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...... my friends list is way larger than it needs to be ;~;

But there are old faces there that I don't want to get rid of x3 A-and I don't find the need to remove anybody until they end up becoming an enemy!!! D=

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They don't believe it until they're battling and criticizing the stupid moves I use~ I thought the moves I was using made sense when I used them though ;~;

How dare you use stupid moves in a game as serious and competitive as pokemon. Pokemon is about math and winning, you're not supposed to have fun playing however you wish to. You disgust the serious pokemon community and you should totally care about that.

Edited by Sirius
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FE5_whatisthis.pngWhat bullshit

Yay! Some FE4/5 spirit.

The Balliste can be dealt with mounts after getting the armors out of your way with Elemental stuff. Magic/Weapons. Since Hammers are scarce at this point of the game. It's the only way to get to them since they come every fucking turn. The boss can be ignored entirely and can just use Warp and Rewarp to get the Dragon Lance. Even though it'll be useless beyond Ch23.

we need more hammers

make armors even more useless

bring back thraciaaaaaaaaaaa


Oh, and getting Dean's dragon lance isn't even that tough thanks to warp and rescue staves.


but that game wouldn't be released in the west because it's too hard


I am so disappointed in Pokemon X, I am going back to my B2


I mean why the hell do they want me to battle, earn money in order to buy clothes? It's a pokemon game for f**k sake...At least give me the option to buy a suit damn you!

And what's worse is that trainers cannot be rebattled. So E4 and Champion will have to be your revenue.


The Champion also looks alot like Pit in Kid Icarus?

I still don't have anyone in my friend list I feel alone...

You will within time. <3

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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The balliste are also Thracia's number 1 favorite tool. :D

Ch's 10/11/13/14/16A/17A/17B/19/20/21/22/23

And are overpowered than any other game in the series.

And it's nice that Levant is playing FE5.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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You guys are right, I shouldn't be worrying about that, I haven't been here that long after all.

Gotta go now, I have a test now so, bye~

'cê tem que passar no vestibulaaaar
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How dare you use stupid moves in a game as serious and competitive as pokemon. Pokemon is about math and winning, you're not supposed to have fun playing however you wish to. You disgust the serious pokemon community and you should totally care about that.

WHATOMG I am totally caring now ;n; I'm just way too nooby and will never become a True Pokemon Master unless I play the game as if I were in school ;~; Oh and quit having fun

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Everybody thinks Sirius is too sirius =o

Although you said "and" not "with" so I guess when you are sirius..... I dunno?? =3

(but anyway, I tend to get that all the time as well, mostly because my sarcasm is always taken seriously)

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Plus in the chapters that don''t have the ballistes. Usually, they throw in guys with long ranged mag which you even see for the first time in Ch 3.

Let's see...

Ch3, 5, 9,(Meteor)

Ch 10, 13, 14, 16A, (Bolting)

Ch 17A(Fenrir/Bolting/Meteor), 19(Blizzard), 20(Meteor), 21(Blizzard), 21x(Fenrir/Bolting), 22(Bolting), 23(Poison Fenrir), 24(Fenrir), 24x(Poison Fenrir/Fenrir), Final(Fenrir)


Let me assure you, seeing Fenrir's animation is much more mesmerizing to watch than watching balliste fire.


Poison Fenrir





(FE4 Binary Hack)


I gotta rip more animations from these games. FE4/5/FE4Binary hack.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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