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I haven't seen this particular video before but I've seen some others with the same essence. I never considered to stop eating meat, I just love it too much, so I try not to think about that and hope things get better one day without the need to people to stop eating meat.

Since we are talking about bunnies, am I the only one that think that Yarne and Panne should have breed with themselves to ensure the survival of their race? A pure Taguel with a Half-Taguel and some inbreeds later would possibly result in a bunch of giant bunnies after sometime

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amg huge bunnies dream come true

PETA gave Ass Creed 4 shit for being able to harpoon some whales back in a historical period where that was a thing

Yeah nevermind the fact that it's a game about stabbing people to death I don't think Ubisoft supports that either

for the record I've killed like 5000+ people in my 100% brohood file is the Assassin suddenly gonna turn pacifist when he wants something to eat now

I wonder how little killing can I get away with in AC tbh I've done plenty of murder but it's not exactly according to the creed

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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The example my teacher gave was them posting a video of somebody slaughtering a cow, by hanging it upside down and slicing its neck with a knife to kill it. And it shows the cow flinching and struggling and whatnot.

But he said that it was a fake video and they just took a dead cow and electrocuted it...

(I'm not actually sure where he found this out though =o And I'm not sure what else it could have been that they did that was faked, I just remember that example~)

I kinda just turned this into an even more horrible subject though, I think x3

Edited by Freohr Datia
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The example my teacher gave was them posting a video of somebody slaughtering a cow, by hanging it upside down and slicing its neck with a knife to kill it. And it shows the cow flinching and struggling and whatnot.

But he said that it was a fake video and they just took a dead cow and electrocuted it...

(I'm not actually sure where he found this out though =o And I'm not sure what else it could have been that they did that was faked, I just remember that example~)

I kinda just turned this into an even more horrible subject though, I think x3

That's what the video above did, too.

They shocked the cow beforehand, but since the shock wasn't powerful enough to fully knock the cow out, it was still conscious when the cutting began.

But I don't know much about this. I don't bother to research something as disgusting as that. I just watched that one video. Well, and this one other one about caged bears in China who are farmed for bile. But that's it.

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I saw something very similar, but if I remember correctly the one I saw started with the cow before it was hanged out and it was alive.

I can't say for sure but I really hope your teacher was misinformed about this, it would be really awful if they truly did that

Also, I apparently just found out about an AC movie? How legit is that?

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Oh sorry, I think I didn't word that correctly...

I mean that he said PETA took a dead cow and shocked it to make it look like it was alive and was being slaughtered, but really they were just cutting a dead cow. They were faking the cruelty that farmers use to treat their cows.

... Did that clarify?

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I hope Altair is in this and they develop his character better than in his game, I really like him overall but sometimes he was so freaking generic. Ezio at least has a personality I don't like his assassin's clothes design because I think it is too colorful and capes are silly for an assassin

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I hope Altair is in this and they develop his character better than in his game, I really like him overall but sometimes he was so freaking generic. Ezio at least has a personality I don't like his assassin's clothes design because I think it is too colorful and capes are silly for an assassin

I dunno man I liked Altair as a character

I mean AC1 may not have been the paragon of character development but you can really see how much he grew by the codices of AC2, and then his life in ACR that Ezio saw as well

How he wasn't really an arrogant jackass to begin with and I guess being made the youngest Master Assassin ever at the age of 25 when he saved Al Mualim's ass kinda got to his head, and he started getting too full of himself by the time AC1 rolls around, but he learned from that and grew into a man of wisdom and a legend and I think that while AC1 is not the paragon of the best executed character development I can see what they're trying to go for and it pieces together with all the other altair stuff

and it kinda made sense for Altair to not show as much emotion too because of his upbringing; Ezio grew up a carefree, privileged rich kid in renaissance italy, and he had the freedom to crack jokes. Altair grew up right in the brotherhood, trained since childhood to be a killer, father beheaded when he's 11 years old and watched a man slit his throat right in front of him that gave him nightmares for a good portion of his childhood, it's understandable he has a harder time showing his emotions

Plus oh my god revelations altair sequence 4 is so heart-wrenching it gave me so much feels like holy shit

If you turn on eagle vision he starts seeing Maria everywhere as he walks up the hills of Masyaf it's so sad

But I'm always up for more Altair.

Also Ezio's clothes being kinda fancy actually does make sense in his setting

Maybe it's because I watch a lot of Shakespeare plays but

They had /really/ fancy clothes. The reason why Ezio stands out more in-game is because the Animus is a construct first of all so you're p much playing a video game within a video game, and secondly, you want your protag to be distinguishable and you also don't want to spend more effort modeling generics than your sexy-ass protag. Renaissance clothing can get really fancy after all. Just the other day I was playing AC3 and was at that memory where connor stole some mercenary's outfit and then had to fight a bunch of them, and it felt a lot harder because I can't see where he is half the time where I don't have that problem in his normal clothes or with Altair and Ezio.

The cape is to hide his sword in low-profile mode. It was socially acceptable to wear a side-arm as a man in the renaissance, but you probably still wouldn't wear your arsenal that openly. If you let go of right click/whatever high profile button you use, you see him move the cape back over front so it covers up his stabbies somewhat.

Especially considering a lot of Ezio's missions involving him sneaking into rich people parties to stab rich people? Yeah, gotta look the part. He's know to steal guard clothes on the occasion he needed them, and I liked that.

sorry i really like all the assassins

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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Don't get me wrong, I do like Altair a lot, it is just that sometimes he felt like just a puppet being controlled by the Animus, but I usually forgive Ubisoft for the character underdevelopment because they were kind of experimenting with the first game. In the second with the first game already consolidated they went and improved in basically every aspect of what they already did with the first one.

As I said I haven't really played any of the games besides the first one and AC2 only until I couldn't support the lag anymore (and also, well, that thing on the NDS...), so I can't really say that much about Ezio and Connor.

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