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Relax boy, your channel shows up as one of the ones recommended for me and your display message is "MY WEEB SHALL PIERCE THE HEAVENS". I simply made use of it.


Hey, it's not really out there for me to think that you think I'm that bad. I did have a moment I clearly remember that "What are you gonna do if I DO talk shit about your waifu?" when you thought I was just simply gonna overreact like the typical fanboy, rage, and throw a tantrum.

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The funny thing is that this in no way invalidates what I have said.

It's a roundabout way of saying "We know you're lying and masks like you hide the truth, there's no point in continuing this at this time."


Hey, it's not really out there for me to think that you think I'm that bad. I did have a moment a clearly remember that "What are you gonna do if I DO talk shit about your waifu?" when you thought I was just simply gonna overreact like the typical fanboy, rage, and throw a tantrum.

I don't build a heavy opinion an individual I do not know and while I find your Ninian obsession to be something you're better off without it was only fair that I'd look into this to see if whether or not such a reaction would surface.

Edited by Sirius
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It's a roundabout way of saying "We know you're lying and masks like you hide the truth, there's no point in continuing this at this time."

And I'm saying you've done nothing to show that I'm lying.

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And I'm saying you've done nothing to show that I'm lying.

There's been proof shown to you from the folder, but to get proof that will make you cease this, I'd probably have to get it from private chatlogs and I would not stoop to such a deed.

I must sleep as well.

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That's funny, I don't remember seeing anything that proves that Tangerine and I anything more than just friends in the folder. I'm sure you're probably referring to the few instances where I may have said I "love" Tangerine or something to that effect, but that is evidence of nothing. Friends can love each other and still be just friends. :Knoll:

Sleep well.

Edited by Manly Man Golbez
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morning everyone.

Morning, dood! ^o^


Pokemon report 4. Also have some new roosters for contending as I've needed some better contenders.

Pokemon Pearl


Name: Alpha

Nature: Careful

Ability: Clear Body

Gender: N/A

Held item: Wide Lens/Zoom Lens

Ev's: 252 Speed and spcial attack and 6 in HP.

-Seismic Toss

-Flash Cannon

-Focus Blast

-Thunder Wave

An epic set for it. Seismic Toss to ignore boosts from Calm Mind, etc. Flash

Cannon for a powerful attack. Focus Blast makes it the walking machine of

death. Especially with it's good defenses. And Thunder Wave needed to para h4x.

Especially helpful in Double battles. This Pokemon can REALLY stand out

competitively. Regirock and Ice doesn't fear this weapon for nothing and having

to seal it away. Translated the Braille to getting them. This Pokemon rocks.

Use it! Especially if you see it use Focus Blast you imagine a battlelord

in Duke Nukem 64 firing his submachine gun. Seeing Registeel do this is that

fucking mesmerising and epic. War machine, anyone?


Name: N/A

Nature: Jolly

Ability: Speed Boost

Gender: Female

Held item: Focus Band

Ev's: 252 in Speed and HP. 6 in attack.


-Double Team

-Baton Pass

-Swords Dance

A great baton passer. Especially with it probably having the most speed in the

game next to Speed Boost Blazaken and Deoxys (Speed Forme)


Name: N/A

Nature: Modest

Ability: Levitate

Gender: Female

Held item: Wide Lens

Ev's: 152 Speed 158 Sp.Attack 252 HP

-Dragon Breath


-Giga Drain

-Earth Power

Dragon Breath for 30% para h4xing. (I ALWAYS go after these kind of attacks)

Fissure for instant killing. Giga Drain for longer longetivity. Earth Power

for it's already good attack. Though keeping it at the Trapinch stage for

longer than any other Pokemon in the series was very nervewraking indeed.

But Patience pays off for ultimate perfection. LV89 to get it to learn both

Earth Power and Fissure before evolving it!

Blissey #1 <3

Name: Anna

Nature: Serious

Ability: Natural Cure

Gender: Female

Held item: Leftovers

Ev's: Raised throughout the game!


-Seismic Toss

-Calm Mind

-Ice Beam

Softboiled needed for longer longetivity. Seismic Toss to ignore defensive

boosts and defenses. Calm Mind to up it's already high Sp.Def. Ice Beam needed

to hit anything with no resistence and also can inflict Frz with a 10% chance.

It ain't ranked Overused tier for nothing especially with her getting more HP

than any other Pokemon in the game. =3


Name: Dominion

Nature: Timid

Ability: Levitate

Gender: Male

Held item: Soul Dew/Life Orb

Ev's: 252 speed and Sp.Attk and 6 HP

-Dragon Pulse



-Calm Mind

This pokemon isn't ranked Uber for nothing. With the insane boosts that it

gets with either the Soul Dew or Life Orb in addition to everything else makes

this Pokemon recommeded to use against other Ubers. Anyway, Dragon Pulse needed

for a good attack. Thunder needed to OKO Lugia and Ho-Oh. Recover for longer

longetivity. Calm Mind to make it break the game! YES, you can use the Soul

Dew in the arena in the 4th gen. Even without it the Life Orb still makes it

a force to be reckoned with. Man I love this Pokemon. Timid needed to get it

enough speed for the Ubers. It got 343 Speed after I've got done training it!

It gets enough stats like Blazaken to make it worthy to be in Uber tier. =)

Use this Pokemon, you won't regret it! If your to battle Mewtwo, this is one

of the Pokemon to use against it!


Name: Trinity

Nature: Timid

Gender: Female

Ability: Levitate

Held item: Soul Dew/Life Orb

Ev's: 252 Speed 252 Sp.Attk and 6 HP


-Charge Beam


-Dragon Pulse

Tailwind needed so that it never gets outsped. Ever. Needed for Deoxys-S. Plus

this move has served me well in the arena with them using attacks that lowers

it's speed. Charge Beam needed for a good attack to raise her special attack

in addition to damaging her opponents. Recover for longer longetivity. Dragon

Pulse cuz almost no Pokemon ever resists it! Another Pokemon that isn't ranked

Uber for nothing!

Togikiss #1 (4th gen)

Name: N/A

Nature: Modest

Ability: Serene Grace

Gender: Male

Held item: Leftovers

Ev's: 158 Sp. Attk 252 Speed 100 HP

-Air Slash

-Nasty Plot

-Aura Sphere

-Baton Pass

This Pokemon can really stand out and it's overused tier. It's deserving to be

there. Air Slash to flinch h4x in addition to my opponents getting damaged.

Nasty Plot needed to have it combat some Ubers. Especially since it reached

over 314 Sp.Attk after finish levlling it up. <333 Aura Sphere needed to

have it swat evasive foes. Baton Pass is logical. This Pokemon is one of

the best Sp passers in the game!

Scizor #1

Name: N/A

Nature: Adamant

Ability: Technican

Gender: Male

Held item: Expert Belt

Ev's: 158 Attk 100 HP 252 Speed


-Swords Dance

-Brick Break

-Bullet Punch

U-Turn is logical. Swords Dance is logical. Brick Break is logical. Bullet

Punch is logical. Another Overused tier poke. Yep.


Name: Shamanx21

Nature: Jolly

Ability: Guts

Gender: Male

Held item: Expert Belt

Ev's: Raised throughout the game though I've used EV lowering berries to get

it more speed.

-Fake Out

-Bulk Up

-Bullet Punch

-Force Palm

Fake Out needed to destroy Focus Sashes. Bulk Up is logical. Bullet Punch is

logical. Force Palm needed for it's bad Speed as it can para h4x his opponents

with a 30% chance.


Name: Golem

Nature: Sassy

Ability: Clear Body

Gender: N/A

Held item: King's Rock

Ev's: 252 Speed 252 Attk and 6 HP

-Rock Slide

-Drain Punch


-Thunder Wave

This pokemon probably gets the highest Def in the game especially with it's

200 base Def. It ended up at 422 when I've got done levelling it up. Rock

Slide for a good attack. Drain Punch for longer longetitivy. Curse to boost

up it's already high Defenses and Attack. Thunder Wave to cripple for it's

bad speed.


Name: Gigas

Nature: Quirky

Ability: Clear Body

Gender: N/A

Held item: Wise Glasses

Ev's: 252 Sp.Attk 252 Speed and 6 HP

-Ice Beam

-Charge Beam

-Focus Blast

-Thunder Wave

This Pokemon probably has the highest Sp.Def in the game. Seriously. It hit

428 when I've got done levelling it up! Charge Beam to raise it's Sp.Attk.

Focus Blast to make it the weapon of doom and Thunder Wave needed for it's

bad speed.



Gender: Female

Held item: Brave

Ability: Sturdy

Held item: Focus Sash/Choice Band

Ev's: 252 Speed 252 Attk 6 HP



-Rock Slide

-Rock Polish

Explosion needed for it's many weaknesses. For such a neverused tier poke, it's

actually quite good with the Choice Band to make Explosion even more powerful.

Earthquake for a good STAB attack. Rock Slide for better acuracy and PP than

Stone Edge. Rock Polish to lift off it's drag.


Name: David

Gender: Male


Ability: Pressure

Held item: Muscle Belt

Ev's: Unknown (Used throughout the game!)


-Rock Slide


-Aerial Ace

Crunch for a non resisting attack. Rock Slide is better than Stone Edge in the

4th gen as it is nerfed. Agility to life off it's drag. Aerial Ace to hit evasive



Name: N/A

Gender: Female

Nature: Serious

Ability: Overgrow

Held item: Quick Claw/Big Root

Ev's: Unknown (Used throughout the game!)




-Giga Drain

Earthquake for a good attack. Strength for a good attack. Crunch for a good

attack. Giga Drain for a health nutirent attack.


Name: Serge

Nature: Adamant

Ability: Keen Eye

Gender: Male

Held item: Big Root

Ev's: 252 Speed 100 HP 158 Attk

-Rock Slide


-Double Edge

-Drain Punch

Someone that caught my interest. Another neverused tier poke. Because it's

speed is shit. Usually most neverused tier pokes have awful speed. Rock

Slide for fliers. Mimic to copy a move. Double Edge for a powerful move. Drain

Punch for longer longetivity.


Name: Alty

Gender: Female

Nature: Docile

Ability: Inner Focus

Held item: Focus Band

Ev's: Unknown (Used throughout the game)

-Calm Mind



-Focus Blast

Logical set for it.

Spirittomb #1 (Shiny) (4th gen)

Name: N/A

Gender: Female

Nature: Naive

Ability: Wonder Guard

Held item: Quick Claw

Ev's: 252 HP 252 Speed 6 Sp.Attk

-Dark Pulse


-Dream Eater

-Nasty Plot

Logical set for it!


Name: N/A

Gender: Male

Nature: Bold

Ability: Swarm

Held item: Focus Sash

Ev's: 252 HP 252 Def 6 Speed

-Bug Buzz


-Tail Glow

-Baton Pass

Logical set for it!


Name: N/A

Gender: Male

Nature: Naive

Ability: Flash Fire

Held item: Choice Specs

Ev's: 252 Speed 252 Sp.Attk 6 Def

-Earth Power

-Magma Storm

-Dragon Pulse

-Flash Cannon

Another Overused tier poke to not mess around with. Choice Specs to power

one of them up even more. A great contender.


Name: N/A

Gender: Female

Nature: Lonely

Ability: Blaze

Held item: Life Orb

Ev's: Unknown (Used throughot the game!)

-Close Combat

-Calm Mind


-Slack Off

Another Overused tier poke. Good set. Life Orb used cuz Slack Off will get

around it's side effect.

Roserade (Shiny)

Name: N/A

Gender: Female

Nature: Rash

Ability: Natural Cure

Held item: Big Root

Ev's: 252 Def 252 Sp.Attk 6 HP


-Grass Whistle

-Giga Drain

-Sludge Bomb

A very good contender. It isn't Overused tier for nothing. Growth to raise

her Sp.Attk. Grass Whistle cuz she can't learn Sleep Powder. Got a shiny one.

It's a breed only move. Giga Drain=Longer longetivity. Sludge Bomb for a

powerful attack. Having Natural Cure at her disposal will ensure that status

alignments gets cleaned up by switching her out!


Name: N/A

Gender: Male

Nature: Timid

Ability: Overgrow

Held item: Lum Berry

Ev's: 252 Speed 110 HP 148 Sp.Attk


-Giga Drain

-Dragon Breath

-Focus Blast

Rest for longer longetivity. Giga Drain for it's good Sp.Attk stats. Dragon

Breath for 30% para h4xing. Focus Blast for a powerful attack aginst Steels.


Name: Lia

Gender: Female

Nature: Modest

Ability: Plus

Held item: Focus Band/Focus Sash

Ev's: 252 HP 252 Def 6 Speed


-Baton Pass

-Helping Hand

-Double Team

One of my double battle contenders. Thunderbolt is logical. Baton Pass to pass

over evasive boosts. Helping Hand for boosting Minun. As they both work together

in battle, their Sp.Attk goes up another 50% thanks to their Plus and Minus



Name: Lea

Gender: Female

Nature: Modest

Ability: Minus

Held item: Focus Sash/Focus Band

Ev's: 252 HP 252 Sp.Attk 6 Speed



-Grass Knot

-Double Team

Thunderbolt=Logical. Protect to keep it from getting harmed. Grass Knot for

Rocks. Double Team to have it dodge well while attacking. It needs this move

in order to stand any chance as it is neverused tier.

Raichu #1 (4th gen)

Name: N/A

Gender: Female

Nature: Docile

Ability: Static

Held item: Expert Belt

Ev's: 100 solid in everything but Sp.Def. 110 to Def.

-Volt Tackle

-Double Team

-Focus Blast

-Iron Tail

Volt Tackle is the most powerful Electric move in the game! Double Team said

above. Focus Blast for Rocks and Steel. Iron Tail for Grass, Ice and Rocks.

Pokemon White 2 version

Ones I'm using right now in one of my versions after levelling them each to 100.

Pokes I'm using in the battle arena in my Pokemon White 2 version.


Name: Fia

Gender: Female

Nature: Modest

Held item: Wide Lens

Ability: Torrent

Ev's: Unknown (Used throughout the game)

-Hidden Power (Electric)

-Hydro Pump

-Ice Beam


A great contender that hardly got outspead.


Name: N/A

Gender: Female

Nature: Adamant

Held item: Choice Band

Ability: Huge Power (This along with Choice Band makes this Pokemon stand out very well. =))

Ev's: 252 Attk 252 Speed 6 HP

-Aqua Jet

-Ice Punch


-Knock Off (lol smogon suggested Return here.)

This is by far Azumarill's most recommended set. Stupid Smogen. Return. lol How the fuck are you going to do well against pokes like Jellicant..hmm? Anyway, Aqua Jet for it's bad speed and needing to attack preemperatively. Ice Punch for a good attack making this with the Choice Band even good for it to battle Shaymin himself. =)

Superpower needed for Steel types and Knock Off needed for Jellicant since it's the only way that it won't get walled by it and doing a fair amount of damage with the Choice Band along with knocking off their held items. Switch your poke to neglect the Choice Band's 1 move only effect so that you can be able to use another move whenever you switch it back in.


Name: N/A

Nature: Bold

Gender: Male

Held item: Focus Sash

Ability: Swarm

Ev's: 252 HP 252 Def 6 Speed

-Bug Buzz

-Baton Pass

-Tail Glow


Tail Glow boosting Volbeat once and switching to a behemoth like Blastoise makes this Pokemon a good contender.


Name: Scratch

Gender: Male

Nature: Jolly

Held item: Expert Belt

Ability: Defiant (Boosts Attack by 2 stages whenever this Pokemon's stats gets lowered.)

Ev's: 252 Attk 252 Speed 6 HP

-Rock Slide

-Brave Bird

-Super Power


The ideal set for this Pokemon. It needs Jolly as it's Speed only gets moderate at most. But it does outspeed enough pokes to make this Pokemon a great contender. Defiant is recommended as this is it's hidden ability. Get this if you can, because this ability is very good! With it's already good attack makes this Poke worth you attention. Plus it's so frecking cool and has a story that caught my interest that it will fight with nothing standing in it's way and a heroic eagle made me want to use this Pokemon. =)

Anyway, Rock Slide needed for other fliers and Ice types. Brave Bird for a powerful attack. Superpower needed for Steel types. This helped me get through many contenders with this. Whirlwind needed to get rid of my opponents stat boosts.


Name: Behemoth

Held item: Life Orb

Nature: Hardy

Ability: Intimidate

Ev's: Used throughout the game!

-Dragon Claw

-Dragon Dance

-Brick Break

-Body Slam

This Pokemon helped me through some matches.

Pokemon Platinum


Name: N/A

Gender: Male

Nature: Hasty

Ability: Poison Heal

Held item: Toxic Orb/Life Orb

Ev's: 252 Speed 100 HP 158 Attack


-Giga Drain

-Rock Slide

-Drain Punch

Spore is needed for this Overused tier poke to stand a chance with it's good

amount of weaknesses. Giga Drain for a nutrient attack Rock Slide for fliers.

Drain Punch for a health draining attack against rocks, Darks, and Steels.


Name: The End

Gender: Male

Nature: Quirky

Ability: Blaze

Held item: Charcoal

Ev's: Unknown (Used throughout my 3rd gen game Leaf Green then transfered it!)



-Dragon Dance


Good set for it. Also a Neverused tier poke. No surprise for it's 4x Stealth

Rock weakness.


Name: Sexy

Gender: Female

Nature: Bold

Ability: Natural Cure

Held item: Leftovers

Ev's: 252 HP 252 Def 6 Speed



-Seismic Toss


Another set for her to have her heal my other pokes' statuses. Aromatherapy's

the reason for this Blissey's existence. <3

Flamethrower needed for Ghost types as they are ineffective against Seismic

Toss. I dropped Thunder Wave as I went with smogon's suggestion on this Blissey

set. BUT they're forgetting one thing. A simple ghost type will simply thwart

this entire set.



-Seismic Toss

-Thunder Wave

Phail. Stupid smogon. Feh.

Jynx #1

Name: Zynx

Gender: Female

Nature: Mild

Ability: Oblivious

Held item: Focus Sash

Ev's: 100 to everything except 110 to Def.

-Calm Mind

-Lovely Kiss


-Ice Beam

My second gurl. Great set for her. Especially for her good Sp.Attk. Also my

favorite female poke of course. ^^ It's neverused tier in this gen (4th)

but gets to underused in the 5th gen.


Name: MKS

Gender: Male

Nature: Timid

Ability: Water Absorb

Held item: Leftovers

Ev's: 252 HP 252 Speed 6 Sp.Attk

-Muddy Water

-Ice Beam


-Shadow Ball

A great double battle contender. Muddy Water has a chance to lower an opponents

accuracy in addition to being damaged. I LOVE these kind of attacks. Secondary effect

ones, yes. The rest are logical.


Name: Anna

Gender: Female

Nature: Serious

Ability: Pressure

Held item: Razor Fang

Ev's: Unknown (Used throughout the game!)

-Attack Order

-Heal Order


-Power Gem

Good set for this neverused tier slow mo.


Name: Gi

Gender: Male

Nature: Timid

Ability: Pressure

Held item: Leftovers

Ev's: 252 Sp.Attk 252 Speed 6 HP

-Dark Pulse



-Calm Mind

Explaining this one. Dark Pulse for a good attack. Imprison to seal off the opponents moves that it has that are common. Psychic and Calm Mind to make this good.


Name: Jema

Gender: Male

Nature: Bold

Ability: Synchronize

Held item: Wise Glasses


-Calm Mind


-Shadow Ball

Good set for this neverused tier poke. Although it's Overused tier in

the 5th gen. With it's good Sp.Attk makes this Poke worth using.


Name: Shamanx21

Gender: Male

Nature: Rash

Ability: Intimidate

Held item: Razor Claw





Crunch for a good attack that no Pokemon are immune to. Thief to take the foes held item throughout the battle. Roar to rid of their boosts.


Name: P.Kilvas

Gender: Female

Nature: Naughty

Ability: Torrent

Held item: Leftovers

-Hidden Power (Electric)


-Drill Peck


Nice set for her!


Name: Shirona

Gender: Female

Nature: Bashful

Ability: Marvel Scale

Held item: Leftovers


-Double Team


-Dragon Pulse

I love this Pokemon. My 3rd gurl. Recover for longer longetivity. It's under

used tier. Should be worth Overused tier with this set especially. =3

Double Team for better dodging in addition to Leftovers healing her making

her REALLY go the distance. Surf=logical. Team up with Water Absorbers to

recover them in addition to inflicting damage upon my opponents. Dragon

Pulse needed for waters and Dragons.


Name: Carlos

Gender: Male

Nature: Relaxed

Ability: Battle Armor

Held item: Focus Sash

-Swords Dance

-Double Team

-Night Slash

-Aqua Jet

Double Team needed as it's HP is too pitiful to make good enough substitues.

Others are logical as Aqua Jet is needed for it's bad speed.


Name: Triahana

Gender: Female

Nature: Bashful

Ability: Flower Gift (It powers up your other Pokemon whenever it is sunny out.)

Held item: Big Root

-Hidden Power (Flying)

-Sunny Day

-Leech Seed

-Giga Drain

Will get walled against Steel types as I didn't feel like raising another one

that I've raised from obtaining it from a honey tree. It gets good stats all

around, but it's movepool is incredibly limited. So limited that this is

literally the only decent set that I could find for it.

Rotom (Yes, I caught this event to get all of it's transformations. It's nice that in the 5th gen it isn't event/cheat code only thing.)

Name: Aire

Gender: N/A

Nature: Impish

Ability: Levitate

Held item: Leftovers



-Confuse Ray

-Omnious Wind

-Hydro Pump/Leaf Storm/Air Slash/Overheat/Blizzard (All that it's transformations provide.)

Although the battle arena doesn't let you use it's transformations in it.


Name: Fia

Gender: Female

Nature: Naive

Ability: Inner Focus

Held item: Black Belt

Ev's: 252 Sp.Attk 252 Attk 6 Def


-Aura Sphere

-Swords Dance

-Drain Punch

This set is good as Foresight can get it to nail ghost types with these

fight only moves.

Pikachu (Shiny) (Got it without radar abuse)

Name: Millie

Gender: Female

Nature: Serious

Ability: Static

Held item: Light Ball

Ev's: 252 Speed 252 Def 6 HP


-Nasty Plot

-Iron Tail

-Double Team

For this neverused tier poke I mostly only use her in coordination contests.

Starraptor#2 (Shiny) (4th gen)

Name: Cloe

Gender: Female

Nature: Sassy

Ability: Intimidate

Held item: Razor Claw

Ev's: 252 Speed (It had a hindering nature in this. Got it without radar

abuse.) 108 Def 150 Attk

-Close Combat


-Brave Bird


Agility needed for it's fair amount of speed. Although Tailwind is good for

it too.

Pidgeot (Shiny)

Name: N/A

Gender: Female

Nature: Adamant

Ability: Keen Eye

Held item: Life Orb

Ev's: 252 Attk and Defense 6 HP




-Aerial Ace (It can't get brave bird cuz it's a breed only move and I've ob-

tained this shiny pokemon from the wild after my 18th chain.

3rd gen traditional set. But never fails.


Name: N/A

Gender: Male

Nature: Modest

Ability: Tinted Lens

Held item: Choice Specs

Ev's: 252 Speed 252 Sp.Attk 6 HP

-Shadow Ball

-Giga Drain

-Air Slash

-Bug Buzz

To tell you the truth. With the Choice Specs just let loose with Bug Buzz

for a powerful attack and Tinted Lens will make it even better against Pokes

that resists it. Does actual normal damage to them even though they resist this


Gardevoir (Shiny) (Found during my 1st chain)

Name: Triahana

Gender: Female

Nature: Jolly

Ability: Trace

Held item: Wise Glasses

Ev's: 252 Sp.Attk 252 Speed 6 HP



-Calm Mind

-Magical Leaf

Magical Leaf for an unavoidable attack. Needed for evasive foes. And the rest

of the set is logical.


Name: Lunar

Gender: Female

Nature: Careful

Ability: Levitate

Held item: Leftovers

Ev's: 252 Sp.Attk 252 Speed 6 HP


-Seed Flare

-Calm Mind

-Focus Blast

Unlegit set. But went with it anyway for it's not good Hidden Power type and

that she's a pain to catch out in the wild without a Master Ball. And that

she has a hindering nature in Sp.Attk.

Pokemon White

Jynx #3 (Shiny) (Did want!)

Name: Jemnezmy

Gender: Female

Nature: Bold

Ability: Oblivious

Held item: Focus Sash

-Lovely Kiss


-Ice Beam



Name: N/A

Gender: Female

Nature: Quiet

Ability: Gluttoney

Held item: Focus Sash


-Ice Beam

-Grass Knot



Name: N/A

Gender: N/A

Nature: Hardy

Ability: Levitate

Held item: Odd Insense



-Flash Cannon

-Calm Mind


Name: C.8402

Gender: Male

Nature: Impish

Ability: Sheer Force

Held item: Muscle Band

-Bulk Up

-Drain Punch

-Ice Punch



Name: N/A

Gender: Female

Nature: Hasty

Ability: Gluttoney

Held item: Focus Sash






Name: N/A

Gender: Male

Nature: Docile

Ability: Blaze

Held item: Charcoal

-Dragon Claw

-Flare Blitz

-Dragon Dance


Blissey#3 (Shiny)

Name: Kiki

Gender: Female

Nature: Sassy

Ability: Serene Grace

Held item: Leftovers

-Water Pulse




Ninetails (Shiny <33333)

Name: N/A

Gender: Female

Nature: Timid

Ability: Flash Fire

Held item: Leftovers

-Nasty Plot




Pokemon Black

My first Unova team and will use in the battle arena.


Name: N/A

Gender: Female

Nature: Serious

Ability: Frisk

Held item: Iron Ball


-Signal Beam



Iron Ball needed to use trick to weigh my opponents down.


Name: N/A

Gender: Female

Nature: Docile

Ability: Lightning Rod

Held item: Focus Sash


-Charge Beam

-Thunder Wave

-Flame Charge

My fastest Poke for this team.


Name: Quirky

Gender: Female

Nature: Quirky

Ability: Big Pecks

Held item: Expert Belt/Scope Lens

-Aerial Ace




I was always fond of Pigeons is what made me use this Pokemon. =)


Name: N/A

Gender: Female

Nature: Bashful

Ability: Blaze

Held item: Wide Lens

-Low Sweep


-Flame Charge

-Rock Tomb

Recommended for this Pokemon as it is slow and Low Sweep and Rock Tomb wil slow it's opponents down. Roar needed to rid of my opponents stat boosts. Flamethrower for a powerful attack. It served me well as it learned this in the main game. As you cannot get this TM till near the end of the game.


Name: N/A

Gender: Female

Nature: Docile

Ability: Torrent

Held item: Quick Claw

-Swords Dance

-Aqua Tail


-Dragon Tail

This is a cool looking Pokemon. As it represents a Samurai that you see in the kung fu movies. It's slow though. Dragon Tail is needed to get rid of my opponents stat boosts.


Name: N/A

Gender: Female

Nature: Naive

Ability: Own Tempo

Held item: Big Root

-Earth Power

-Sleep Powder

-Quiver Dance

-Giga Drain

The other has Extranssessory instead of Earth Power.


Name: Daria

Gender: Female

Nature: Naughty

Ability: Inner Focus

Held item: Leftovers


-Brave Bird

-Heat Wave



Name: Shiva

Gender: Female

Nature: Sassy

Ability: Snow Cloak

Held item: Bright Powder

-Sucker Punch

-Ice Shard

-Shadow Ball


Some time travel had to be done to get Sucker Punch. This Pokemon is not available in the 5th gen. It's getting Hail to boost it's evasion along with Bright Powder to make this Pokemon awesome for arena contending.


Name: Lord Kratos

Gender: Male

Nature: Hasty

Ability: Sand Veil

Held item: Bright Powder

-Swords Dance



-Dragon Rush

A great Pokemon. It isn't Uber tier and not almost being banned from smogon tournaments for nothing. With it's ability Sand Veil along with Bright Powder makes this Pokemon a very good arena contender.

Metagross (Shiny) (Can't stand the normal ones.) (Used cheats to get this one.)

Name: BLS

Gender: N/A

Nature: Bold

Ability: Clear Body

Held item: Focus Sash

-Zen Headbutt

-Bullet Punch

-Magnet Rise

-Rain Dance

Magnet Rise to protect it from Ground attacks and Rain Dance to halven the damage from Fire attacks.


Name: Arrow

Gender: Male

Nature: Bashful

Ability: Flash Fire

Held item: Charcoal


-Sunny Day

-Solar Beam

-Fire Blast

Electrode (Shiny)

Name: C.Cloud

Gender: N/A

Nature: Modest

Ability: Static

Held item: Magnet


-Magnet Rise

-Foul Play


Because of it's good speed and making it have no weaknesses with Magnet Rise makes this Pokemon worth using.


Name: Greyson

Gender: Male

Nature: Adamant

Ability: Sand Veil

Held item: Bright Powder


-Brick Break

-Sand Tomb

-Stone Edge

Sandstorm needed to boost up it's evasion greatly along with Bright Powder. Brick Break for Steel types. Sand Tomb needed to trap my opponents and prevent them from switching. Stone Edge for flying types.


Name: Caitlin

Gender: Female

Nature: Modest

Ability: Magic Guard

Held item: Life Orb (Magic Guard neglects it's side effects.)

-Calm Mind

-Trick Room

-Focus Blast


Rerasing. As I've raised it on an emulator beforehand. Another Overused tier



Name: Reina

Gender: Female

Nature: Hasty

Ability: Moxie

Held item: Muscle Band/Wide Lens

-Close Combat


-Bulk Up

-Stone Edge

Went with Moxie instead of Guts as it's also a good ability for it. This ability raises attack by 1 stage after every Pokemon that you put out of commission. It's it's hidden ability. =)

Pokemon Black 2


Name: Carlos

Gender: Male

Nature: Adamant

Ability: Technican

Held item: Choice Scarf (It didn't have no more than 194 Speed.)



-Bullet Punch



Name: Lethal Wpn

Gender: N/A

Nature: Jolly

Ability: No Guard

Held item: Choice Scarf (Got it 217 Speed in the end of it's levelling.)

Ev's: 252 Speed 124 Def 124 Sp.Def 4 Attk



-Sheer Cold

-Dynamic Punch

With my No Guard Golurk I've hacked my game to give it these OKO moves along

with Dynamic Punch to make it's hidden ability fully useful. With this ability,

these moves always hit along with Dynamic Punch needed for Pokes with Sturdy

as OKO moves are ineffective on them and this move'll leave them confused

in addition to getting dealt double the damage. This death machine is needed

for me to steamroll through the arena ruling it with an iron fist.


Name: DLV

Gender: Male

Nature: Impish

Ability: Poison Heal

Held item: Toxic Orb

Ev's 78 Speed 182 Def 252 HP





For an Overused tier poke it is very good with this set making it one of the

utmost stallbreakers in the game! Earthquake needed for Taunt users. I named him

DLV cuz this pokemon looks like a fucking vampire and suits him well. =)


Name: N/A

Gender: Male

Nature: Jolly

Ability: Technican

Held item: Muscle Band

Ev's: 252 Speed 100 Def 158 Attk


-Bullet Seed

-Mach Punch

-Rock Tomb

Nintendo made it even better in this gen now that it can have the

ability Technican. This is one of smogon's sets that I went with because

they've made sense for once.


Name: Death

Gender: Male

Nature: Jolly

Ability: Pickpocket

Held item: None or Focus Sash

Ev's: 252 Speed 252 Attk 6 Def

-Swords Dance

-Ice Punch

-Low Kick

-Night Slash

With Pickpocket, the move Thief isn't needed as he robs their held item

whenever he gets attacked without holding an item. This Pokemon gets good

speed with only Ninjask and Deoxys-S outclassing him.


Name: Purity

Gender: Male

Nature: Modest

Ability: Serene Grace

Held item: Life Orb

Ev's: 252 Speed 158 Sp.Attk 100 HP

-Air Slash


-Aura Sphere

-Nasty Plot

Another good set for probably the best overused tier poke in the game next

to Poison Heal Gliscor.


Name: Volt

Gender: Female

Nature: Hardy

Ability: Static

Held item: Focus Sash

-Volt Tackle

-Grass Knot

-Nasty Plot

-Focus Blast

Had to Poketransfer it to get Volt Tackle into the 5th gen since the

Light Ball is an unobtainable item in it. And it looks like fucking Ishtar's

Thorhammer. >=D I can never get enough of seeing this move in this gen (5th).

Good set for it anyway. Gets walled against Garvantula with this set, but

Volt Tackle still does moderate damage to it.


Name: P.Kilvas

Gender: Female

Nature: Careful

Ability: Intimidate

Held item: Razor Claw

-Close Combat



-Brave Bird

My old buddy from the 4th gen as I've transfered it to the 5th after finding

a shiny one in the 4th gen as this is one of the few shiny pokemon that I've

always wanted.


Same as above.

Pokemon White

Mostly Victini, Genesect, Rayquaza and the like.

Pokemon Heart Gold


Name: Starr

Gender: Female

Nature: Modest

Ability: Static

Held item: Expert Belt

-Signal Beam

-Focus Blast


-Thunder Wave


Name: BLS

Gender: Male

Nature: Relaxed

Ability: Overgrow

Held item: Miracle Seed

-Body Slam

-Sunny Day

-Solar Beam



Name: Leia

Gender: Female

Nature: Quirky

Ability: Speed Boost

Held item: Wide Lens

-Bug Buzz



-Air Slash


Name: Beauty

Gender: Female

Nature: Naughty

Ability: Forewarn

Held item: Focus Sash

-Lovely Kiss

-Nasty Plot


-Ice Beam


Name: Dirk

Gender: N/A

Nature: Sassy

Ability: Illuminate

Held item: Wave Insense




-Confuse Ray

And the other was Ho-Oh which I've said already in my previous report.

Pokemon Soul Silver


Name: P.Elincia

Gender: Female

Nature: Hardy

Ability: Torrent

Held item: Choice Band

-Aqua Tail

-Ice Fang


-Rock Climb


Name: Kootles

Gender: Male

Nature: Modest

Ability: Static

Held item: Magnet


-Signal Beam

-Rain Dance

-Power Gem


Name: N/A

Gender: Female

Nature: Naughty

Ability: Blaze

Held item: Choice Band



-Double Edge

-Focus Blast


Name: Katara

Gender: Female

Nature: Adamant

Ability: Flash Fire

Held item: Black Glasses

-Nasty Plot



-Sludge Bomb


Name: Zim

Gender: N/A

Nature: Modest

Ability: Download

Held item: Wise Glasses

-Dark Pulse

-Ice Beam


-Tri Attack


Name: N/A

Gender: Female

Nature: Gentle

Ability: Overgrow

Held item: Light Clay


-Light Screen

-Solar Beam

-Sunny Day

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Pokemon White 2 Part II


Name: P. Lady

Gender: Female

Nature: Modest

Ability: Forecast

Held item: Focus Sash

Ev's: 252 Sp.Attk 252 Speed 6 HP

Alternating to make this pokemon THAT unique....

Sunny set....

-Weather Ball

-Sunny Day

-Solar Beam

-Double Team

Water set....

-Weather Ball

-Rain Dance


-Double Team

Ice set.....

-Weather Ball



-Double Team

The Parasol Lady at the arena made me want to use this Pokemon. She really got to me. She said "Please be my friend" in the arena after defeating her. I really like her characteristics alot. =)


Name: Cristal

Gender: Female

Nature: Quirky

Ability: Levitate

Held item: Spell Tag

Ev's: Trained throughout the game.


-Shadow Ball

-Nasty Plot




Name: N/A

Gender: Female

Nature: Hasty

Ability: Sniper

Held item: Dragon Gem

-Dragon Dance


-Iron Head


Dragon Dance for boosts. Dragonbreath for 30% chance in parah4x. Iron Head for 30% flinch h4x. Waterfall for it's most powerful water attack.


Name: Marina

Gender: Female

Nature: Timid

Ability: Swift Swim

Held item: Focus Sash

EV's: 252 HP and Speed 6 Sp.Attk

-Shell Smash

-Baton Pass


-Ice Beam

A great baton passer.


Name: N/A

Gender: Male

Nature: Jolly

Ability: Sturdy

Held item: Quick Claw


-Shell Smash

-Aqua Jet

-Stone Edge

Logical. Aqua Jet needed for it's bad speed.

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Oh look, it's the resident inbred.

wb BLS.

How do u like the Pokemon White and Black 2 game?

Can't wait for the X and Y release.

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