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I realise that you may be referencing me, so I figure I would state that it was never my intention to ask for a solution more so than an actual enquiry on how we could possible make things better.

otherwise, lel at everything

Actually i was referring to the one who replied to Makaze's post but ok. The thing is, stop mansplaining and start bloody listening. Im pretty done with excuses and you lot should know by now, im not unsympathetic to men's issues. Like i said, im usually the first to point out when a feminist group is crying wolf about a situation. When you see me railing about something like this, its a pretty big goddamn red flag.




Why did i feel like vomiting when i saw that guy's video? Usually, i feel something resembling pity for mass shooters. Pity and a sense of shame that our world has come to this. But this time, i wanted to fucking leave the planet.

start actually listening to women might be a good start.


Equality is something that's fucking complicated and everyone needs to start doing but not everyone knows how to start.

It starts with like i said to Neal yesterday: Observation. Thats the key. To begin, one must observe.

Equality and sexism is a two-way street. I completely agree that women get the short end of the stick in many, many cases. There are entire societies where women are still disadvantaged and double standards that are completely unfair to women and even life threatening. But I'm also sure there are some women who act like only men would ever commit crimes and all men are capable of horrible crimes against women, and if a women ever does anything wrong she was abused or something.

Basically, the entire world needs to fuck off and be started from scratch.

Yeah theres that icky double standard everywhere and omg i hate that shit.

Since we can't expect that to happen any time soon we need to think about things we can actually do to make the world a better place on the day to day.

You certainly are trying pretty hard to get senpai to notice you.

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Actually i was referring to the one who replied to Makaze's post but ok. The thing is, stop mansplaining and start bloody listening. Im pretty done with excuses and you lot should know by now, im not unsympathetic to men's issues. Like i said, im usually the first to point out when a feminist group is crying wolf about a situation. When you see me railing about something like this, its a pretty big goddamn red flag.




Why did i feel like vomiting when i saw that guy's video? Usually, i feel something resembling pity for mass shooters. Pity and a sense of shame that our world has come to this. But this time, i wanted to fucking leave the planet.


It starts with like i said to Neal yesterday: Observation. Thats the key. To begin, one must observe.

Yeah theres that icky double standard everywhere and omg i hate that shit.

You certainly are trying pretty hard to get senpai to notice you.

Is it working?

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My patience with dondon is high.

This is a good thing.

Totally not trying to convince myself or anything.

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i just go back and make dragons happen in photoshop

I should probably finish that Ragnar Lothbrok sprite i started but meh...effort.

What kind of dragons? Awesome ones? Cute ones? Ones that eat the souls of the damned?

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one that lived in a castle for about 20 years chasing butterflies and leaving dead smaller mammals on the carpet as presents and one day its owner came home and it CRASHED THROUGH THE FUCKING WALL because the GATE IS FOR LOSERS

yeah i wrote the MAJESTIC MOUNT of the main lord into a fucking cat

I have to animate 50+ frames of this baby oh maaan at least i'm using photoshop i can cheat with layers

Edited by Thor Odinson
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one that lived in a castle for about 20 years chasing butterflies and leaving dead smaller mammals on the carpet as presents and one day its owner came home and it CRASHED THROUGH THE FUCKING WALL because the GATE IS FOR LOSERS

yeah i wrote the MAJESTIC MOUNT of the main lord into a fucking cat

I have to animate 50+ frames of this baby oh maaan at least i'm using photoshop i can cheat with layers

sounds amazing actually.

Im guessing 50+ frames is a fucking lot and super hard mode.

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the animation in question is actually not very catlike

but it'll be in the game anyway so

I don't know if Astra wants me to post it or he wants to keep it confidential until August but hey, august


but i made a joke in chat about it sleeping under the convoy wagon so have a quick sketch of that

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Am I underleveled?

Because I'm battling Adachi and my team is just level 62-63...

The Internet says average is something like lvl. 75 by then.

Maybe I didn't grind enough...

For some reason, though, he seems easier than Namatame...

I mean, I've done half his HP with minimal damage...

Uh-oh, I beat him, but now a second boss... *sigh*

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Hahaha, Captain Picard Day, how nice...

June 16? Hey, that's not too long the wait. I should probably go on a TNG marathon that day with Picard-centric episodes or something...

Ahahahaha LOL, a while ago I was thinking about calling my mom and telling her to bring something for dinner. Since I had no way to call her I just figured it wouldn't be tonight. Turns out, she arrived bringing for dinner exactly what I had wanted to ask her for (hot dogs)... hahaha, psychic!

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anyway less angry things more funny things

because we could all do with a laugh





Equality and sexism is a two-way street. I completely agree that women get the short end of the stick in many, many cases. There are entire societies where women are still disadvantaged and double standards that are completely unfair to women and even life threatening. But I'm also sure there are some women who act like only men would ever commit crimes and all men are capable of horrible crimes against women, and if a women ever does anything wrong she was abused or something.

Basically, the entire world needs to fuck off and be started from scratch.

Did some of us lie that society sucks?

Since we can't expect that to happen any time soon we need to think about things we can actually do to make the world a better place on the day to day.


best post in the last few pages

...And to think now I know where he gets all his Charisma from.

Am I underleveled?

Because I'm battling Adachi and my team is just level 62-63...

The Internet says average is something like lvl. 75 by then.

Maybe I didn't grind enough...

For some reason, though, he seems easier than Namatame...

I mean, I've done half his HP with minimal damage...

Uh-oh, I beat him, but now a second boss... *sigh*

Adachi is meant to be fun to fight. But...Amuno is another story.

Hahaha, Captain Picard Day, how nice...

June 16? Hey, that's not too long the wait. I should probably go on a TNG marathon that day with Picard-centric episodes or something...

Heh heh heh...

It outta be good! :D

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Well, time for me to head to sleep. Bye.



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I get like 90% of his HP down and theeeen I lose.

Ima just be grinding for money and EXP for the next two in-game days.

I did so well for being underleveled, too... :<

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I get like 90% of his HP down and theeeen I lose.

What happened, Neal?

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