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/grabs cookies and gives them to Rei Rei

Shiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeet c'mere

*hugs Fre*

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I've seen those large cookies... even ate one before... ... ... dammit, now I want some... brb...

Dude even the chocolate drops were huge. Shieeeet



Howzit goin', Fre?

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Infamous, huh? How's that?

Also, the pleasure is mine!

Well, I've heard quite a bit about you, and you ARE on the first page of the thread. That's intriguing on its own. XD

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awesome. Who are you liking in terms of pairs as of now?

Well, can't really comment gameplay-wise, but character wise... well, I don't dislike them, that's for sure.

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Ah, I think I see where that dream is going... or not...

Let's see if you're right then:

...Before I knew it, I was spending more and more time with her.

...sometimes discussing and working on her dream theater.

...sometimes just having a quiet lunch together.

The funniest part was that we both agreed to not get seen.

Considering my position as the army's tactician, she'd be the subject of rumors all over.

And knowing her personality, it'd quite troublesome. I didn't want her to go through that.

...that honestly didn't help my own battle I was fighting.

I was completely head over heels for her. And yet I don't have the courage to tell her.

I wasn't sure if she felt the same way.

Not to mention I was having trouble with my other duties.

Objectively, I'd call her a distraction. But my mind is far from objective at this point.

...and then the point came when I couldn't stand it anymore. I decided I'd tell her on our next meeting.

...the day finally came. I was standing outside the tent.

I told myself that I'd be a nervous wreck once I walked in there... but to my relief, I just somehow calmed down.

Probably because... I heard a sigh as I walked in.

"What's wrong, Olivia? That was a pretty heavy sigh just now."

"Recently, I just haven't been able to save up because of my expenses."

"At this rate, I'll grow old and I still won't be able to save up enough."

"Maybe I should just give up on my dream of building a theater."

"N-no! Didn't you already decide what your first performance will be on that stage?"

"I'm sorry, Rey... despite all the support you've given me."

"No, I'll still be here to support you. I told you I'd be with you until your dream comes true, right?"

"Hee-hee, Thank you. I'm happy you feel that way, but I just don't think I should drag a dear friend into a silly dream like this."

"Then... what about if we weren't friends?"


...I've gone this far, I can't back out now.

"I-I... I..."

It's taking all of my willpower to say it.

"I love you, Olivia."

"Not as your friend, but as your lover, won't you let me 'get dragged into this', then?"


I've never seen her face that red.

Even now, I'm being overwhelmed by how cute she is.

"I decided on this a long time ago. You had my heart even longer.

So I finally had this made.

Will you marry me?"

"W-what a beautiful ring..."

"Rey-san... we don't know when my dream will come true...

I can give up at any time... and I may even spout out complaints...

But even so..."

"...we'll always be together. I'll be by your side... always..."

"...and that's why..."

I take out another from my pocket.

"I had two made."

"I know it's unusual... but..."

"There's something engraved on both of them."

"I am yours."

Rey: "And on yours:"

"You are mine."

"Put them side by side... and..."

"Oh, Rey! I'm so happy! I'll try one more time...!"

She puts on her ring.

I put on mine.

"I won't give up! Even if it takes years... or even decades!

If you're with me, my dream will surely come true!"

"I love you, Olivia."

"I-it's... embarrassing... but..."

"I love you too... I'll never say this to anyone but you...!"

We embrace... and...

We share our first kiss.

I was happy. She returned my feelings.

I held her hand.

"Hahaha... I'm guessing you want to keep this a secret at least for now?

I don't think you want all the attention from everyone just yet."

"Ooooh nooo. Please! Just thinking about it... I want to hide somewhere and disappear."

"I'll disappear with you. Hahahahaha."

"Uwaaaa... Please stop, it's embarrassing..."

"...They'll be looking for me soon. The war council should be meeting in a little bit."

"And I'm sure if I don't show up, and they find us here, everyone in the whole country will be talking about us."

"P-please stop it, Rey-san! You're being so mean right now!"

"I can't help it... you're just too cute."


"Okay, okay, I'll stop."

"I'll see you later, then."

"Yes, I'll see you later."

Funnily enough, the war council meeting went smoothly... I was more focused than I had ever been.

"Geez, Rey." (Man I'm just thinking about the localization... Chrom wouldn't saying "Gods" instead.)

"You were on fire in there."

"I guess I was just in a proper mood today. I felt motivated, but still clear-headed."

"You earned a good night's rest. Your mind might be still sharp and motivated, but you sure look like you could use a hell of a nap."

"Yeah... thanks."

I walk to my tent, put my jacket down, get on the bed, and close my eyes.

"If this is a dream... please don't let me wake up from it."

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Well, I've heard quite a bit about you, and you ARE on the first page of the thread. That's intriguing on its own. XD

Shit it doesn't even feel like this thread is nearly 5 years old.

Have you read the folder, Vashi

There's some pretty nasty stuff there. I don't think she should.

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See, Vashiane agreed

Why does that make you so happy

Nope, system was down and I couldn't get anything done

Why shouldn't it? You're older than me...thus Fossil ~

._. Your IT department sucks!

That seems to happen a lot OldMan. Shouldn't they call someone to, I don't know, fix that?

Outsourcing might be required...

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Shit it doesn't even feel like this thread is nearly 5 years old.

There's some pretty nasty stuff there. I don't think she should.

Unless she's pulling a Lux, she's already 18

I'm actually on my phone right now, so I'm not reading it right at this moment, but the second I get the computer again I will.


Why are you posting on your phone

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...this is where the depressing part begins.

I wake up with a giant headache.

...I don't remember a thing about yesterday. My dream was fragmented...

Bits and pieces of words... images...




"Dareka ni suki to itta?" (Did I say "I love you" to someone?)

"About time you woke up, darling."

I didn't notice her at first, but Sariya was sitting right behind me.

She jumps on me and hugs me from behind, displaying her left hand in front of me.

"Oh this ring looks so beautiful on me. I love it, darling!"


"Look at your hand! Didn't you get matching rings just to say how much you loved me?"

I look at my left hand. It had a ring on it.

I read the engraving out loud.

"I am yours."

"And 'you are mine'" on this ring. Fufufufufu."

It's all in pieces... but yes, I do remember getting these two matching rings.

But it still made me feel uneasy.

Did I really propose to Sariya?

I did get the rings... and she's wearing it...

But... did I really? I don't know anything...

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Shit it doesn't even feel like this thread is nearly 5 years old.

There's some pretty nasty stuff there. I don't think she should.

That's a pretty long time indeed.

Wait... what on Earth is IN there?!

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