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Watch as an admin posts and locks the thread.

Hah, Tangerine... or was it Red Fox...? Anyway, already joked about it... or was it really a joke...? Mhmhmhmhmhm...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I dunno about satisfied, I'm just done playing with you~

I see, so you've decided to finally do what you were supposed to have done almost a year ago.

Very well. I shall respect your choice.

I'm the lord of the Last to Post thread.

>37920 replies


arent her and lux dating still?

I dunno, they kinda died Edited by OldMan
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Jenni's silliness is a miracle of the universe

And so was NinjiFE5




Hmm is it that bad?


Same author as LoGH, but:

Terrible animation

Anime doesn't follow the novel and adds omelette related fillers.

Awful protagonist.

Awful romance (that wasn't even in the novel)

That transvestite from Golden Wings.

Loli getting tentacle raped.

Ends on a cliffhanger.

It's only worth watching for Jouslain ;_;

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Someone actually volunteered to read this thing? You...crazy diamond.

Watch as an admin posts and locks the thread.

It's what happened to my Last to Post thread

I dunno, they kinda died

Ah, speaking of Soluna I beat Danganronpa

Junko was great
post-credit sequence was dumb
overall I'm glad I played

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Same author as LoGH, but:

Terrible animation

Anime doesn't follow the novel and adds omelette related fillers.

Awful protagonist.

Awful romance (that wasn't even in the novel)

That transvestite from Golden Wings.Loli getting tentacle raped.

Ends on a cliffhanger.It's only worth watching for Jouslain ;_;

I see, thanks Marthir.

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don't contaminate this thread

this is fe4 thread, different from last to post.

this thread has holy blood and is thus immune to disease
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>37920 replies


we'll take over

just you watch

I'm going Grandbell/Grannvale on this shit

don't contaminate this thread

this is fe4 thread, different from last to post.

who's contaminatin'

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Proto, you mistook Ayanami for BLS because he keeps saying "weak" as if saying it made him cooler~

I've became more cooler being around alot of cool people. Like, y'all. And the folks I've brawled on Youtube.

The last times I had to change my number were because of repeated sales calls in which I couldn't get the message across that I wasn't interested in buying anything. So I had to change my number so I would stop getting calls from them. And eating up my minutes.

And thanks again. I appreciate it. ^__^

That would be the option to do. They only want their money. Same that you get lots of letters from the cable companies whenever that you don't have cable.

but shes a little boy

No I'm not!

wtf Pride. I'M NOT A LITTLE BOY. and good luck on the job thing.


yes you are shhhhh


...... is that like a little fetish or something??

Ayanami will start saying that too now won't he


Hello, all.

Hello, Mr. Ivalice.



get off of there cat. stop trying to blog, you can’t use the internet.


But if we're not going to count all these people, the same should apply to Lux, Ninji and Gio since they're not posting anymore.

We go down to 0% this way!

Yeah, and whatever happened to Fia is a mystery.

I never said there is anything wrong about the past and I don't doubt its hilarity

It's just that I don't think these new visitors deserve to get on here and be greeted with "wow you all suck because you are new and this place isn't the same anymore" because I actually like some of these new people

Luckily though it seems they aren't letting it get to them

It just bothers me though...

They're only trying to adjust to the thread.

Is that how we've received you, Sask or Shirley, Freohr

I don't remember... I just see it in general though~ I don't think it's been directed at anybody in particular...


One go wouldn't be crazy, that'd be downright impossible

I'm sure you can be more specific?

Just go play FE4 instead


What do you mean. Peeps have said the chat is boring for a while.

That's why we have the last post thread for. At least you can post pics unlike in the chatroom.

Watch as an admin posts and locks the thread.

That'd be a fate worse than Barhara. :<

Yes. It would. -.-

And hello, Zeem.


And I've forgot to mention that Marthur's Nuzlocke draft run is turning out to be a success.

Edited by 綾波
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I'm sorry Falcom

but this Sen no Kiseki trailer looks so amateurish and boring


Has anyone here been assigned holy blood? I still want some...

The fruit can give you lopt juice if you want
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Has anyone here been assigned holy blood? I still want some...

I'm Tordo.

What is yours?

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