Capcom.

The only one of these I'm not utter garbage at/play regularly is Mahvel 3.

Solid selection though dude



I was expecting a boob-centric reaction image too but yes, that is better.

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Cool, shame I won't be able to see how good you may be.

@Bold: Win

@Itlaic: Dio has the perfect image response for this.

There's some of the fighting games I have yet to play. Such as BlazBlue, Guilty Gear, Star Gladiator, etc.

Not sure about Castlevania: Judgement though.

LOL, I think of that song everytime I play the game Dead or Alive. and vice-versa XD

Edit: I also remembered playing Bloody Roar on the PSone as well, Fun game.

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There's some of the fighting games I have yet to play. Such as BlazBlue, Guilty Gear, Star Gladiator, etc.

Not sure about Castlevania: Judgement though.

Guilty Gear is great and Blazblue is a lot like it so I think I'd probably like it as well. Definitely worth trying. Problem is that Guilty Gear seriously needed Online play for the Wii >_>.

No comment on Castlevania Judgment, don't care enough about it to try it out myself.

Edit: I also remembered playing Bloody Roar on the PSone as well, Fun game.

That's the one where the fighters morph into humanoid beasts right? I remember playing that at a cousin's house, it was fun at the time.

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Killer Instinct, Fighters Destiny, Dead or Alive, Dark Rift, Tekken, Soulcalibur, Marvel vs Capcom, Street Fighter, Ehrgeiz.

Wow... You certainly play a lot of fighting games. I've only played one as of late.

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What in the HELL are you babbling about?

There's a full FE12 translation in the works, isn't there?


I've found out that Blazer's working on it. But it takes alot of time. Especially with the text that they have to use from Shadow Dragon to make this happen. We don't want the text to look all weird. We want it to look exactly like Shadow Dragon's copy. But doing that takes alot of time. Especially with the text changes.

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I've found out that Blazer's working on it. But it takes alot of time. Especially with the text that they have to use from Shadow Dragon to make this happen. We don't want the text to look all weird. We want it to look exactly like Shadow Dragon's copy. But doing that takes alot of time. Especially with the text changes.

It's worth the wait. Everything takes time you know.

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It's worth the wait. Everything takes time you know.


Here is the translation progress being worked on by the "Light and Shadow" development team. Vincent is actually working his ass off left and right. Like he did for the SNES version. Leave him a comment of compliment. =)

And just like we can be out of the job if Nintendo actually releases this game. If that happens, I'll laugh. But at least will have it redeemed. ^_^

Chapter 3 just got translated.


You can actually check all the updates on it through the years in the blog.

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Summary#10 Posting the stats later

World Map

I initiate some base convos with Libra. Some temp boost received. Greg searches and finds Sigurd's Lance. Freddie+Olivia. Bond support received. Greg searches again and now finds a Glass Axe. Vick searches and gets a temporary skill and defensive boost. Finally, time to begin the next chapter.

Chapter 19

After a scene, it shows the faggot discussing Greybeard's failure while this sinister tune plays again. Then the guy Valharuto (The guy who dealt with Basalio and Flavia) shows up getting pissed off at the faggot and Greybeard. Probably mad at their failures. The greybeard leaves and the faggot is left there by himself. Now the battle begins. After sorting out some items the battle begins as it plays some rebellious tune. After a brief cutscene the battle starts. Since this is a pretty tough battle. Here is what I gave them...


-Killer Lance


-Short Spear



-Kill Sword

-Thunder Sword


-Bronze Spear


-Divine Dragonstone


-Kill Sword

-Glass Sword

-Killer Bow

-Great Bow








-Silver Lance






-Silver Axe

-Killer Axe

-Short Axe




-Alm's Sword

-Fin's Lance

-Silver Sword




-Silver Axe

-Killer Axe

-Silver Lance

-Short Axe



-Iron Sword


-Killer Lance

-Bronze Axe

-Steel Lance


-Hand Axe


-Silver Sword

-Kill Sword





-Arc Fire


-Arc Thunder

-Silver Lance



-Arc Thunder

-Arc Fire








-Arc Thunder

-Arc Wind


-Silver Bow


-Silver Axe

-Arc Wind

-Silver Sword

-Silver Lance

-Sol Sword

After going through a tough battle needing Fortify to stay alive here as the enemies hit pretty hard. After I defeat the boss, alot of NPC come to Krom's rescue. Probably soldiers that serve Iris. We then get switched back to the faggot. After the cutscene, we then see Krom's force charge through the gates ending the chapter.

Turns 5

MVP Tiara&Sumia

World Map

I first buy the God Dragon Stone (Real One) (On sale) (One time only), Kill Sword, Dragon Killer, Elthunder, Rescue Staff (Sale for Elthunder and Rescue Staff). All of these are 1 time only buys before the shop doesn't sell them anymore. The shop also disappears after you leave it. Keep that in mind. I've sold all 10 of my Gold Bags and the medium gold bar to get the money of course. Base convo time. I have Vick+Libra wander around and nothing happens. Supports now are Freddie+Liz (C Support), Viole+Soiree (B Support) and Tiara+Sumia (B Support). Viole and Soiree have a little fight in this one as Soiree says "What are you saying"? "If you have something to say, then say it." Anyway, (C Support developed). During the Freddie+Liz convo, Liz gets annoyed by Freddie saying things that Freddie is curious about that Liz does not want to talk about. It seems that Liz wants to give him something. But what? Liz does wink a few times in this convo. (B Support developed) I now begin the next chapter.

Chapter 20

Now this is getting interesting. During this discussion with the faggot and 2 other sinister characters the faggot screamed "Ahhhh". I laughed so hard at that. xD

The battle now starts as I must face tough troops (Mostly armors) along with 3 bosses at once. The greaybeard, the faggot, and the boss who made short work of Basilio and Flavia. I start by using a Talismen on Krom and an Angel Robe on Viole as he isn't keeping up well in durability. Olivia learned a new skill. Mariabel learned a new skill. Lucina's spear rank increased.






-Long Bow

Looking through the bing translator I've just found out that Feena is actually Navarre's daughter. ^_^



Please... Help me...

But the robbers. I a... ▼


……… ▼


Oh, can't be!

You also...

Of them. The companion? ▼

I accept...

I would love you!

Kill, kill! ▼


My daughter... After me

Come on. ▼

To the South of the forest

Altea army came.

You want to take. ▼


Oh, help me for?

It's Companion, a thief

It's was not. ▼


Until just now, so it was.

However, I changed my mind. ▼


Why... ▼


In the Altea army

That he would like to meet.

But that's it. ▼


Hmmm I...

But it is really me

From cute, isn't it? ▼

The good.

I mean feena's,

Warren's dancers. ▼

If I dance

I say everyone appears cheerful.

I'll show you! ▼

Ah, so it

Separated from a troupe of traveling

Strays in this forest ▼

Then, thieves have me

Monsoons and catch...

Good also. ▼

But you're likely scare people

It's very friendly. ▼

But the brackets too.

But the face is not bad

Dress sense is not so good!. ▼

Hairstyle, and it

It then, today... ▼


Another nice chatting!

A anyway leave the side of me. ▼

Escape the 切りくずして corner of the West.

I do not want to die

Come on, shut up! ▼


Oh... A Yes,

I am sorry... ▼

Original text

































































If only I knew that musume was written in むすめ instead of 娘.

I would've known this a looong time ago. x.x

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If only musume was written in むすめ instead of 娘.

I would've known this a looong time ago. x.x

WHOOOOOOO! Navarre has a daughter!!!!!!!! =D

It's funny that they've never mention this in the FE3 translation. Probably cuz the actual game never told that until the 12th installment. =)

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Follow me.

The Aritian army is approaching from the south of this forest.

I will take you to them...

Back then in the SNES version they've referred to her as "Miss" instead of "Daughter". This was never mentioned till the 12th installment.

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[The villagers]

Young one

From me to ask.

Vouchsafe protect this daughter? ▼

If, like you want

You may give to the bride too. " ▼

This child is similar to the Eagle

Beautiful, good temper.

I'm sure will be a good bride. ▼


Persistent-, and bar-CHAN?

Still too soon!.

Marissa in trouble. ▼

Houses 1 †

(In the House)

[The villagers]

Before the battle is over when Nina is

Entrust the country to Lawrence General

It is allowed the local government. ▼

However, Hardin was Emperor.

Now as soon as Lawrence's generals ousted

Lang's force arrived. ▼

And rung me from their

Is robbed everything. ▼

Money is of course

Food and clothes

And to the family. ▼


If you are even Camus General

Was I not scared of, such as lang. ▼

I'm using babelfish and bing to translate these chapter scripts. But all of this incoherency and misuse of some different words defeats this option. x.x

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