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Of course she does!

True, true. That she does. Although best hair has to go to the fortune-teller.

Names... I can't remember his, my gosh.

Hi Vashie!

Hey DLV. :)

Why are people talking about their bathroom habits? :(

I... I don't even know. ._.

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Hi Vashi!

Hi Shirley...!

... Your member title fills me with a feeling I do not want to describe...

Good Vashi

Let's call him Bob Marley then...

Yasuhiro is his name... Hiro for short?


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Hi Shirley...!

... Your member title fills me with a feeling I do not want to describe...

...I'm sorry. ;-; I just sometimes feel it when I think too much about a certain feeling.

SO LUCAS PREDICTED IT RIGHT. I will fall into despair!

Also a bit of a spoiler.

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So many Japanese names... o.O

This is why I can only watch/keep track of a few animes at a time, I get so confused.

You totally have a point though. He's the king of delayed reactions.

...I'm sorry. ;-; I just sometimes feel it when I think too much about a certain feeling.

SO LUCAS PREDICTED IT RIGHT. I will fall into despair!

Also a bit of a spoiler.

... A certain, feeling?

Not happenin'. I combat your Despair with Hope!

I managed to read more of it. Skipped a certain person execution because, um, NO.

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... A certain, feeling?

Not happenin'. I combat your Despair with Hope!

I managed to read more of it. Skipped a certain person execution because, um, NO.

Love. >_> I feel a certain despair when I think about... how I feel about a certain someone.

Wait, whose execution did you skip? D: But well... I watched all of them except Oowada's because the video was broken....

and to the all Japanese names, I actually remember them more somehow with the first game than the second. D:

Edited by Elize
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So many Japanese names... o.O

This is why I can only watch/keep track of a few animes at a time, I get so confused.

You totally have a point though. He's the king of delayed reactions.

It gets on my nerves as well..

Problem with said character is that he is totally bland, he doesn't do much to help with the story really, pretty much with most of those who survive

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Love. >_> I feel a certain despair when I think about... how I feel about a certain someone.

Wait, whose execution did you skip? D: But well... I watched all of them except Oowada's because the video was broken....

and to the all Japanese names, I actually remember them more somehow with the first game than the second. D:

Oh... I'm sorry... :\

... ... All of them. I was reading it, so once I got towards the end I scrolled up and moved to the next page, then read it later on TVTropes. ... And I'm glad I did, to be honest. Firetrucks...




No, no, no, I'm not going to think about it.

It gets on my nerves as well..

Problem with said character is that he is totally bland, he doesn't do much to help with the story really, pretty much with most of those who survive

Uwah. I know right?

Yeah... the more dynamic ones all end up dying... I shouldn't be surprised, but...

/walks in, sees all the weebz, walks out

Wait, come back!

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