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Yeah, I need to take a shower before work today. And it's Saturday so midnight closing, yay.

...I just hope I don't dream of anything strange when I go to sleep after work...

Well, or have a certain someone raid my dreams. *shiver*

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(Thank goodness for the autosave function. I lost almost all of this at one in the morning, just before I was about to post it. So here's take two~! . . . Which is still posted in the context of it being yesterday. -_-')

Rather then complain about my day (it was bad) and ruin the mood, I'll just pop in and put up what I jotted down during my six hour road trip.

Hope you like it.

: Color coded Version :


Scimitar : A heavy weapon wielded on the high seas by pirates. Notable for a high might but low Hit. Otherwise about as unremarkable as a steel sword.

Dragon Weapons : Weapons finely crafted to resemble the various deadly features of Dragons. While most of their stats for the weapon rank and type are average or above average, their durability is extremely high for physical weapons in general. Multiple grades of Dragon weapons. They are extremely expensive, despite NOT actually being made of dragon. . . parts.

Foil : A fencer's weapon. High Critical and good accuracy, in addition to minor boost of defense and skill.

Scythe. : A class of towering and lethal weapons. While they can be effective, the difficulty of wielding such a weapon as easily and effectively as the more common sword or spear leads to few users. As a result most scythes are specialty weapons designed with certain abilities in mind. Ranged scythes are often infused with magic or else are actually sickles on the ends of long chains.

Tenebrae : Legendary Weapon, a Scythe who's special ability is to cast Nosferatu during ranged attacks. Raises any wielder's Res, or if the user has Holy Blood it will raise their Res, Def, and Str.


Vexfire : Fire tome which unleashes a heat wave with a very wide area of effect, making it difficult to avoid. The extreme heat often sends its victims into a berserker's rage.

Hailwind : Tome containing both wind and ice, this tome has might surpassing that of most common wind tomes. Though very powerful and still effective against fliers, it is an extremely heavy tome, contesting with the likes of Dark Tomes.

Duothunder : A thunder tome which laughs in the face of the saying "Lightning never strikes the same spot twice." Duothunder is a thunder tome with double-attack, or brave, abilities. Despite the similarities, it is not to be confused with Dimethunder, a unique tome. Duothunder is otherwise average beyond it's quick striking specialty.

Croix : Light tome of unparalleled strength, possessing high might, fifty critical, and the skills Lethality and Daunt. The only drawbacks to this weapon are its low hit rate thanks to a build-up time, its weight, and the steel nerves necessary to not break down sobbing when you see your victims.

Heuldro'r : An otherwise average Dark Tome which specializes in destroying all that is light. When faced with light magic, the tome flips the magic triangle and becomes a -slayer type weapon in having triple effectiveness versus light users.

Octarine : A strange magic, the prf weapon of a fabled king. Exists outside the weapons triangle and is above average in all areas, except in weight where it is surprisingly light.

(Why do I feel like I'm going to get a brick to the head for that last one? . . .)


Rest : A support staff with a tradeoff. On being used on an ally, the staff heals them slightly, about the same level as a heal staff. It's big gimmick is the two status's it gives to the recipient. The more familiar one is the sleep status for two turns. The other effect is regeneration, a status which heals 33% of a units hp at the end of their turn, for five turns.


Power Stone : A kind of stone, one that resembles more a power source than other dragon- or beast-stones, a power stone does not impart a form to its user. It simply allows them to transform into their true form, and a powerful one at that. A Powerstone plus could well put a Fire Dragon on the level with a Divine Dragon.

Dark Shard : A fragment of an ancient evil, a Dark Shard has a mind of its own-possibly even a mind it shares with every Dark Shard. Dark Shards are categorized under "Stone" in the loosest sense - rather than being used to transform by a user, a Dark Shard takes full control of a victims body and transforms them into its own monstrosity based upon the emotions of the victim and the power which the Dark Shard can access at the time. Some say destruction would follow if the shards are brought back together.


Maple Syrup : A usable item which raises the users Mag by 5. The effect decreases by one point each turn.

Lucky Clover : A usable item which raises the users Lck by 5. The effect decreases by one point each turn.

Bear Meat : a usable item which. . . I actually forget if it increases Str or Def by 5. I think you know the drill by now-effect decreases by one per turn.

: Plain Version :

Scimitar : A heavy weapon wielded on the high seas by pirates. Notable for a high might but low Hit. Otherwise about as unremarkable as a steel sword.
Dragon Weapons : Weapons finely crafted to resemble the various deadly features of Dragons. While most of their stats for the weapon rank and type are average or above average, their durability is extremely high for physical weapons in general. Multiple grades of Dragon weapons. They are extremely expensive, despite NOT actually being made of dragon. . . parts.
Foil : A fencer's weapon. High Critical and good accuracy, in addition to minor boost of defense and skill.
Scythe. : A class of towering and lethal weapons. While they can be effective, the difficulty of wielding such a weapon as easily and effectively as the more common sword or spear leads to few users. As a result most scythes are specialty weapons designed with certain abilities in mind. Ranged scythes are often infused with magic or else are actually sickles on the ends of long chains.
Tenebrae : Legendary Weapon, a Scythe who's special ability is to cast Nosferatu during ranged attacks. Raises any wielder's Res, or if the user has Holy Blood it will raise their Res, Def, and Str.
Vexfire : Fire tome which unleashes a heat wave with a very wide area of effect, making it difficult to avoid. The extreme heat often sends its victims into a berserker's rage.
Hailwind : Tome containing both wind and ice, this tome has might surpassing that of most common wind tomes. Though very powerful and still effective against fliers, it is an extremely heavy tome, contesting with the likes of Dark Tomes.
Duothunder : A thunder tome which laughs in the face of the saying "Lightning never strikes the same spot twice." Duothunder is a thunder tome with double-attack, or brave, abilities. Despite the similarities, it is not to be confused with Dimethunder, a unique tome. Duothunder is otherwise average beyond it's quick striking specialty.
Croix : Light tome of unparalleled strength, possessing high might, fifty critical, and the skills Lethality and Daunt. The only drawbacks to this weapon are its low hit rate thanks to a build-up time, its weight, and the steel nerves necessary to not break down sobbing when you see your victims.
Heuldro'r : An otherwise average Dark Tome which specializes in destroying all that is light. When faced with light magic, the tome flips the magic triangle and becomes a -slayer type weapon in having triple effectiveness versus light users.
Octarine : A strange magic, the prf weapon of a fabled king. Exists outside the weapons triangle and is above average in all areas, except in weight where it is surprisingly light.
(Why do I feel like I'm going to get a brick to the head for that last one? . . .)
Rest : A support staff with a tradeoff. On being used on an ally, the staff heals them slightly, about the same level as a heal staff. It's big gimmick is the two status's it gives to the recipient. The more familiar one is the sleep status for two turns. The other effect is regeneration, a status which heals 33% of a units hp at the end of their turn, for five turns.
Power Stone : A kind of stone, one that resembles more a power source than other dragon- or beast-stones, a power stone does not impart a form to its user. It simply allows them to transform into their true form, and a powerful one at that. A Powerstone plus could well put a Fire Dragon on the level with a Divine Dragon.
Dark Shard : A fragment of an ancient evil, a Dark Shard has a mind of its own-possibly even a mind it shares with every Dark Shard. Dark Shards are categorized under "Stone" in the loosest sense - rather than being used to transform by a user, a Dark Shard takes full control of a victims body and transforms them into its own monstrosity based upon the emotions of the victim and the power which the Dark Shard can access at the time. Some say destruction would follow if the shards are brought back together.
Maple Syrup : A usable item which raises the users Mag by 5. The effect decreases by one point each turn.
Lucky Clover : A usable item which raises the users Lck by 5. The effect decreases by one point each turn.
Bear Meat : a usable item which. . . I actually forget if it increases Str or Def by 5. I think you know the drill by now-effect decreases by one per turn.

So, how did you like it?

EDIT:Colorless version included so as to not murder your eyes.

EDIT2:Fixed spoiler because spoiler not spoiling is nice.

Edited by Verdant Shade
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So (and I don't know why) but I'm watching School Days and all I can think is... WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE. I'm pretty sure high school wasn't like that for me.

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Hi fhu.

And what is that, Verdant... uh... Interesting? I don't think I followed your first thing though so I'm clueless.

The stuff in parenthesis is what I added this morning, when I finally posted the . . . post.

You see, it's 7:40 here right now. I typed this all up at 1 in the morning, but then thanks to convoluted circumstances, "lost" it all and gave up.

I get up this morning to see if I actually posted it, and I didn't. But then I notice in the corner of my quick reply box something about an autosaved message. Open it up an viola, all my work is back.

The rest of the post is unedited, other than, y'know, what I say I edited at the bottom of the post.

It's mostly a bunch of FE ideas I wrote up on a six hour road trip.

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So (and I don't know why) but I'm watching School Days and all I can think is... WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE. I'm pretty sure high school wasn't like that for me.

Oh, not School Days...

Makoto is a selfish, uncaring bastard, Sekai's a manipulative bitch and Kotonoha is mentally unstable. It's taking three people with terrible personalities and morals on their own and putting them together - what did you think was going to happen?

I lost a little bit of faith in humanity once I got near the ending.

Didn't watch the ending itself because "nice boat" my ass.

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Could be better, for sure. :<

OH SHIT. I almost forgot my meds, thinking about what a dead day it is for this thread. Not sure how that connects, but meh.

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Could be better, for sure. :<

OH SHIT. I almost forgot my meds, thinking about what a dead day it is for this thread. Not sure how that connects, but meh.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

I have random, unrelated thoughts like that a lot - but make sure you take those, they seem important.

I hate whenever I forget super-important things.

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Oh, not School Days...

Makoto is a selfish, uncaring bastard, Sekai's a manipulative bitch and Kotonoha is mentally unstable. It's taking three people with terrible personalities and morals on their own and putting them together - what did you think was going to happen?

I lost a little bit of faith in humanity once I got near the ending.

Didn't watch the ending itself because "nice boat" my ass.

Like seriously. Although, I kinda feel like Sekai might be slightly misconstrued as a manipulative person. I think she just tries too much to be "the friend" and Makoto + Kotonoha combined just cause this huge whirlwind of bullshit that pulls her in.

To put it in perspective, I keep looking back on the previous episodes (I'm on... 8 now) and I can't really find a definitive point where Sekai is very clearly trying to create friction between Makoto and Kotonoha. Small things maybe, but I feel like it's more of the "I'm young and stupid and really don't know anything about a relationship" (pertaining to her advice) and "I'm young and stupid and don't know how to contain myself" (the "practice" sessions). I don't think she's (thus far at least) a super malicious or vindictive character. She's kinda just friend-zoned for the first half of the series and so does the best she can because she actually loves Makoto, and isn't just some compulsively obsessed bitch.

Edited by Raivix
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For supposedly being dead it sure had it's fair share of activity so far...

That's true. Somewhat.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

I have random, unrelated thoughts like that a lot - but make sure you take those, they seem important.

I hate whenever I forget super-important things.

It's okay. Remind me why did I venture outside this thread again? XD;; /sarcasticlaugh.

High five. And yes I did. I took them right after posting it. :3 They are ... pretty important? You can call them as my "happy pills."

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Like seriously. Although, I kinda feel like Sekai might be slightly misconstrued as a manipulative person. I think she just tries too much to be "the friend" and Makoto + Kotonoha combined just cause this huge whirlwind of bullshit that pulls her in.

To put it in perspective, I keep looking back on the previous episodes (I'm on... 8 now) and I can't really find a definitive point where Sekai is very clearly trying to create friction between Makoto and Kotonoha. Small things maybe, but I feel like it's more of the "I'm young and stupid and really don't know anything about a relationship" (pertaining to her advice) and "I'm young and stupid and don't know how to contain myself" (the "practice" sessions). I don't think she's (thus far at least) a super malicious or vindictive character. She's kinda just friend-zoned for the first half of the series and so does the best she can because she actually loves Makoto, and isn't just some compulsively obsessed bitch.

You'll change your mind Edited by OldMan
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Good morning Saturday I love you but fuck the no good piece of shit motherfucker jabroni heatwave I never respect you

Is it really still that hot outside? >_>

And you Interest.

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