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If Soul's pure hearted... then the shota is actually Cambodian, I'm a celibate monk, Ein *ISN'T* a penguin, and TE is a young woman, possibly NTG.

dude i'm so cambodian u wouldnt believ

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and I'm just sitting here in awe after the new kill la kill~



If Soul's pure hearted... then the shota is actually Cambodian, I'm a celibate monk, Ein *ISN'T* a penguin, TE is a young woman, possibly NTG, and Vincent is an evil politician.

I testify that Soul is in fact pure-hearted

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If Soul's pure hearted... then the shota is actually Cambodian, I'm a celibate monk, Ein *ISN'T* a penguin, TE is a young woman, possibly NTG, and Vincent is an evil politician.


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Either I'm not being clear enough, or I might be confusing things a bit after all. Regardless, I will stop this discussion here and get deeper into this subject later (it is 1 a.m. here, so now is not a good time). I'd also like you to consider that this kind of terms are a bit flexible and tend to change with time due to people starting using them differently and they might end up losing their original meanings or adding others to them.

"Extremism (represented on both sides of the political spectrum) is any ideology (particularly in politics or religion), considered to be far outside the mainstream attitudes of a society or to violate common moral standards. In liberal societies, individuals or groups that advocate the replacement of democracy with a more authoritarian regime are labelled extremists; in authoritarian societies, those who espouse liberal ideals are labelled as extremists by the ruling class or government.

Extremists are usually contrasted with centrists or moderates. For example, in contemporary discussions in Western countries of Islam or of Islamic political movements, the distinction between extremist and moderate Muslims is typically stressed. Likewise, extremist Christians in countries such as the United States are frequently contrasted with moderate Christians.

Political agendas perceived as extremist often include those from the far left or far right, as well as radicalism, reactionism, fundamentalism, and fanaticism.

The term "extremism" is usually pejorative, but it is sometimes used in a purely descriptive sense, referring simply to a viewpoint that is inconsistent with existing norms, rather than implying that the extremist position constitutes a threat (to the society, government, mainstream morality, etc.)."

"Fanaticism is a belief or behavior involving uncritical zeal, particularly for a religious or political cause or in some cases sports, or with an obsessive enthusiasm for a pastime or hobby. Philosopher George Santayana defines fanaticism as "redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim"; according to Winston Churchill, "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject". By either description the fanatic displays very strict standards and little tolerance for contrary ideas or opinions.

In his book Crazy Talk, Stupid Talk, Neil Postman states that "the key to all fanatical beliefs is that they are self-confirming....(some beliefs are) fanatical not because they are 'false', but because they are expressed in such a way that they can never be shown to be false."

The behavior of a fan with overwhelming enthusiasm for a given subject is differentiated from the behavior of a fanatic by the fanatic's violation of prevailing social norms. Though the fan's behavior may be judged as odd or eccentric, it does not violate such norms. A fanatic differs from a crank, in that a crank is defined as a person who holds a position or opinion which is so far from the norm as to appear ludicrous and/or probably wrong, such as a belief in a Flat Earth. In contrast, the subject of the fanatic's obsession may be "normal", such as an interest in religion or politics, except that the scale of the person's involvement, devotion, or obsession with the activity or cause is abnormal or disproportionate."

While language does evolve, allowing people to misuse words on a large scale is often the cause of a problem. Because there is no other word for what extremism currently means, it seems silly to change the definition to match fanaticism which already has multiple synonyms.

Edited by Makaze
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And I just heard that Brazil has crazy high taxes for video games...

I (sort of) feel bad for Brazilians now. Because I still don't like how much of the rain forests they're destroying.

If it only was just for video games... And besides, the high taxes aren't a problem, it's the high taxes AND the fact the government does not use the tax money properly with tons of waste and the politicians diverting the money. I would be fine with these taxes if we didn't have to pay for proper health and education, if we had a proper public transportation system.

Don't hate on us for that, most of us don't support that but all it takes are a few minorities and a corrupt government to fuck things up

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I can't believe I'm not even at the eighth gym yet...

Every Pokémon on my main team lives in a Pokéball. :U

I know, and you played so much, too.


If it only was just for video games... And besides, the high taxes aren't a problem, it's the high taxes AND the fact the government does not use the tax money properly with tons of waste and the politicians diverting the money. I would be fine with these taxes if we didn't have to pay for proper health and education, if we had a proper public transportation system.

Don't hate on us for that, most of us don't support that but all it takes are a few minorities and a corrupt government to fuck things up

Higher taxes than the taxes on firearms apparently... Anyway, yeah, corruption sucks. Trust me, I lived in an extremely corrupt country for four whole years. Hopefully, it'll get better over the years...

I don't hate Brazilians, no. Not at all. Just capitalists who don't give a damn about the environment and destroy it without given a second thought. Those people in general, Brazilian or not Brazilian.

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While language does evolve, allowing people to misuse words on a large scale is often the cause of the problem. Because there is no other word for what extremism currently means, it seems silly to change the definition to match fanaticism which already has multiple synonyms.

I did read the beginning of the Wikipedia article about both terms but as I said I'm going deeper into this later, but thanks anyway.

I know that very well, there are a few terms that gets me annoyed when I see them used in a more "contemporaneous" way, like socialism and communism, but other than that few cases that make completely no sense, I try to accompany it as it evolves.

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Since when did being "pure hearted" mean that you never get angry? I really don't understand this ;/

It's easier to hide your "true" persona behind a computer screen. It's easier to hide getting angry because you can just vent off someone else. Getting angry doesn't disqualify one from being pure hearted, a person who truly believes the best in everyone and always sees the good in everyone can get angry. That doesn't make them less pure hearted than some cynical jaded person who never gets angry at anyone because they don't see the point.

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I'm only calling out Soul because particular instances against me.

Losing your cool being "pure-hearted" like you said is fine. Repeatedly targeting someone just because you *THINK* they're being an elitist is something else.

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I don't hate Brazilians, no. Not at all. Just capitalists who don't give a damn about the environment and destroy it without given a second thought. Those people in general, Brazilian or not Brazilian.

It just sounded that you kind of disliked us in general the way you said it, and I apologize if I sounded a bit rude in my previous statement.

By the way, did you say you added me on the 3DS? I thought did but I didn't get anything on it...

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