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Interesting, I just recieved a Spotpass notification from Nintendo about some problem with purchases in the Brazilian eShop due to some changes in our laws or something like that. It was about time they said something about it, this have been happening for quite some time, I hope they fix it soon.

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[spoiler=mfw Santorum is a "bad" word]i3VC6zw.jpg

I've got this after naming my character "Bloodbath" and "Bloodbane".
Guess you can't use offensive names. It'll scare the online folks whenever your online.

Well, there are a lot of younger kids who play Nintendo's games, considering that they're Nintendo's target audience, but yeah, it's silly.

I understand, though. Better nothing than something, even the slightest implications, overboard or not.

And this...


I have to wake up at 5, but I can't go to sleep yet because MY COMPARE AND CONTRAST ESSAY FOR AP WORLD HISTORY!!!


Looks like I'll be getting 2 hours of sleep or less tonight.


Get some sleep, dood.

I don't htink drunk me is capable of handling all of this atonce

Easy on the stuff, pal.

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No facepalm or facedesk or anything can be enough to express how I feel about myself for not seeing that

Ah don't worry about it. Simpler things have flown over my head from time to time.

Well, I'm off to bed.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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1.Grass (Grovyle)

2.Dark (Darkrai)

3.Dragon (I'll say Haxorus for being my favorite pure Dagon, I can't really choose)

4.Steel (Metagross)

5.Psychic (Alakazam)

6.Flying (Swellow)

7.Poison (Seviper) This one is a bit odd because the more I like the type, I don't like most poison-type pokemon

8.Fighting (Lucario)

9.Ghost (Giratina-O)

10.Electric (Rotom)

11.Fire (Charizard)

12.Normal (Zangoose) Don't like the type very much but Zangoose is by far one of my favorite overall

13.Rock (Tyranitar)

14.Ground (Garchomp)

15.Bug (Ninjask)

16.Ice (Glalie) I'd pick Weavile if it weren't almost a pure Dark type IMO

17.Water (Kyogre) EDIT: Basically the same with Zangoose

I won't comment on Fairy because I know too little about it to say something but from what I saw it will most likely be low in my list

I mean, come on, it's like the programmers actually knew this

holy fuck it is 4 am and I am still here, WTF is wrong with me?

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Ha ha...

I only did those blood names as a joke for a good laugh. But...I couldn't name myself Kula Diamond...or anything. -.-

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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[spoiler=Log][1:45:28 AM] Bindi: So I checked your Friend Safari, It was Psychic after all

[1:45:46 AM] Bindi: But the best part was the pokemon that showed up

[1:46:00 AM] Rey: mhmm?

[1:46:15 AM] Bindi: Munna

[1:46:24 AM] Rey: Dunno what tha tis

[1:46:24 AM] Rey: xD

[1:46:28 AM] Bindi: A.K.A This thing

[1:46:41 AM] Bindi: http://www.marriland.com/pokedex/517-munna#related:flavor

[1:47:05 AM] Bindi: Read the pokedex entry

[1:47:06 AM] Rey: Dream eater

[1:47:09 AM] Rey: ...I... don't... even.

[1:47:10 AM] Bindi: DREAM EATER

[1:47:17 AM] Rey: So... not only did it figure that Psychic type

[1:47:21 AM] Rey: it's PINK

[1:47:23 AM] Rey: FREAKING

[1:47:24 AM] Rey: PINK

[1:47:27 AM] Rey: Friend Safari

[1:47:32 AM] Bindi: With flowers

[1:47:32 AM] Rey: ...but dream eater...

[1:47:35 AM] Rey: ...I don't even.

[1:47:51 AM] Bindi: It also can show other pokemon's and people's dreams

[1:48:07 AM] Rey: ...FML.

Good Night for real.

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