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How did he enjoy it?

Please tell me he got drunk at least once.

He like it a lot. Now he's doing some kind of Eurotrip, tasting all kinds of beer around the old continent.

He said that Germany > all

*decks Rey*


*dicks Mumu*

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Definitely the best time of the year considering Oktoberfest is around in about two weeks.

Indeed. He's also been to Rome and also Budapest

wait what


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That's one fast Ais--er, Ilyana you have there.

4 above her average is pretty blessful.

But you just dance around the issue and never explicitly say what's wrong. Or something.

Nice Ronku avy. <3

Reminds me of Daffy Duck.

At your service.



*Finished Chapter 10*

She appeared as an NPC and "joined" your group... but arrrrrgh. NOT IN PARTY YET.

How's Mariabel? =)

[10:20:58 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): BULLSHIT

[10:21:00 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): THIS IS CHAPTER 11

[10:21:05 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): OLIVIA JUST JOINED MY TEAM

[10:21:13 PM] Hika: oh yeah I lied


Joining this late shouldn't allow Krom and Olivia to marry. Too short of availability.

Bought the game for the Japanese voice acting. Sames.

You're shitting me.

So Olivia's an option for Krom... but THAT happens before they can even support?

As in if Krom hasn't supported with any other woman, SUDDENLY THEY MARRY?

That's freaking stupid. You can't even VIEW the supports then unless it's in the support viewer I'd assume after the game.


That bothered me too. x.x

Weird, yes. But stupid as hell game design? *points to 19xx's requirements*

Dangers tactics.

Due to plot reasons, if Krom isn't married by the end of Chapter 11, he will automatically marry the female character whom he shares the highest support level with. In the case of equal support levels, the priority goes Sumia > Mariabel > Soiree > Olivia > My Unit (female). If Krom hasn't started any support relationships with a female, for whatever reason, he will end up marrying a nameless village girl.

I'd like to know this village girl.

... I give up. Missing the point again.

I thought *I* was Captain Obvious here.

Okay here, I'll spell it out for you, KM 64. I was *NOT* asking how it worked, nor was I asking for confirmation how it worked. I was being frustrated at the fact that Olivia joins the same chapter said events happen, and that realistically there's no way to activate the support conversations TO READ for her to marry Krom without hacking or just using the support viewer at the end of the game.

This is the first time I'm tempted to put someone OTHER than Ayanami on my ignore list.

No. Because I had Krom and Sumia on A support for the longest time... I was just waiting for the "context appropriate" time to S support them, which was right after the "sad chapter" with the rain and the glorious "Don't you dare mock my sister's words!" music.

I was just being frustrated at the game design for that support set. It's stupid.

I don't understand it either.

It's like throwing ur life away. x.x

It's probably very unfair for me to have a low view of him that way because he doesn't mean it... but it brings back memories of when I moved here to America.

I am a VERY hostile person towards people who point out stuff I already get.

For example, in Asia at the end of 3rd grade, we were already starting on learning variables for Algebra.

When I got here in Elementary School... I didn't learn crap till 5th grade. When we DID start learning variables to some degree, one of the teachers (a substitute teacher) was like "It's okay of you don't get it right away. Letters in math may seem a bit scary at first but... you'll get it."

I got it already, so whenever he explained it again and again, I was sighing. He caught that and then ended up explaining again which made me sigh even more. He still said "it's okay, you'll get it eventually."

I didn't say anything, but it made me hate him. In my head, I was like "I get it already. You like students that are slow. I'm not. I've had this crap since the end of 3rd grade. Stop insulting my intelligence already."

Sounds to me that u were in sp ed like I was. x.x

That's before the "contribution" started being directed at me.

So yeah, "Marry off all the other ladies" before Krom gets forced into marriage. Yeah, thanks game canon, you're making it obvious that Olivia's not it.

Well, off to take out the dog, wash the dog, and go to school.


I mostly did that to poke fun at rey dodging the problem so he doesn't have to deal with it because running away from a problem is always the best solution.

Other way around, plz.

Giant mantises are always a thing.

That Lion-O screams "Thundercats HO" and slays a huge mantis that Mumra summons. xP


*Kills every enemy but the archer boss*

Hey Frederick, unequip that Javelin of yours. Take two damage every turn while Liz tries to protect you from the 2 damage arrows once in a while. I'll be here in this secluded corner of the snow map being danced for by Olivia. That totally doesn't sound shady. Thank you.

*Olivia gains 2 levels with at least 6 stats every time*

*Frederick is at 2 HP*


*Equps Frederick with Iron Lance*


*Chapter Clear*

C Support with Olivia.


Thankfully the skirmishes are made easy. =)

Nope. I'm saying it's stupid that you HAVE to and that you have to have previous knowledge of the game if you wanted that option, because the opportunity to do so is like the freaking air vent for the Death Star in Star Wars.

It should have happened with the village girl. NOT Olivia. She barely knows him and they marry. 100% stupid.

Ignore lists don't really work here anyways... >_>

When u log offline it still shows their posts.

Is this that place where you show off random sketches made on a random impulse?


As I was drawling it I realized the pose I was thinking of using was a lot like the platinum sprite that I was using for the Minecraft thingy I made of it so I started referencing that partway through x3

But I still think the legs could've come out better =[

Lumiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii helpyyyyyyyyyyyy

Oh hey I see what you're doing there photobucket, trying to compress that... and it's annoying


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