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Night Acacia.

Oh, so that's why there was salt there XD

Also, I was talking about mafia. THIS GAME LASTED ALMOST A MONTH.

Just throw salt at them. do it dooooo eeeeeeeeeet

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Hmm does this work for you Rey? If not I can find other vids, if you're wondering the guy giving the finger is filipino champ winner of last year's marvel EVO. He may seem like a jackass but I heard he's a nice person.


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Nah, it's fine. I'm done with that post anyway... at least until I read something...

I did my final edit.

Here's the thing I noticed:


Oh man, he was really salty. lololololol. mr6hJWH.gif

I'm wondering if I went too far though...

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Nah, it's fine. I'm done with that post anyway... at least until I read something...

I did my final edit.

Here's the thing I noticed:


Oh man, he was really salty. lololololol. mr6hJWH.gif

I'm wondering if I went too far though...

Shots fired.

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Hmm does this work for you Rey? If not I can find other vids, if you're wondering the guy giving the finger is filipino champ winner of last year's marvel EVO. He may seem like a jackass but I heard he's a nice person.


Either way he's a douche. a dooooooooooouche

Oh man, he was really salty. lololololol. mr6hJWH.gif

I'm wondering if I went too far though...

What did I say last night.

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What did I say last night.

Ein, do I look like someone that remembers what happens in this thread more than what happens to me during the night when I sleep?

...but in all seriousness... *goes back a few pages to look*

Edit: Oh... "shut up about waifus, already."


Edited by shadowofchaos
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Either way he's a douche. a dooooooooooouche

What did I say last night.

Eh but still a "douche" that wins.

I'm quite jealous that my friends had a chance to go to FGTV house.

Wait... I *DID* go too far? >_>;

Well to him you went too far I suppose, he's gonna be on you for a while.

Edited by Generic Operator
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Eh but still a "douche" that wins.

I'm quite jealous that my friends had a chance to go to FGTV house.

Well to him you went too far I suppose, he's gonna be on you for a while.

I know but there's that something called good sportsmanship.

You don't mess with someone's waifu/husbando/robotic aquatic sea life battleship hnnnnnnnnnng

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I welcome mere insects that wish to challenge me.https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5490460/Voice%20Clips/Gimlelaugh.mp3


Indeed that's a nice setup.

I know but there's that something called good sportsmanship.

You don't mess with someone's waifu/husbando/robotic aquatic sea life battleship hnnnnnnnnnng

Yeah that's true.


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Nah, it's fine. I'm done with that post anyway... at least until I read something...

I did my final edit.

Here's the thing I noticed:


Oh man, he was really salty. lololololol. mr6hJWH.gif

I'm wondering if I went too far though...

You didn't notice that until just now?

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Too bad they'll never get folder'd.

Speaking of which, after FE4TAN, what's Marthur going to do if they don't disappear like TE and they promised?

He's going to laugh at you and mock your waifus

Speaking of which, how DO you separate the gens anyway?

There were some references

I just don't remember them

Awwwww my gen had to be quite the lonely gen, if they were all to become gen 5 ;~;

But since the folder will (supposedly) grow no more, they'd probably be considered.... a not-gen?? Either way it leaves my gen quite empty ;n; I feel aloooooooooone~

Legend has ended

Missing the part where shadowofchaos and vashaine are married.

I don't remember any vashaine

And what isn't in this thread

isn't in the world

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Missing the part where shadowofchaos and vashaine are married.


There were some references

I just don't remember them

Gen 2 started when the RPs ended.

Gen 3 started with NTG posting.

Gen 4 started when Freohr single-handedly revived the thread.

Gen 5 started when TheEnd returned and revived the thread again.

Edited by Marthur
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>5th gen

B-baka Marthur

>Shipping wars thread

Rey is a bully who picks on people much younger than him

Oh wait

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