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We can still proc Miracle.... can we...? Though I suppose it'd be worse not outright dying and instead feel the agony...

They'd still take our INFERNO DIVIDER and put it in a CARNAGE SCISSORS.

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I still find it interesting. *shrugs*

Anyway... yeah, I closely follow the sun too. Due to them Sunspots and their ability to cause Solar Flares, which in turn can spark Geomagnetic Storms. Something worthy to monitor closely, less we are caught in a second Carrington Event unprepared.

So you follow this astronomy stuff because you want to make sure you won't get hurt anytime soon? X3

It's going to do 5x it's strength with you at 0 DEF.


Not if you live in Central Asia and Eastern Europe/Africa, apparently.

B-but... I won't be in Central Asia then! *gasp*

I'll be in America. Maybe. Depending on when my parents decide to come back. -_-'

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So you follow this astronomy stuff because you want to make sure you won't get hurt anytime soon? X3

Well, better be prepared than to be taken off guard. After all, do you know the ramifications a Carrington Event can do to our current status of living?

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Well, better be prepared than to be taken off guard. After all, do you know the ramifications a Carrington Event can do to our current status of living?

It would be absolutely terrible, no doubt about it. Especially in today's world.

But still... Don't you find doing things like that... weird?

Anyway, yeah, better safe than sorry.

I'd better prepare for when my nation's debt becomes so big, it can't go any further and the whole economy crashes, resulting in another Great Depression.

And then the world economy suffers.

And then...

...You know, the world today is way too connected.

Globalization sucks.

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I don't even get what's going on in here.

I'm freaked out now TBH.

It's nothing, really.

Just speculation of what could be.

It may or may not happen in our lives, so I'd be as worried about another Carrington Event as I would be about a third world war or an global economic crash that would be disastrous.

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To be honest, I don't find it weird. Better to know what may kill you than be ignorant about it, especially since the difference can produce different results. Better sacrifice some happiness for caution, since you can be happy once the disaster is dealt with... well, on most cases anyway.

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It's nothing, really.

Just speculation of what could be.

It may or may not happen in our lives, so I'd be as worried about another Carrington Event as I would be about a third world war or an global economic crash that would be disastrous.

Did you know one was predicted for this year? Of course, sun activity being not as high as predicted changed things... but if it's any consolation, after this Solar Maximun, we won't have to worry since by 2030 we'll enter a Maunder Minimum and at least our generation won't see it.

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To be honest, I don't find it weird. Better to know what may kill you than be ignorant about it, especially since the difference can produce different results. Better sacrifice some happiness for caution, since you can be happy once the disaster is dealt with... well, on most cases anyway.

B-but... there are just so many things out there that could kill you!

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B-but... there are just so many things out there that could kill you!

I know. My city is practically on top of the San Andreas faultline. It also is highly likely still within range of the "Instant Pompeii just add Explosion" radius of the Yellowstone Caldera. If anything were to happen to the Hoover Dam or something then the Colorado River will tear up the place as well. Despite being in a desert, the city suffered floods from the river in the first years after being founded. So yeah, I'm well aware about what can kill me, thank you very much.

Oops, my mistake, it's a Gleissberg Minimun, not Maunder. Either way, expect the Earth to cool down by 2030 or so.

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I know. My city is practically on top of the San Andreas faultline. It also is highly likely still within range of the "Instant Pompeii just add Explosion" radius of the Yellowstone Caldera. If anything were to happen to the Hoover Dam or something then the Colorado River will tear up the place as well. Despite being in a desert, the city suffered floods from the river in the first years after being founded. So yeah, I'm well aware about what can kill me, thank you very much.

Oops, my mistake, it's a Gleissberg Minimun, not Maunder. Either way, expect the Earth to cool down by 2030 or so.

Wow. You live in a pretty... hazardous city. ._.

Earthquakes... Hurricanes (?)... Floods...

At least you won't get hit by a tsunami!

And, yay, I love cool weather. So if all of Earth cools down... ^~^

But I'll be old by 2030... thirty-four!

...Okay, thirty-four isn't that old... but it seems so far away...

Anyway, I'm off to bed.

I should stop going to bed 3 - 6 a.m. -_-'

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Wow. You live in a pretty... hazardous city. ._.

Earthquakes... Hurricanes (?)... Floods...

At least you won't get hit by a tsunami!

And, yay, I love cool weather. So if all of Earth cools down... ^~^

But I'll be old by 2030... thirty-four!

...Okay, thirty-four isn't that old... but it seems so far away...

Anyway, I'm off to bed.

I should stop going to bed 3 - 6 a.m. -_-'

No hurricanes, we live far enough north, and any hurricane coming our way has to enter a narrow, so to speak, gulf where they weaken anyway. And pretty much, we have a mountain range between us and the Pacific Ocean so tsunamis are no problem either. Unless if they manage to creep up from the gulf. We kinda live in a hole, being like the only place in the country below Sea Level, so that could be a problem.

Anyway, bye!

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To tell you the truth...doing that DLC episode (TSON)/along with Lunatic and Lunatic+ are like Chapter 19 in FE5 with all the Great knightish reinforcements coming about every turn. They were desparate to take back the Leonster castle. Yes. They are THAT climatic. No wonder Rey doesn't pay attention to the Hard/Normal/Lunatic playthroughs. Because they are nothing to write home about. Lunatic+ is where it's at. Doing some of TSON today gave me the answer that I need to do Lunatic+. I will try it with no grinding. I must have my FE5 strategic gameplay sense back.

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It's nothing, really.

Just speculation of what could be.

It may or may not happen in our lives, so I'd be as worried about another Carrington Event as I would be about a third world war or an global economic crash that would be disastrous.

Oh okay, speculation only makes me panic mentally. I'd better not think about it unless it was happening now.

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Whenever reinforcements arrive in Lunatic/Lunatic+ and TSON are mesmerising like whenever you play Metroid(NES) and go into Kraid's battle standing in the corner by the doorway trying to breakthrough all of his needles as the boss music plays and sitting down for awhile watching him throw his hooked boomerangs keeping out of range by the doorway doing so as he is at the left corner while listening to the boss music. These enemies with these terrifying skills like Hawkeye do bring more seriousness into the battle like the Kraid battle sitting down watching him trying to get you as the boss music mesemrises you while he is out of range to attack you. Or like FE5 Chapter 19's invasion. These things do bring more climatic and seriousness into the frey. Just stating the truth. =)

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The enemies at TSON/as well as the(Main Game)Lunatic+(Has to be unlocked) with those terrifying skills all stay in those portions of the game for being too strong and unbeatable looking for worthy opponents. Well....they're about to get it soon enough. Ha ha ha!

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