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Just cameback after playing Pokemon Y all day and night. I'm about at my 7th gym battle now.

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OH FINE. Night. :(


I need names for the rest of the Eeevees I'm hatching.







Vaporeon: Fishy

Flareon: Sucky

Jolteon: Spiky

Leafeon: Salad
Glaceon: Snowy

Espeon: Sunny

Umbreon: Boss


hey hey hey

vaporeon is a literal catfish

jolteon is spiky

flareon is terrible

espeon evolves with the sun

umbreon is the coolest looking one

leafeon looks tasty with italian dressing

honestly glaceon is kinda meh

It's bases are what hurts it. -.-

no :(

espeon is the coolest/cutest looking

and you got some crazy family members, Vashi.

Espeon>>>every other

but umbreon is the most boss looking

like i can see it wear a suit and a tie better than the others

Even though it would actually hate to dress up like that.

Flareon is not sucky. :(

All it's good for is it's looks.

Motherfucking shitdicks


I was emulating white because I'm a broke-ass college student who has to buy their own games and thus don't have XY if I want AC4 to ever be a thing, but since everyone is pokemanning and I felt left out

Dipshit piece of emulator decides to go MEMORY ERROR on me while in the dragonspiral tower and


fuck you too.

Ragequitting for the week and will probably just code back my progress or something

The data's gone. I checked.

I'll just figure out how to use cheat codes and only use it to get back what I lost. And maybe 999 max repels or something because fuck dealing with that many random counters again. I still got about 30 some pokes I need to recatch for the dex, though, so I can't even repel all the time, and I'll probably have redo both the flying gym and ice gym but at least those are piss easy.

Some gamebreaking bug must have did this.
Better find codes then=to get back where you were.

i remember a few levels in mario 3d land that gave me a headache because of the amazingly bright colors on the lava i think

Red/Orange colors of an 8-bit system is bound to sometimes make that happen.

I hate 3D on Pokemon because it freaking lags battles.

Framerate takes a dive.

That happens sometimes after winning a battle.

Heehee, I wasn't really looking forward to the 3d models, because you probably can't have the cute little animated sprites of them so much anymore ;u; But I guess I don't mind so much anymore because sometimes it's just fun watching them in 3d form~

Since this sickness is lasting so long... I'm kinda wondering if this is actually the funnel cake that's getting to me...

Today's the first time I ever had a funnel cake!! And omg I really liked it a loooooot ;u; And it smelled quite good~

But while I was eating it, I started to feel a little weird after a bit. But I thought I was just eating too much since it was kinda big, for someone of my size~ Perhaps it really is making me feel sick though... Which would be unfortunate =< It'll be just like how it is with bbq ribs, I love them a lot but they make me feel ickyyyyy

Hopefully sleep will make it go away though!
Which I'm gonna try now so bye bye~

Get well, dear.
Some sleep should brush it off.

And good morning, Ace.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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5th Gym. Don't read if your not this far.


Really getting into the game as the fifth gym was really something. Could say that it is Erika's kind of Gym. We need more female only gyms. :D

Us gurls need some backbone. Were not just wallflowering deputaunt twits.
And the Team Flare members I can absolutely go weak in the knees for. He is sinfully handsome. <3
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Flare Blitz doe

2 times 0 is still 0.

Also, here's a Fairy-type team that I want to work for. What do you guys think?







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Smogon's newspaper article.

There is indeed alot of new research and species that we must use to fully know what tiers they belong in and how they can be used substantially in an online tourney environment. So far...Gogoat, Pangoro and Braxien. :D

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Marill's a Fairy-type now?

fuck is dis shit?

Azurill also doesn't look depressed! :(

It never was a unhappy camper.

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For Pangoro...he is the Machamp of this gen. The Speed, Str, etc. And that he has four arms, not to mention claws that is ready to send a winding flurry of punches and scratches in a dark ally waiting to punch and scratch them in the dark.



Name: ZM

Gender: Male

Nature: Jolly and Short temper


Type: Fight/Dark

Held item: Black Belt

Ability: Mold Breaker

-Hammer Arm (Good STAB)

-X-Scissor (Needed to scythe Psychics, Darks and plants)

-Stone Edge (Needed to puncture their fear in birds and to obliterate Ice)

-Bulk Up


Name: Katrina

Gender: Female

Type: Fire

Nature: Lax along with Mischievous (Although Modest is most recommeded)


Held item: Evolite

Ability: Blaze

-Psychic (Good move)

-Sunny Day (Needed for insta Solar Beams and further powering up Fire Blast since she can't get Calm Mind.)

-Fire Blast (Good STAB)

-Solar Beam (Needed for it's mortal enemy, water types)

The pretty foxie is ready to bring grace to this game along with her Sp.Attk. She is staying a Braxien for her better beauty and for less weaknesses.


Name: Amy

Gender: Female

Type: Grass

Nature: Forgot, but it's going to be a mixed attacker for it's good Sp. Attk and Attk.

Held item: Big Root

Ability: Sap Sipper

-Horn Leech (Needed for greatest STAB move and longer longetivity)

-EQ (Ownage to Steel and Electric types)

-Growth (Powering up all moves)

-Surf (Do away with it's mortal enemy, Fire types as well as it being a good attack.)

Lucario/Mega Lucario

Name: Boney

Gender: Male

Type: Fight/Steel

Held item: Lucarioite

Nature: It got more defense and less Sp Def. Don't remember that nature.

Ability: Steadfast

-Calm Mind

-Aura Sphere (Good STAB)

-Dragon Pulse (Needed to combat Dragons and it can regularly hit Fly types)

-Flash Cannon (Good STAB and needed to swat away Fairy types)


Name: Hatari

Type: Water/Fairy

Held item: Quick Claw/Choice Band

Nature: Standard (Bashfull) (Although Adamant is most recommended)

Ability: Huge Power (Duh!)

-Aqua Jet/Aqua Tail (Good STAB)

-Superpower (Needed to kill Steel types)

-Ice Punch (Needed to kill Dragons and plants)

-Play Rough (Needed to swat away Dark and fight types)


(No Information. haven't read as I don't want to spoil the game. But...he will be named, Chaos.)

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