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He has you now, so he doesn't need me anymore

Don't disappoint him Rey

He did? For what?

For being redundant

Looks like our hero has fetishes of his own.

Of course, our hero has hormones after all.

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Yes, I don't blame him. In the end, he's only human, no matter how heroic.

But isn't his humanity that allows him to be heroic?

Even heroes have the right to pass their genes.

Especially heroes, some would say. Standard princess reward, etc.

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Especially heroes, some would say. Standard princess reward, etc.

And yet our hero could prefer the natural abilities of a female barbarian to be stronger in a fight.

Of course, who would enjoy mating with those uncultured savages? Just take the helpless princess and have at it, soldier.

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Poor Freohr Dratini.

Well I only care about the height part though x3

Rei Rei at least already knows my thoughts on the latter~ I forget who else was there for that

So I'm just too short to be a Dragonair? ;~;

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It seems you really don't want to accept the pun explanation

Very well then

Yes you are

But it's okay Freohr, nothing some experience can't fix

Heehee it's easy to convince myself otherwise x3

I could be a really really really short Dragonair

I wish experience could actually make me taller

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Yeah, it's taller than her by 13 inches. :Knoll:

I see.

Your idea was always good Freohr although I question the goodness of it if a ball of unknown technology can just contain and sustain you somehow...

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Isn't a Dratini taller than her?


Yeah, it's taller than her by 13 inches. :Knoll:

.......................................... ;A;

Anything is


It's okay, a girl can afford being tiny


Oh you

I don't care =<

I can't reach anythiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng

Awww took you quicker than I'd hoped

I shoulda made it smaller and transparent too

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