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Well, since when were legendaries infinitely usable, not counting Falchion or Ragnell? And Starsphere doesn't count either.

Falchion in every game it's been.


Gradius in FE2 because everything there had infinite uses

Any goddamn weapon you want in FE10 for the final chapters because you know

While not technically infinite: FE4's Holy Weapons being repairable means you get enough uses to last you throughout the game. Barring Valkyrie stuff because you have to be intentionally off your characters in order to require many uses of it.

Finally the almighty Broken Sword/Axe/Lance in FE5 where characters can level up in BLD to offset the speed loss AND keep you in the game by still giving you something to fight with so you can avoid being auto-captured! Truly the most necessary weapon to avoid that prison chapter!

I can't remember if you're still able to fight with a Broken Bow or not but I'm pretty certain broken tomes are no.

Edited by Sirius
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Sorry, didn't know that till now^^;

I can only imagine the reaction when Chrom!Cynthia is suddenly there.

Well, I literally JUST did chapter 11&12 a few moments ago, so it's fine. :)

The support's actually kind of cute. It's not, y'know, Sully or Maribelle, but it's cute.

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Oh okay then.

Somehow my game during the summer gave Chrom and Sully enough barracks talks to unlock their C support.

I still haven't viewed it.

It's a great place to go for those "childhood romance" feels.

I haven't even finished reading the end of Severa's paralogue and she already annoys me

... Tell me about it.

How could you!? She is the most lovable person ever!

She's a well-written character, yes, she just has two personality quirks I can't stand together.

Being manipulative... and being a tsundere.

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And my MU married Basilio and since MU is like the princess of plegia anyway

Ferox and Plegia are MINE

haha continent domination

Next step: the world

Oh, NO.

I forgot about the Avatar being Plegian royalty.

Oh, GOD, imagine Henry as ruler of Plegia. What have I done?

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Oh, NO.

I forgot about the Avatar being Plegian royalty.

Oh, GOD, imagine Henry as ruler of Plegia. What have I done?

The best thing ever.

In the mean time I'll rule Ferox with my MUSCLES OF STEEL and +4 str modifier

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The best thing ever.

In the mean time I'll rule Ferox with my MUSCLES OF STEEL and +4 str modifier

I can already imagine what will happen if someone crosses him... This is just NOT a good idea. XD

With your manly Nick Fury man and your overpowered super-strong Morgan at your side, right?

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