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Its all pretty aggravating but i think i know why they depowered our boys. Pretty sure so that guys like Tony and Cap can be on a similar power level as Thor and Loki. So Thor doesnt look like hes completely unbeatable and to keep Loki out of Villain Sue territory (which if he had his full power level, he would look just like that in the MCU). Loki's powers are ridiculous and seem to come as the plot demands. Thor can withstand just about anything ever including time travel weirdness and basically being gored. MCU probably thought that was just too much awesome for the rest of the Verse to live up to.

Its annoying as all shit, but i get the why. D:

Ah yes, a practice of crossover works...

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Why BR? Your English is good enough.

The language is far from being the issue here. It's just that I remember it being so damn nice to read in BR, it would bring back some memories.


Hope you'll find one sometimes soon

Simonson's run is pretty fucking great

Damn right, I heard some things about it and dayunm

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The language is far from being the issue here. It's just that I remember it being so damn nice to read in BR, it would bring back some memories.

Ahhhh, okay then, good luck. Enjoy reading about space horse and Thor's adventures in BR.

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Ah yes, a practice of crossover works...

It's not really crossover if the Avengers are all Marvel universe and the team is very prominent within the universe

When written well Thor can do his god thing and Hawkeye can do his arrow thing and both will still contribute

Hawkeye can do things that only Hawkeye can do and Thor can do Thor things it's all a matter of writing, circumstance, and knowing how to work with these characters

Edited by Thor Odinson
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It's not really crossover if the Avengers are all Marvel universe and the team is very prominent within the universe

I know that is the case for the movies, but was that also the case with their comics? I know some of them appeared in comics before "The Avengers" were a thing, but did they also appeared in each other's series and stuff...? If not, then it is a case of crossover, even if they come from the same author/company/etc.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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It's not really crossover if the Avengers are all Marvel universe and the team is very prominent within the universe

When written well Thor can do his god thing and Hawkeye can do his arrow thing and both will still contribute

Hawkeye can do things that only Hawkeye can do and Thor can do Thor things it's all a matter of writing, circumstance, and knowing how to work with these characters

Its asking too much for these MCU jokers to actually think about this kind of stuff. :V

I think if we got Not-Whedon who sacrifices making sense for sharp banter and some people who understand nuance, we could have a balance without sacrificing power levels.

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Let's be real though, for all your hate of Whedon and whatever, these are the only legit good Marvel movies we've gotten in the past three decades of attempts at superhero movies.

EDIT: Or four decades. My mind still thinks I'm in the early 2000s sometimes.

Edited by Nightmare
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Let's be real though, for all your hate of Whedon and whatever, these are the only legit good Marvel movies we've gotten in the past three decades of attempts at superhero movies.


generation x was awesome

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I don't hate Whedon

I think he does write Iron Man well even if he favors Tony a bit too much

And he writes Bruce well

I just don't think he's cut out to write Thor

Just in the Avengers he had a really out of character line for Thor as a shot at cheap humor that Chris Hemsworth wasn't comfortable with

But he had to do it because it wasn't his call

I know that is the case for the movies, but was that also the case with their comics? I know some of them appeared in comics before "The Avengers" were a thing, but did they also appeared in each other's series and stuff...? If not, then it is a case of crossover, even if they come from the same author/company/etc.


Avengers is a team book since the 60s

even on not team time they chill out in each other's books all the time

It's the same universe/world etc

Thor beat up Tony once 3 issues into his volume 3 for making an evil clone of him and that evil clone killed Thor's friend when the real Thor's dead

and then also in Thor's own book (issue 600 IIRC) he shut down global media signals for 1 minute using frying powers to honor Captain America who was dead at the time and the media was being disrespecful on his one year death anniversary

And this was just in 1 volume of Thor

They hang out allllllll the time

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Let's be real though, for all your hate of Whedon and whatever, these are the only legit good Marvel movies we've gotten in the past three decades of attempts at superhero movies.

I dont hate him, i just think he puts too much focus on edgy dialogue. The Avengers movie was gr9 and he wrote it. Whedon is good with ensemble casts too. However, he falls flat with more focused stories and thats why Thor 2 is a big fucking mess when it comes to its plot.

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generation x was awesome

OKAY FINE. I'll give you that one. But none of the big names.

I dont hate him, i just think he puts too much focus on edgy dialogue. The Avengers movie was gr9 and he wrote it. Whedon is good with ensemble casts too. However, he falls flat with more focused stories and thats why Thor 2 is a big fucking mess when it comes to its plot.

Whedon's involvement with Thor 2 was really incidental, though. He just rewrote a couple scenes that weren't working (if I have my facts correctly). The problems with Thor 2 all fall on the original team, I'm afraid.

I also wouldn't call it edgy dialogue, but more...witty dialogue. I really appreciate him for that though. Great dialogue (and also monologue/narration) is one of the things I move out of bed for.

Edited by Nightmare
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While the original team definitely wasn't faultless, from what I gathered from the insider info I had, Whedon's rewrites did less even less favors and the script was fine (or as fine as Thor 2's would've been, anyway, it's not like Whedon actually fixed the Malekith issues) the way it is before

Humor is great but when it's at the expense of the integrity of the character

Thor would never have said "He's adopted"

he loves Loki too much for that

And it just contributed to much of the Loki fandom already mischaracterising Thor and villifying the shit out of him

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Avengers is a team book since the 60s

even on not team time they chill out in each other's books all the time

It's the same universe/world etc

Thor beat up Tony once 3 issues into his volume 3 for making an evil clone of him and that evil clone killed Thor's friend when the real Thor's dead

and then also in Thor's own book (issue 600 IIRC) he shut down global media signals for 1 minute using frying powers to honor Captain America who was dead at the time and the media was being disrespecful on his one year death anniversary

And this was just in 1 volume of Thor

They hang out allllllll the time

Okay, I see. I guess it's just how I interpret "crossover". Same universe isn't enough to cross that possibility out of two or more works if it turns out they never interact. Ah well, what matters is that for this case it's not that train of thought.

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I also wouldn't call it edgy dialogue, but more...witty dialogue.

Theres a reason i cant stand stuff like Buffy. Cuz after awhile it becomes less witty and more...catty. Plus plots got fucking stupid in that series. Theres a market for this and thats fine. Sometimes, it gets heavy handed. There is one thing i really appreciate Whedon for though and thats his understanding of what a female audience wants without sacrificing what a male audience likes seeing and combining the two. The Avengers was beautiful in this regard, and had it not been for Whedon, it wouldnt have been so successful and hit that sweet spot.

I think he does write Iron Man well even if he favors Tony a bit too much

And he writes Bruce well

I just don't think he's cut out to write Thor

Just in the Avengers he had a really out of character line for Thor as a shot at cheap humor that Chris Hemsworth wasn't comfortable with

But he had to do it because it wasn't his call

Whedon loves his snark. Definitely. He also loves Natasha for that reason.

Hey...which line is it?


Thor would never have said "He's adopted"

he loves Loki too much for that

And it just contributed to much of the Loki fandom already mischaracterising Thor and villifying the shit out of him











Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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OKAY FINE. I'll give you that one. But none of the big names.

generation x is so bad it's good

what about that dr strange movie

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Floflo is to the Loki fandom what I am to the Kingdom Hearts fandom

we don't like to speak of those fandoms

I love Loki. I love that character with all my heart. I love Tom Hiddleston's portrayal of that character. I love Loki nigh unconditionally actually.

But i cannot stand the inner fandom of Loki and even the inner fandom of The Tom. Hiddleston's fandom treats him like an object and ugggghh.

I also have a huuuuuge berserk button with the Loki fandom. Those chucklefuck fangirls who think Marvel's Loki and the Loki of mythology are the same creature.


Do they post Loki gifs everywhere like you?

Bite me.

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Humor is great but when it's at the expense of the integrity of the character

Thor would never have said "He's adopted"

he loves Loki too much for that

That was too funny for me to care about character integrity, tbqh.

Theres a reason i cant stand stuff like Buffy. Cuz after awhile it becomes less witty and more...catty. Plus plots got fucking stupid in that series. Theres a market for this and thats fine. Sometimes, it gets heavy handed. There is one thing i really appreciate Whedon for though and thats his understanding of what a female audience wants without sacrificing what a male audience likes seeing and combining the two. The Avengers was beautiful in this regard, and had it not been for Whedon, it wouldnt have been so successful and hit that sweet spot.

Probably could be that his well dries as a project of his goes on for too long (and I wouldn't necessary blame him for that, could be studio stuff, etc.). But still, with one time/short things like Avengers, Dr. Horrible, Firefly, etc. his dialogue is super.

generation x is so bad it's good

what about that dr strange movie

The animated one? Because that one sucks balls.

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Just wondering.


Also they are worse about it and post gifs followed by smut. Google can be terrifying...



Oh whats that?

Probably could be that his well dries as a project of his goes on for too long (and I wouldn't necessary blame him for that, could be studio stuff, etc.). But still, with one time/short things like Avengers, Dr. Horrible, Firefly, etc. his dialogue is super.

Moffat has the same weaknesses as Whedon to the point where i often think they share a brain. Whedon's strengths are quite mighty. His weaknesses can be quite jarring.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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Thor is my baby so character integrity above all

It's just when you look at everything Thor has done for Loki in the character's history it was incredibly cheap and I'm sure he could've put in something actually funny with Thor that doesn't compromise his character

Edited by Thor Odinson
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