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I actually think the first one was pretty damn good. But im also a fan of Shakespearian ham.

What did Whedon scribble out? Thor 2 needed more length and discussion about the conflict at hand. And not doing poor Jane such disservice. Also lore.


Jane and Thor would've actually broken up (but remain friends) instead of having the entire movie point to HEY THIS ISN'T GONNA WORK OUT hey let's just make out

Loki dies for "real", which means that Frigga's sacrifice isn't in vain (he can still come back at a later date; this is comics, nobody stays dead forever, especially not the gods).

Some other things, I don't remember exactly though

Jane did get a couple more scenes FOR SCIENCE in the deleted scenes that did her character better and as usually they cut out all the best scenes

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Jane and Thor would've actually broken up (but remain friends) instead of having the entire movie point to HEY THIS ISN'T GONNA WORK OUT hey let's just make out

Loki dies for "real", which means that Frigga's sacrifice isn't in vain (he can still come back at a later date; this is comics, nobody stays dead forever, especially not the gods).

Some other things, I don't remember exactly though

Jane did get a couple more scenes FOR SCIENCE in the deleted scenes that did her character better and as usually they cut out all the best scenes

Point 1: This would have been gr9 and why the fuck didnt they keep that?

Point 2: Actually kinda glad that one didnt happen. But thats bias speaking.

Hmmm....The deleted scene on my dvd should have been in the movie. Especially because it shows Jane coming to a particular conclusion that makes her look much less useless.

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It's not as important in the grand scheme of the plot but it is important in terms of characterization and just making sense and the such

which is still important

I tend to favor more character than plot anyway

I can deal with a bad plot if the characters are good but if the characters are bad I don't care how good the plot is I can't enjoy it

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because joss whedon can't write anyone in the thor universe and also apparently even marvel disney movies need making out or something I don't know

This is true. Whedon cant seem to hang with the idea of true ham and making it an art form. Whedon has always preferred being "edgy" over being solid. Theres a reason why im not a huge fan of his.

It's not as important in the grand scheme of the plot but it is important in terms of characterization and just making sense and the such

which is still important

I tend to favor more character than plot anyway

I can deal with a bad plot if the characters are good but if the characters are bad I don't care how good the plot is I can't enjoy it

I hear this. However, i wanted a more interesting villain. Malekith was written like dogshit which was a disservice to the character and Eccleson. D:< He didnt have to be deep or anything, just at least interesting.

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It's not as important in the grand scheme of the plot but it is important in terms of characterization and just making sense and the such

which is still important

I tend to favor more character than plot anyway

I can deal with a bad plot if the characters are good but if the characters are bad I don't care how good the plot is I can't enjoy it

I understand that, I just don't see them as being such enormous changes that would have made the movie better on spot. However...

I hear this. However, i wanted a more interesting villain. Malekith was written like dogshit which was a disservice to the character and Eccleson. D:< He didnt have to be deep or anything, just at least interesting.

THIS. Aside from the plot being pretty rushed, Malekith himself was pretty okay...in all the five scenes he appeared in, two of which he actually spoke something we could understand. Where is the origins as fairy? Why not just use the Casket? I mean, it was already there, already created. Just had to write it in, man.

I don't mean that they should have made a 1:1 with the comics (which is a popular comic nerd argument), but Malekith was disappointing, to say the least.

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Iron Man


Iron Man 2


Captain America


Iron Man 3

Thor 2

Captain America 2

for the ones belonging to disney/marvel studios

I actually think the first one was pretty damn good. But im also a fan of Shakespearian ham.

What did Whedon scribble out? Thor 2 needed more length and discussion about the conflict at hand. And not doing poor Jane such disservice. Also lore.

That. But its ok if you miss the Hulk movie. hue

Thank you two. ^^

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THIS. Aside from the plot being pretty rushed, Malekith himself was pretty okay...in all the five scenes he appeared in, two of which he actually spoke something we could understand. Where is the origins as fairy? Why not just use the Casket? I mean, it was already there, already created. Just had to write it in, man.

I don't mean that they should have made a 1:1 with the comics (which is a popular comic nerd argument), but Malekith was disappointing, to say the least.


Why was Algrim a bigger threat than Malekith initially? Why dont we have more lore on Svartalfheim? Other than Malekith doing it for the Evulz, why did he want to make the Nine Worlds full of darkness? Wheres his initial motive? His secondary motive is fine (vengeance), but really...uagagghhh...

meeeeeeh. I still love the movie for...*cough* obvious reasons though.

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One thing about Algrim though is even in comicsverse he's stronger than Thor while Malekith doesn't fight quite as well as Thor does but is a magic user like Loki so he has that

Algrim was granted strength 4x of Thor by...the beyonder I think? I don't particularly remember.

In the comics he also joins Thor's side, though.

Thor movies also doesn't make use of his frying enough

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One thing about Algrim though is even in comicsverse he's stronger than Thor while Malekith doesn't fight quite as well as Thor does but is a magic user like Loki so he has that

Algrim was granted strength 4x of Thor by...the beyonder I think? I don't particularly remember.

In the comics he also joins Thor's side, though.

Thor movies also doesn't make use of his frying enough

Yet Malekith really doesnt do much magic other than that part where hes merging with the Aether. So we miss out on Malekith's cunning and magical side on top of it.


Man...that movie really just...made a mess of that character. Think how cool it would have been if Malekith and Loki had a magic fight and Thor was kicking Algrims ass and stuff and..

Missed opportunity. emot-rant.gif

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MCU really doesn't give Thor and Loki their full range of powers either

Thor recently got punched through the earth and shattered the moon by Galactus and was entirely okay, if that ship had dropped on him he'd wake up and just push it off himself or something

and if I remember correctly he didn't even try to fry Algrim at all like wtf

Loki's magic is pretty limited to his illusions in the movies whereas Comic Loki has a vast amount of magic powers at his control

No need for silly little alien sticks

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I so want Marvel to do something like Planet/World War Hulk, just so he can beat the ever loving SHIT out of everyone

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there is at least that cartoon with like 5 different hulks

not quite the same and i've never watched it but hey


the animated movie they made about planet hulk is actually pretty good

but i want more dammit

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MCU really doesn't give Thor and Loki their full range of powers either

Thor recently got punched through the earth and shattered the moon by Galactus and was entirely okay, if that ship had dropped on him he'd wake up and just push it off himself or something

and if I remember correctly he didn't even try to fry Algrim at all like wtf

Loki's magic is pretty limited to his illusions in the movies whereas Comic Loki has a vast amount of magic powers at his control

No need for silly little alien sticks

Its all pretty aggravating but i think i know why they depowered our boys. Pretty sure so that guys like Tony and Cap can be on a similar power level as Thor and Loki. So Thor doesnt look like hes completely unbeatable and to keep Loki out of Villain Sue territory (which if he had his full power level, he would look just like that in the MCU). Loki's powers are ridiculous and seem to come as the plot demands. Thor can withstand just about anything ever including time travel weirdness and basically being gored. MCU probably thought that was just too much awesome for the rest of the Verse to live up to.

Its annoying as all shit, but i get the why. D:

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The comics can still handle Thor and Hawkeye being on the same team
It's just a matter of playing up to each character's strengths
Reducing the power difference didn't really make things any more interesting imo

the animated movie they made about planet hulk is actually pretty good

but i want more dammit

read the comics 5 more times

that's what I do when I'm like

"man I really want to see that epic fight between 3 thors and a god butcher"

just read Thor: GoT like

10 more times

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World War Hulk was horrible, lbr. It was pretty much some Hulk fanatic's wet dream, to see Hulk beat the shit out of everyone (semi-unprovoked, too) and stay unbeaten forever.

It was DISGUSTING. Besides stupid, that is.

I so want to read Walt Simonson's run on Thor, but I never managed to find a good BR version.

Why BR? Your English is good enough.

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