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That's not bad :3

Aww. I will probably start getting tired as the days go by... holiday over so went back to university on Monday.

Yknow, it's so annoying when you purposely go to bed early (11pm) to get some good sleep, but somehow you end up in one of those nights where you're "sleeping in and out". You feel tired, but you just won't go into deep sleep. And you open your eyes every now and then and it's still dark... and then it's probably 5am or something by the time you go into deep sleep. Sigh... Fortunately I only had to wake up at 9am.

And yet I can fall asleep alright when I go to bed at like 12-1am. Does it make that much difference? I swear I felt tired enough at 11... is it just a coincidence, or is there something psychological happening? Or does an extra hour or 2 burn me out that much.


Oh nooooo have fun (or maybe more good luck~) adjusting to not-holidayness =<

Yes that happens to me too... I'm not very sure what causes that to happen D=

I was sleeping in and out one or a couple nights ago, but I forget if I went to sleep earlier than normal that night or not =o

For me when I try to go to sleep earlier than normal, though, I either do what you do or I just take an hour or two to actually fall asleep, so that pretty much in the end I fall asleep later than normal instead >~<

Edited by Freohr Datia
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You fool! I'm giving you an opportunity to share FRENCH FRIES with two wondeful young ladies! How could you ruin such a chance with your selfishness?!

Because neither of them is interested to share french fries with me....maybe?

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I think that's kinda beside the point


I'm kinda stuck

But I'll get back to work soon, you'll see

Well, they are sides of me that are very rare or hidden or unlikely to surface so enjoy those endings.


:o cool.

I'm counting on you!!!! ohmy_zps57ba9b7a.png

Wow, that's sort of like me. Except if I go to sleep earlier than I want to, I just wake up a few hours later feeling like the terrible and can't go back to sleep any more. That's why it's bothersome when I'm told to go to sleep. :S

Yes, yes I am. Though I'm taking a break for the night.

Awwwww. (I think my problem is that my parents don't go to sleep until past 1am so they'll still be moving around the house, keeping it unquiet...)

It's just terrible isn't it! I want to sleep early to get enough sleep, but it doesn't seem to be working! So maybe I should sleep later... but then I won't get enough sleep. Dilemma dilemma dilemma. What do we doooo!?

:3 Glad you're having fun! you earned your break

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I was thinking that he was referring to the show in general.

Obviously, I mentioned the girl I liked out of all of them.

Oh, derp, didn't thought of that.

Eh, then again, I don't know much. If there's anyone I know that may know a lot, is most likely my aunt, she is/was/still-is a fan of Sailor Moon, alongside my uncle if I remember correctly. I kid you not, their cars are named Luna and Artemis. You know, after the cats. The colors even match. lol

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Oh nooooo have fun (or maybe more good luck~) adjusting to not-holidayness =<

Yes that happens to me too... I'm not very sure what causes that to happen D=

I was sleeping in and out one or a couple nights ago, but I forget if I went to sleep earlier than normal that night or not =o

For me when I try to go to sleep earlier than normal, though, I either do what you do or I just take an hour or two to actually fall asleep, so that pretty much in the end I fall asleep later than normal instead >~<

Haha, thankies~ Although the good news is that I thought we had 4 more weeks of lectures, but it's actually 3 weeks! :3 But actually, the last week will mostly be a revision week. So it's really 2 weeks! So I can have more time to revise. phew!

Oh nooooooo why is it so hard to sleep. I know what you mean, actually falling asleep later than normal...

Because neither of them is interested to share french fries with me....maybe?

I would share :o

and now it's time. goodnight all

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Because neither of them is interested to share french fries with me....maybe?

Sask, Sask, Sask... I am disappointed.

Why not? My growling tummy especially disagrees with you ^~^

Look! Freohr wants to share fries with you. Share them share them share them!

Share them WITH A SMILE!

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Ask from your Knight in Shining armor for french fries!

Ok whatever you can actually have all the fries I am going to sleep...

and dream my 3DS...

Edited by James Bond
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Haha, thankies~ Although the good news is that I thought we had 4 more weeks of lectures, but it's actually 3 weeks! :3 But actually, the last week will mostly be a revision week. So it's really 2 weeks! So I can have more time to revise. phew!

Oh nooooooo why is it so hard to sleep. I know what you mean, actually falling asleep later than normal...

I would share :o

and now it's time. goodnight all

Ooooooooh that's really nice~ I think I have the same amount of time left as you do =o If not a week more~

Idkkkkkkkk sleep is so much fun =< And I can't stand getting less sleep than normal >~<


Okie dokie, good night NTG~


When did Sask become so mean? ;n; I had never noticed!

It's okay NTG I'll share with you~!

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Awwwww. (I think my problem is that my parents don't go to sleep until past 1am so they'll still be moving around the house, keeping it unquiet...)

It's just terrible isn't it! I want to sleep early to get enough sleep, but it doesn't seem to be working! So maybe I should sleep later... but then I won't get enough sleep. Dilemma dilemma dilemma. What do we doooo!?

:3 Glad you're having fun! you earned your break

(Ahhhh, you're such a light little sleeper...)

It is! I think I've found a good way to counteract it though...getting up a bit earlier than I should seems to work well, but only if I have things I need to do the next morning. But if that doesn't work for you, well...I dunno. :S

I'm glad you're glad. d-did I now

Oh yeah, goodnight.

Edited by Nightmare
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Ask from your Knight in Shining armor for french fries!

Ok whatever you can actually have all the fires I am going to sleep...

and dream my 3DS...

Sigh... Saskman, I am disappointed. :(

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I am a meanie T__T a very bad meanie ....

yesterday i went to buy a present for my father for his birthday with the last few money...and he told me"Why are you wasting your money"


Edited by James Bond
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Well, they are sides of me that are very rare or hidden or unlikely to surface so enjoy those endings.


:o cool.

I'm counting on you!!!! ohmy_zps57ba9b7a.png

Awwwww. (I think my problem is that my parents don't go to sleep until past 1am so they'll still be moving around the house, keeping it unquiet...)

It's just terrible isn't it! I want to sleep early to get enough sleep, but it doesn't seem to be working! So maybe I should sleep later... but then I won't get enough sleep. Dilemma dilemma dilemma. What do we doooo!?

:3 Glad you're having fun! you earned your break

oh my


when did you become so disrespectful, calling me an oyaji and a pervert!

now with 100% more SCIENCE

what are you doing

Oh look, what is this




Edited by OldMan
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You can turn pretty much anything into "ammo", don't you...?

My stand lets me do that.

Wait what?

That's Annie. Edited by OldMan
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