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something is not like the other in this sentence

whateverevereveresteverever do you mean ^__^

Impossible... well, maybe not but, to abuse the analogy, rather than eating, he was probably being bulimic or something. I guess I can't swear to it, but I thought I watched large swaths of episodes in modestly quick succession. Because once the drama's got you tight in its grip, it's hard to get away.

Also, don't coddle him, Jenni. :(

bulimic, aha. well TE also marathonned LoGH. i guess the drama just didn't grip Neal :/

i don't know why he wants to please Cris so much. Cris is taken

ooh i can't seem to help it :o i need to refrain huh.


your love for doce de leite

Was it too violent? Or was it the tension from the homoerotic vibe at the end of the episode?

[spoiler=logh 63]oooh haha i almost forgot about manly Mashengo saving Julian!!!

hmm tension and emotion from all the drama and action. learning that the church DRUGS its followers to become disposable pawns. Julian and co taking in some of the drugs everyday... i almost thought one of them actually would go crazy. and then the timing of the imperial fleet. all the fighting... the way the cultists had no fear. even the soldiers were freaked out and annoyed. and then all those contraptions they had, explosions, gas, letting the water in... those people leading the earth church are absolutely despicable. and there were times i almost thought one of them (Julian, Poplan co) would die. and the final scene, the whole HQ buried by mountains. i don't even know how to describe my feelings right now. it's like I'm just so shocked, and can't believe it all

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[spoiler=tonton fails at logging logh 73]this episode was actually good, I was expecting less since the previous episodes had major events ending

Rebello's last moments were one of his best

the contrast of reinhard forgiving the regicides and punishing without pity rebello's murderers was great

also can you see why i don't do this now

your love for doce de leite

It's called common sense


this is beautiful

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aww but... ok


b-but isn't money tight for you... i suppose there might be some decent second-hand cars? ;n;

yay someone who supports my fujoshi

It is, which is why I've only been looking for second-hand cars. Although it's a bit hard to find out if they're any good since I know jack about cars. And getting my brother to go with me is almost more trouble than it's worth .-.

Fujoshi all day every day

/me huggus Kon

There there.

Praying for ye.

Thank you ;u;

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Isn't there always, though?

It doesn't have to be set in stone.

But if Neal wants to change things, he needs to figure out by himself why what he posts annoy people and learn to stop doing it.

[spoiler=tonton fails at logging logh 73]this episode was actually good, I was expecting less since the previous episodes had major events ending

Rebello's last moments were one of his best

the contrast of reinhard forgiving the regicides and punishing without pity rebello's murderers was great

also can you see why i don't do this now

this is beautiful

Actually, you should continue like that.

I have something even more beautiful, but it is only for when Chalis comes back. ;___;

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oh man it's OldMan's birthday

happy birthday dude

if you need help with blowing out your birthday candles I'll help you


do you want to get older faster

see, Tonton inherited from TE


I'm sorry... LoGH is getting so tense. it's... making me speechless. ep63. my eyes got teary and i semi-cried. not from sadness, but because of HOLY SHIT.


jenni stop

didn't i tell you it was the best season

I was so uninvested in LoGH, I didn't have any feels. :(

we noticed

Impossible... well, maybe not but, to abuse the analogy, rather than eating, he was probably being bulimic or something. I guess I can't swear to it, but I thought I watched large swaths of episodes in modestly quick succession. Because once the drama's got you tight in its grip, it's hard to get away.

Also, don't coddle him, Jenni. :(

the doctor is correct

on both accounts

Because Kiseki is fun.

hey neal

how about you say that "kiseki is fun" when you've finished at least 2-3 games of the series

I think it's more because I wasn't watching LoGH for the sake of watching LoGh. I was watching LoGH because I wanted the approval of someone who wanted me to watch LoGH.


TheEnd will love this.

He'll whitelist me permanently. :(

But of course.

technically i already knew

i don't know why he wants to please Cris so much. Cris is taken

oh you
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bulimic, aha. well TE also marathonned LoGH. i guess the drama just didn't grip Neal :/

i don't know why he wants to please Cris so much. Cris is taken

Because TE is... TE.

...Actually, I don't even know.

Good job. You just got another user to quote your confession, so you can't delete the evidence.


There's a discrepancy between what you want and what you post.


It's true, though. :<

Why would I want to be whitelined?

That emoji is amazing.

It doesn't have to be set in stone.

But if Neal wants to change things, he needs to figure out by himself why what he posts annoy people and learn to stop doing it.

I don't LoGH enough?

we noticed

hey neal

how about you say that "kiseki is fun" when you've finished at least 2-3 games of the series

technically i already knew

I should have never made that a goal. ;n;

It's sorta hard when I'm juggling SC, Sen, and Korean Zero + Zero Evo simultane- I mean, I'm concentrating on SC, of course.

Please understan- *shot*

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Because TE is... TE.

...Actually, I don't even know.

stop crushing on me

It's true, though. :<

Why would I want to be whitelined?

maso, etc.

I should have never made that a goal. ;n;

It's sorta hard when I'm juggling SC, Sen, and Korean Zero + Zero Evo simultane- I mean, I'm concentrating on SC, of course.

Please understan- *shot*

it was a highly misguided goal


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stop crushing on me

maso, etc.

it was a highly misguided goal


I'm not crushing on you. :> :<

Besides, you're already taken.

That's not it at all. :/

It was.

And now I'm suffering the consequences.

I'll try playing SC only now.

Unless I'm in the bathroom.

Then maybe I'll bring my Vita and play Zero or Sen.

Because I can't take my laptop to the bathroom.

i wonder if neal tried to watch multiple logh episodes at the same time

I didn't go that far.

I did think about watching at x2 speed, but I decided against it.

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I'm not crushing on you. :> :<

Besides, you're already taken.

That's not it at all. :/

It was.

And now I'm suffering the consequences.

I'll try playing SC only now.

Unless I'm in the bathroom.

Then maybe I'll bring my Vita and play Zero or Sen.

Because I can't take my laptop to the bathroom.

I didn't go that far.

I did think about watching at x2 speed, but I decided against it.

watching logh at 2x speed

watching logh at 2x speed

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