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I suppose this hdd light really bothers me, after all... I suppose I'll just disable it forever.

What I do? ;A;

Howe can you get scared by that

...you're surprised that I'm pretty honest from the start?

I feel like this is deja vu.

With how you didn't believe how much my ability has damaged me.

Well, to be honest

I'm more surprised that it still scared you

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Can I just ditch class and go to sleep yet?

Dot noses scare me more than animu fingers.

You could, if you want your dancing dragon wife (gotta specify now, sigh) to freeze you solid


I was exaggeratiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing

Were you really...

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So are you (both) saying it really is easy to believe that somebody would get scared by that?

Don't go contradicting yourself =<

Well it's rey so...

Nah. Just wondering if you did.

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I know.

I was just wondering if you really found The End's avi scary or something like that.

Then why'd you say Reeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Not scaryyyyyyyyyy just that it bothers meeeeeeeeeeeeee >~<

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Because said he was scared of TE's avi.

I suppose.

He's talking about a different avi though

Also Firefox started acting up so I downgraded and I can see the SF banner agaaaaaaaaain~ (Well actually it looked fine without it but when on a lappy I scroll with pg up and pg dn and without a banner it threw off my scrolling ;~;)

Weeeeeellllllllllllll but now the scrolling with the up and down keys doesn't scroll as far, which means it scrolls more slowly and that kinda makes me =< because that means I have to make more effort with the up and down keys

Edited by Freohr Datia
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No. I don't want anyone's help. This is something I must do on my own.

Quit complaining oh Tangerine liker.

I thought he and her aren't on good terms with each other. =P

>Wild Freohr appears!





>Wild Tangerine appears!



>Wild Fia appears


>Congratulations, you caught Fia!

Fia is so easy to catch.

>Beta testing patch updates

What the hell is Vincent thinking -_-

The patch has some graphical glitches and I've noticed a lot of typoes so far.

Well.....hopefully a newer version will be made overtime after we have enough testers. (And believe me many people would love to test this game right now. =))

It's in Vincent's hands now, report them to him

Will do after computer repair.

Also, it's funny how the (apparently) most hated part of the translation so far - the "took an arrow to the knee" joke - was something he added on his own

Well...we like to joke every now and then. =P


Second Run Log.....

Krom LV 20/10/6 EXP61

Class: Paladin


HP 56/56

Power 34

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 31

Speed 28

Luck 31

Def 25

Res 15

Sword A Spear A

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma, discipline.pngDiscipline, Outdoor Battle, Defender (Will drop this for Holy Shield)

He's like Sigurd now. =)

And now having him going on a mad charge in some chapters. =)

Rune LV 20/10/7 EXP4

Class: Dark Peg

HP 48/48

Power 28

Mag Pwr 19

Skill 26

Speed 26+2

Luck 19

Def 21

Res 18

Lance C Tome B

Skills: War Knowledge, magicsquare.png Magic Square, speed2n.pngSpeed+2, Refresh, Movement Cry

She has long black hair with a slender body and that she looks kind of like Micaiah cleavagewise.

Now my lovely creation, stand by your husband Krom's side and let there be a bright future! =) And can rock with Thunder Swords.

Liz LV 20/10/4 EXP60

Class: Falcoknight


HP 41/41

Power 18

Mag Pwr 20 (Used a Spirit Dust for better long staff range)

Skill 26

Speed 28+2

Luck 28

Def 15

Res 23

Lance C Staff B (Close to A)

Skills:017me.pngMiracle,018id.pngHealing Heart, speed2n.pngSpeed+2, Refresh

She's great either as a Battle Monk, or a Falcoknight. =)

She's becoming a great supporter.

Tiamo LV20/10/6 EXP36

Class: Bow Knight


HP 50/50

Power 22

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 25

Speed 23+2

Luck 16

Def 16

Res 7

Sword C Bow D

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2, Refresh, Weapon Saver, Late Initiative, Movement Cry

Doing good.

Saria LV20/17/10 EXP84

Class: Dark Knight


HP 56/56

Power 17

Mag Pwr 25

Skill 19

Speed 29

Luck 20

Def 25

Res 13

Sword C Tome B

Skills: Curse, Crimson Curse, Slow Start

Giving her a touch with Steel soothing with her nature. I can in fact write lots of stories about her. Possessed like Final Fantasy IV Dark Knight. I surely would love to see her under Zemus' control. xD Having her go on a rampage and it's absolutely delicious to see her laugh critical style and cutting up her enemies. The Pegasus Generic mugs looks very good in this game. Like girls from Vahalla. (Valkyrie Profile) Saria can use Thunder Swords effectively too.

Lucina LV20/3 EXP27


HP 49/49

Power 30

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 27

Speed 26

Luck 26

Def 20

Res 12

Sword B Lance E

Skills: dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma, Refresh, Aether

Adorable as always. ^-^

She gets more Str than her father and is doing better than ever. Especially with the fake Falchion.

Ronku LV20/6 EXP57

Class: Swordmaster

HP 41/41

Power 23

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 29

Speed 35

Luck 21

Def 12

Res 11

Sword A

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage, Astra


Gaia LV20/10 EXP67


Class: Assassin

HP 48/48

Power 29

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 38

Speed 38

Luck 20

Def 15

Res 8

Sword A Bow D (Close to C)

Skills: Picklock, Movement+1, Lethality

Turned out like I expected.

Donny LV20/10/5 EXP85

Class: Hero

HP 53/53

Power 32

Mag Pwr 10

Skill 34

Speed 31

Luck 37

Def 31

Res 17

Sword C (Close to B) Axe E (Close to D)

Skills: Good Growths, Weak Beats Strong (Going to drop this for Axe Slayer soon), Weapon Saver, Late Initiative, Sol


Mack LV20/5 EXP17

Class: Grandmaster

HP 42/42

Power 26

Mag Pwr 18

Skill 26

Speed 24

Luck 20

Def 18

Res 14

Sword C Tome C (Close to B)

Skills: War Knowledge, Royal Weapon, Magic Square, Refresh, Magnificent Flame

Getting better. =)

And can use the Thunder Sword for good damage!!!!!

Selena LV20/10/2 EXP82

Class: Assassin

HP 52/52

Power 31

Mag Pwr 4

Skill 38

Speed 31

Luck 15

Def 19

Res 16

Sword B Bow E

Skills: Weapon Saver, Late Initiative, Pick Lock, Refresh, Lethality, Movement+1

She's starting to become better than Gaia.

Loran LV15/5 EXP51

Class: Sage

HP 37/37

Power 11

Mag Pwr 21

Skill 21

Speed 17

Luck 15

Def 15

Res 14

Tome B Staff D

Skills: Magic+2, Outdoor Battle, Concentration, Magic Cry

Working his Staff level to C.

Noir LV13/10/2 EXP41

Class: Dragonmaster

HP 52/52

Power 28+2

Mag Pwr 14

Skill 23+2

Speed 30

Luck 20

Def 22

Res 14

Spear D Axe C

Skills: Skill+2 Early Initiative, Power+2, Crimson Curse, Vantage

A VERY interesting character. Not only does she look delicate like her mother, but also because her mother cursed her is why she suddenly goes into a violent mood swing without warning! She's like Lunch/Launch in Dragonball personality wise. I'd be using her mug right now, but on a public computer, no. Anyway, I don't want her to entirely get locked to only bows. Out of all of her choices you should make her either a Bowknight, or a Dracoknight. Since I am in need of a Draco, she fits the bill just fine. And it's absolutely delicious to see her crit animations as she goes into a violent mood swing and does a hard blow. Anyways, she goes on my like list now with two Astriks!!!!!!


Had her into a Dragonmaster rather than a Griffon Knight as I don't want her to entirely be locked to only Axes.

Wood LV13/15/3 EXP15

Class: Dragonmaster

HP 53/53

Power 26 (Capped)

Mag Pwr 19

Skill 26

Speed 26 (Capped)

Luck 36 (Capped)

Def 26 (Capped)

Res 20

Sword C

Skills: Avoid+10, Early Initiative, Vantage, Good Growths, Weak Beats Strong

He has many options. Probably most recommended to make him a Villager first then either a Hero, or Axeman. Because of the Good Growths skill (Which adds 20% to every growth catergory in addition to their own will make any unit having this gamebreaking in the end.)

Brady LV11 EXP30

Class: Priest

HP 32/32

Power 6

Mag Pwr 14

Skill 11

Speed 13

Luck 18

Def 9

Res 14

Staff C

Skills: concentrationv.pngConcentration, Secluded Lady,017me.pngMiracle,018id.pngHealing Heart

Despite the fact as tough as he looks he is Mariabel's son who cries at the slightest little things and people often mstaken him for a bandit. He's certainly nothing like his mother. At least another good staff bot! =)

This look like a job for....



Stupendous Girl!

As it plays this track Stupendous Girl dashes back and fourth across Tellius three times and stops by...

Stupendous Girl: =P

Edited by Winona
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